Source code for qiskit_experiments.curve_analysis.standard_analysis.error_amplification_analysis

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"""Error amplification analysis."""

from typing import List, Union, Optional

import lmfit
import numpy as np

import qiskit_experiments.curve_analysis as curve

[docs] class ErrorAmplificationAnalysis(curve.CurveAnalysis): r"""Error amplification analysis class based on a fit to a cosine function. # section: fit_model Analyse an error amplifying calibration experiment by fitting the data to a cosine function. The user must also specify the intended rotation angle per gate, here labeled, :math:`{\rm apg}`. The parameter of interest in the fit is the deviation from the intended rotation angle per gate labeled :math:`{\rm d}\theta`. The fit function is .. math:: y = \frac{{\rm amp}}{2}\cos\left(x[{\rm d}\theta + {\rm apg} ] \ -{\rm phase\_offset}\right)+{\rm base} To understand how the error is measured we can transformed the function above into .. math:: y = \frac{{\rm amp}}{2} \left(\ \cos\right({\rm d}\theta \cdot x\left)\ \cos\right({\rm apg} \cdot x - {\rm phase\_offset}\left) -\ \sin\right({\rm d}\theta \cdot x\left)\ \sin\right({\rm apg} \cdot x - {\rm phase\_offset}\left) \right) + {\rm base} When :math:`{\rm apg} \cdot x - {\rm phase\_offset} = (2n + 1) \pi/2` is satisfied the fit model above simplifies to .. math:: y = \mp \frac{{\rm amp}}{2} \sin\left({\rm d}\theta \cdot x\right) + {\rm base} In the limit :math:`{\rm d}\theta \ll 1`, the error can be estimated from the curve data .. math:: {\rm d}\theta \simeq \mp \frac{2(y - {\rm base})}{x \cdot {\rm amp}} # section: fit_parameters defpar \rm amp: desc: Amplitude of the oscillation. init_guess: The maximum y value less the minimum y value. bounds: [-2, 2] scaled to the maximum signal value. defpar \rm base: desc: Base line. init_guess: The average of the data. bounds: [-1, 1] scaled to the maximum signal value. defpar d\theta: desc: The angle offset in the gate that we wish to measure. init_guess: Multiple initial guesses are tried ranging from -a to a where a is given by :code:`max(abs(angle_per_gate), np.pi / 2)`. Extra guesses are added based on curve data when either :math:`\rm amp` or :math:`\rm base` is :math:`\pi/2`. See fit model for details. bounds: [-0.8 pi, 0.8 pi]. The bounds do not include plus and minus pi since these values often correspond to symmetry points of the fit function. Furthermore, this type of analysis is intended for values of :math:`d\theta` close to zero. """ def __init__( self, name: Optional[str] = None, ): super().__init__( models=[ lmfit.models.ExpressionModel( expr="amp / 2 * cos((d_theta + angle_per_gate) * x - phase_offset) + base", name="ping_pong", ) ], name=name, ) @classmethod def _default_options(cls): r"""Return the default analysis options. See :meth:`~qiskit_experiment.curve_analysis.CurveAnalysis._default_options` for descriptions of analysis options. Analysis Options: max_good_angle_error (float): The maximum angle error for which the fit is considered as good. Defaults to :math:`\pi/2`. """ default_options = super()._default_options() default_options.plotter.set_figure_options( xlabel="Number of gates (n)", ylabel="Population", ylim=(0, 1.0), ) default_options.result_parameters = ["d_theta"] default_options.max_good_angle_error = np.pi / 2 return default_options def _generate_fit_guesses( self, user_opt: curve.FitOptions, curve_data: curve.ScatterTable, ) -> Union[curve.FitOptions, List[curve.FitOptions]]: """Create algorithmic initial fit guess from analysis options and curve data. Args: user_opt: Fit options filled with user provided guess and bounds. curve_data: Formatted data collection to fit. Returns: List of fit options that are passed to the fitter function. """ fixed_params = self.options.fixed_parameters max_abs_y, _ = curve.guess.max_height(curve_data.y, absolute=True) max_y, min_y = np.max(curve_data.y), np.min(curve_data.y) user_opt.bounds.set_if_empty( d_theta=(-0.8 * np.pi, 0.8 * np.pi), base=(-max_abs_y, max_abs_y) ) user_opt.p0.set_if_empty(base=(max_y + min_y) / 2) if "amp" in user_opt.p0: user_opt.p0.set_if_empty(amp=max_y - min_y) user_opt.bounds.set_if_empty(amp=(0, 2 * max_abs_y)) amp = user_opt.p0["amp"] else: # Fixed parameter amp = fixed_params.get("amp", 1.0) # Base the initial guess on the intended angle_per_gate and phase offset. apg = user_opt.p0.get("angle_per_gate", fixed_params.get("angle_per_gate", 0.0)) phi = user_opt.p0.get("phase_offset", fixed_params.get("phase_offset", 0.0)) # Prepare logical guess for specific condition (often satisfied) d_theta_guesses = [] offsets = apg * curve_data.x + phi for i in range(curve_data.x.size): xi = curve_data.x[i] yi = curve_data.y[i] if np.isclose(offsets[i] % np.pi, np.pi / 2) and xi > 0: # Condition satisfied: i.e. cos(apg x - phi) = 0 err = -np.sign(np.sin(offsets[i])) * (yi - user_opt.p0["base"]) / (0.5 * amp) # Validate estimate. This is just the first order term of Maclaurin expansion. if np.abs(err) < 0.5: d_theta_guesses.append(err / xi) else: # Terminate guess generation because larger d_theta x will start to # reduce net y value and underestimate the rotation. break # Add naive guess for more coverage guess_range = max(abs(apg), np.pi / 2) d_theta_guesses.extend(np.linspace(-guess_range, guess_range, 11)) options = [] for d_theta_guess in d_theta_guesses: new_opt = user_opt.copy() new_opt.p0.set_if_empty(d_theta=d_theta_guess) options.append(new_opt) return options def _evaluate_quality(self, fit_data: curve.CurveFitResult) -> Union[str, None]: """Algorithmic criteria for whether the fit is good or bad. A good fit has: - a reduced chi-squared lower than three and greater than zero, - a measured angle error that is smaller than the allowed maximum good angle error. This quantity is set in the analysis options. """ fit_d_theta = fit_data.ufloat_params["d_theta"] criteria = [ 0 < fit_data.reduced_chisq < 3, abs(fit_d_theta.nominal_value) < abs(self.options.max_good_angle_error), ] if all(criteria): return "good" return "bad"