Source code for qiskit_experiments.curve_analysis.curve_data

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2021.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
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Curve data classes.
import dataclasses
import itertools
from typing import Any, Dict, Union, List, Tuple, Optional, Iterable

import numpy as np
import uncertainties
from uncertainties.unumpy import uarray

from qiskit_experiments.exceptions import AnalysisError

[docs] class CurveFitResult: """Result of Qiskit Experiment curve analysis.""" def __init__( self, method: Optional[str] = None, model_repr: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, success: Optional[bool] = True, nfev: Optional[int] = None, message: Optional[str] = "", dof: Optional[float] = None, init_params: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None, chisq: Optional[float] = None, reduced_chisq: Optional[float] = None, aic: Optional[float] = None, bic: Optional[float] = None, params: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None, var_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, x_data: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, y_data: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, weighted_residuals: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, residuals: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, covar: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ): """Create new Qiskit curve analysis result object. Args: method: A name of fitting algorithm used for the curve fitting. model_repr: String representation of fit functions of each curve. success: True when the fitting is successfully performed. nfev: Number of fit function evaluation until the solution is obtained. message: Any message from the fitting software. dof: Degree of freedom in this fitting, i.e. number of free parameters. init_params: Initial parameters provided to the fitter. chisq: Chi-squared value. reduced_chisq: Reduced Chi-squared value. aic: Akaike's information criterion. bic: Bayesian information criterion. params: Estimated fitting parameters keyed on the parameter names in the fit function. var_names: Name of variables, i.e. fixed parameters are excluded from the list. x_data: X values used for the fitting. y_data: Y values used for the fitting. weighted_residuals: The residuals from the fitting after assigning weights for each ydata. residuals: residuals of the fitted model. covar: Covariance matrix of fitting variables. """ self.method = method self.model_repr = model_repr self.success = success self.nfev = nfev self.message = message self.dof = dof self.init_params = init_params self.chisq = chisq self.reduced_chisq = reduced_chisq self.aic = aic self.bic = bic self.params = params self.var_names = var_names self.x_data = x_data self.y_data = y_data self.weighted_residuals = weighted_residuals self.residuals = residuals self.covar = covar @property def x_range(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Range of x_data values.""" return min(self.x_data), max(self.x_data) @property def y_range(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Range of y_data values.""" return min(self.y_data), max(self.y_data) @property def ufloat_params(self) -> Dict[str, uncertainties.UFloat]: """UFloat representation of fit parameters.""" if hasattr(self, "_ufloat_params"): # Return cache return getattr(self, "_ufloat_params") if self.params is None: ufloat_params = None else: if self.covar is not None: ufloat_fitvals = uncertainties.correlated_values( nom_values=[self.params[name] for name in self.var_names], covariance_mat=self.covar, tags=self.var_names, ) else: # Invalid covariance matrix. Std dev is set to nan, i.e. not computed. with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"): # Setting std_devs to NaN will trigger floating point exceptions # which we can ignore. See ufloat_fitvals = uarray( nominal_values=[self.params[name] for name in self.var_names], std_devs=np.full(len(self.var_names), np.nan), ) # Combine fixed params and fitting variables into a single dictionary # Fixed parameter has zero std_dev ufloat_params = {} for name in self.params.keys(): try: uind = self.var_names.index(name) ufloat_params[name] = ufloat_fitvals[uind] except ValueError: ufloat_params[name] = uncertainties.ufloat(self.params[name], std_dev=0.0) setattr(self, "_ufloat_params", ufloat_params) return ufloat_params @property def correl(self): """Correlation matrix of fit parameters.""" if hasattr(self, "_correl"): # Return cache return getattr(self, "_correl") if self.covar is not None: # This is how uncertainties computes correlation matrix stdevs = np.sqrt(np.diag(self.covar)) correl = self.covar / stdevs / stdevs[:, np.newaxis] else: correl = None setattr(self, "_correl", correl) return correl def __str__(self): ret = "CurveFitResult:" ret += f"\n - fitting method: {self.method}" ret += f"\n - number of sub-models: {len(self.model_repr)}" for model_name, model_expr in self.model_repr.items(): if len(model_expr) > 60: model_expr = f"{model_expr[:60]}..." ret += f"\n * F_{model_name}(x) = {model_expr}" ret += f"\n - success: {self.success}" ret += f"\n - number of function evals: {self.nfev}" ret += f"\n - degree of freedom: {self.dof}" ret += f"\n - chi-square: {self.chisq}" ret += f"\n - reduced chi-square: {self.reduced_chisq}" ret += f"\n - Akaike info crit.: {self.aic}" ret += f"\n - Bayesian info crit.: {self.bic}" if self.init_params is not None: ret += "\n - init params:" for name, value in self.init_params.items(): ret += f"\n * {name} = {value}" if self.ufloat_params is not None: ret += "\n - fit params:" for name, param in self.ufloat_params.items(): if np.isfinite(param.std_dev): ret += f"\n * {name} = {param.nominal_value} ± {param.std_dev}" else: ret += f"\n * {name} = {param.nominal_value}" if self.correl is not None: ret += "\n - correlations:" correlated = {} for pi, pj in itertools.combinations(range(len(self.var_names)), 2): correlated[(pi, pj)] = self.correl[pi, pj] for (pi, pj), corr in sorted(correlated.items(), key=lambda item: item[1]): ret += f"\n * ({self.var_names[pi]}, {self.var_names[pj]}) = {corr}" return ret def __copy__(self): instance = CurveFitResult(**self.__json_encode__()) # Copying ufloat invalidate parameter correlation. # Note that ufloat object has `self._linear_part.linear_combo` dictionary # to store parameter correlation keyed on the ufloat objects. # Copying the ufloat object may change object id, which is the identifier # of ufloat value, thus it invalidates the `linear_combo` dictionary. # To avoid missing correlation, the copy invalidate ufloat parameter object cache. return instance def __deepcopy__(self, memo): return self.__copy__() def __json_encode__(self): return { "method": self.method, "model_repr": self.model_repr, "success": self.success, "nfev": self.nfev, "message": self.message, "dof": self.dof, "init_params": self.init_params, "chisq": self.chisq, "reduced_chisq": self.reduced_chisq, "aic": self.aic, "bic": self.bic, "params": self.params, "var_names": self.var_names, "x_data": self.x_data, "y_data": self.y_data, "covar": self.covar, } @classmethod def __json_decode__(cls, value): return cls(**value)
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass class ParameterRepr: """Detailed description of fitting parameter. Attributes: name: Original name of the fit parameter being defined in the fit model. repr: Optional. Human-readable parameter name shown in the analysis result and in the figure. unit: Optional. Physical unit of this parameter if applicable. """ # Fitter argument name name: str # Unicode representation repr: Optional[str] = None # Unit unit: Optional[str] = None
class OptionsDict(dict): """General extended dictionary for fit options. This dictionary provides several extra features. - A value setting method which validates the dict key and value. - Dictionary keys are limited to those specified in the constructor as ``parameters``. """ def __init__( self, parameters: List[str], defaults: Optional[Union[Iterable[Any], Dict[str, Any]]] = None, ): """Create new dictionary. Args: parameters: List of parameter names used in the fit model. defaults: Default values. Raises: AnalysisError: When defaults is provided as array-like but the number of element doesn't match with the number of fit parameters. """ if defaults is not None: if not isinstance(defaults, dict): if len(defaults) != len(parameters): raise AnalysisError( f"Default parameter {defaults} is provided with array-like " "but the number of element doesn't match. " f"This fit requires {len(parameters)} parameters." ) defaults = dict(zip(parameters, defaults)) full_options = {p: self.format(defaults.get(p, None)) for p in parameters} else: full_options = {p: None for p in parameters} super().__init__(**full_options) def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Set value with validations. Raises: AnalysisError: When key is not previously defined. """ if key not in self: raise AnalysisError(f"Parameter {key} is not defined in this fit model.") super().__setitem__(key, self.format(value)) def __hash__(self): return hash(tuple(sorted(self.items()))) def set_if_empty(self, **kwargs): """Set value to the dictionary if not assigned. Args: kwargs: Key and new value to assign. """ for key, value in kwargs.items(): if self.get(key) is None: self[key] = value @staticmethod def format(value: Any) -> Any: """Format dictionary value. Subclasses may override this method to provide their own validation. Args: value: New value to assign. Returns: Formatted value. """ return value class InitialGuesses(OptionsDict): """Dictionary providing a float validation for initial guesses.""" @staticmethod def format(value: Any) -> Optional[float]: """Validate that value is float a float or None. Args: value: New value to assign. Returns: Formatted value. Raises: AnalysisError: When value is not a float or None. """ if value is None: return None try: return float(value) except (TypeError, ValueError) as ex: raise AnalysisError(f"Input value {value} is not valid initial guess. ") from ex class Boundaries(OptionsDict): """Dictionary providing a validation for boundaries.""" @staticmethod def format(value: Any) -> Optional[Tuple[float, float]]: """Validate if value is a min-max value tuple. Args: value: New value to assign. Returns: Formatted value. Raises: AnalysisError: When value is invalid format. """ if value is None: return None try: minv, maxv = value if minv >= maxv: raise AnalysisError( f"The first value is greater than the second value {minv} >= {maxv}." ) return float(minv), float(maxv) except (TypeError, ValueError) as ex: raise AnalysisError(f"Input boundary {value} is not a min-max value tuple.") from ex # pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs] class FitOptions: """Collection of fitting options. This class is initialized with a list of parameter names used in the fit model and corresponding default values provided by users. This class is hashable, and generates fitter keyword arguments. """ def __init__( self, parameters: List[str], default_p0: Optional[Union[Iterable[float], Dict[str, float]]] = None, default_bounds: Optional[Union[Iterable[Tuple], Dict[str, Tuple]]] = None, **extra, ): # These are private members so that user cannot directly override values # without implicitly implemented validation logic. No setter will be provided. self.__p0 = InitialGuesses(parameters, default_p0) self.__bounds = Boundaries(parameters, default_bounds) self.__extra = extra def __hash__(self): return hash((self.__p0, self.__bounds, tuple(sorted(self.__extra.items())))) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, FitOptions): checks = [ self.__p0 == other.__p0, self.__bounds == other.__bounds, self.__extra == other.__extra, ] return all(checks) return False
[docs] def add_extra_options(self, **kwargs): """Add more fitter options.""" self.__extra.update(kwargs)
[docs] def copy(self): """Create copy of this option.""" return FitOptions( parameters=list(self.__p0.keys()), default_p0=dict(self.__p0), default_bounds=dict(self.__bounds), **self.__extra, )
@property def p0(self) -> InitialGuesses: """Return initial guess dictionary.""" return self.__p0 @property def bounds(self) -> Boundaries: """Return bounds dictionary.""" return self.__bounds @property def fitter_opts(self) -> Boundaries: """Return fitter options dictionary.""" return self.__extra @property def options(self): """Generate keyword arguments of the curve fitter.""" bounds = {k: v if v is not None else (-np.inf, np.inf) for k, v in self.__bounds.items()} return {"p0": dict(self.__p0), "bounds": bounds, **self.__extra}