Source code for qiskit_experiments.curve_analysis.base_curve_analysis

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Base class of curve analysis.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Dict, List, Union

import lmfit

from qiskit_experiments.data_processing import DataProcessor
from qiskit_experiments.data_processing.processor_library import get_processor
from qiskit_experiments.framework import (
from qiskit_experiments.visualization import (

from .curve_data import CurveFitResult, ParameterRepr
from .scatter_table import ScatterTable

PARAMS_ENTRY_PREFIX = "@Parameters_"

[docs] class BaseCurveAnalysis(BaseAnalysis, ABC): """Abstract superclass of curve analysis base classes. Note that this class doesn't define the :meth:`_run_analysis` method, and no actual fitting protocol is implemented in this base class. However, this class defines several common methods that can be reused. A curve analysis subclass can construct proper fitting protocol by combining following methods, i.e. subroutines. See :ref:`curve_analysis_workflow` for how these subroutines are called. Subclass must implement following methods. .. rubric:: _run_data_processing This method performs data processing and returns the processed dataset. Input data is a list of dictionaries, where each entry represents an outcome of circuit sampling along with the metadata attached to it. .. rubric:: _format_data This method consumes the processed dataset and outputs the formatted dataset. For example, this may include averaging Y values over the same X data points. .. rubric:: _run_curve_fit This method performs the fitting with the predefined fit models and the formatted dataset. This is a core functionality of the :meth:`_run_analysis` method that creates fit result objects from the formatted dataset. Optionally, a subclass may override following methods. These methods have default implementations as described below. .. rubric:: _evaluate_quality This method evaluates the quality of the fit based on the fit result. This returns "good" when reduced chi-squared is less than 3.0. Usually it returns string "good" or "bad" according to the evaluation. This criterion can be updated by subclass. .. rubric:: _run_curve_fit This method performs the fitting with predefined fit models and the formatted dataset. This method internally calls :meth:`_generate_fit_guesses` method. Note that this is a core functionality of the :meth:`_run_analysis` method, that creates fit result object from the formatted dataset. .. rubric:: _create_analysis_results This method creates analysis results for important fit parameters that might be defined by analysis options ``result_parameters``. .. rubric:: _create_figures This method creates figures by consuming the scatter table data. Figures are created when the analysis option ``plot`` is ``True``. .. rubric:: _initialize This method initializes analysis options against input experiment data. Usually this method is called before other methods are called. """ @property @abstractmethod def parameters(self) -> List[str]: """Return parameters estimated by this analysis.""" @property @abstractmethod def name(self) -> str: """Return name of this analysis.""" @property @abstractmethod def models(self) -> List[lmfit.Model]: """Return fit models.""" @property def plotter(self) -> BasePlotter: """A short-cut to the curve plotter instance.""" return self._options.plotter @classmethod def _default_options(cls) -> Options: """Return default analysis options. Analysis Options: plotter (BasePlotter): A curve plotter instance to visualize the analysis result. plot_raw_data (bool): Set ``True`` to draw processed data points, dataset without formatting, on canvas. This is ``False`` by default. plot_residuals (bool): Set ``True`` to draw the residuals data for the fitting model. This is ``False`` by default. plot (bool): Set ``True`` to create figure for fit result or ``False`` to not create a figure. This overrides the behavior of ``generate_figures``. return_fit_parameters (bool): (Deprecated) Set ``True`` to return all fit model parameters with details of the fit outcome. Default to ``False``. data_processor (Callable): A callback function to format experiment data. This can be a :class:`.DataProcessor` instance that defines the `self.__call__` method. normalization (bool): Set ``True`` to normalize y values within range [-1, 1]. Default to ``False``. average_method (Literal["sample", "iwv", "shots_weighted"]): Method to average the y values when the same x values appear multiple times. One of "sample", "iwv" (i.e. inverse weighted variance), "shots_weighted". See :func:`.mean_xy_data` for details. Default to "shots_weighted". p0 (Dict[str, float]): Initial guesses for the fit parameters. The dictionary is keyed on the fit parameter names. bounds (Dict[str, Tuple[float, float]]): Boundary of fit parameters. The dictionary is keyed on the fit parameter names and values are the tuples of (min, max) of each parameter. fit_method (str): Fit method that LMFIT minimizer uses. Default to ``least_squares`` method which implements the Trust Region Reflective algorithm to solve the minimization problem. See LMFIT documentation for available options. lmfit_options (Dict[str, Any]): Options that are passed to the LMFIT minimizer. Acceptable options depend on fit_method. x_key (str): Circuit metadata key representing a scanned value. fit_category (str): Name of dataset in the scatter table to fit. result_parameters (List[Union[str, ParameterRepr]): Parameters reported in the database as a dedicated entry. This is a list of parameter representation which is either string or ParameterRepr object. If you provide more information other than name, you can specify ``[ParameterRepr("alpha", "\u03B1", "a.u.")]`` for example. The parameter name should be defined in the series definition. Representation should be printable in standard output, i.e. no latex syntax. extra (Dict[str, Any]): A dictionary that is appended to all database entries as extra information. fixed_parameters (Dict[str, Any]): Fitting model parameters that are fixed during the curve fitting. This should be provided with default value keyed on one of the parameter names in the series definition. filter_data (Dict[str, Any]): Dictionary of experiment data metadata to filter. Experiment outcomes with metadata that matches with this dictionary are used in the analysis. If not specified, all experiment data are input to the curve fitter. By default, no filtering condition is set. data_subfit_map (Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]): The mapping of experiment result data to sub-fit models. This dictionary is keyed on the LMFIT model name, and the value is a sorting key-value pair that filters the experiment results, and the filtering is done based on the circuit metadata. """ options = super()._default_options() options.plotter = CurvePlotter(MplDrawer()) options.plot_raw_data = False options.plot_residuals = False options.return_fit_parameters = True options.data_processor = None options.normalization = False options.average_method = "shots_weighted" options.x_key = "xval" options.fit_category = "formatted" options.result_parameters = [] options.extra = {} options.fit_method = "least_squares" options.lmfit_options = {} options.p0 = {} options.bounds = {} options.fixed_parameters = {} options.filter_data = {} options.data_subfit_map = {} # Set automatic validator for particular option values options.set_validator(field="data_processor", validator_value=DataProcessor) options.set_validator(field="plotter", validator_value=BasePlotter) return options @abstractmethod def _run_data_processing( self, raw_data: List[Dict], category: str = "raw", ) -> ScatterTable: """Perform data processing from the experiment result payload. Args: raw_data: Payload in the experiment data. category: Category string of the output dataset. Returns: Processed data that will be sent to the formatter method. """ @abstractmethod def _format_data( self, curve_data: ScatterTable, category: str = "formatted", ) -> ScatterTable: """Postprocessing for preparing the fitting data. Args: curve_data: Processed dataset created from experiment results. category: Category string of the output dataset. Returns: New scatter table instance including fit data. """ @abstractmethod def _run_curve_fit( self, curve_data: ScatterTable, ) -> CurveFitResult: """Perform curve fitting on given data collection and fit models. Args: curve_data: Formatted data to fit. Returns: The best fitting outcome with minimum reduced chi-squared value. """ def _evaluate_quality( self, fit_data: CurveFitResult, ) -> Union[str, None]: """Evaluate quality of the fit result. Args: fit_data: Fit outcome. Returns: String that represents fit result quality. Usually "good" or "bad". """ if 0 < fit_data.reduced_chisq < 3.0: return "good" return "bad" def _create_analysis_results( self, fit_data: CurveFitResult, quality: str, **metadata, ) -> List[AnalysisResultData]: """Create analysis results for important fit parameters. Args: fit_data: Fit outcome. quality: Quality of fit outcome. Returns: List of analysis result data. """ outcomes = [] # Create entries for important parameters for param_repr in self.options.result_parameters: if isinstance(param_repr, ParameterRepr): p_name = p_repr = param_repr.repr or unit = param_repr.unit else: p_name = param_repr p_repr = param_repr unit = None if unit: par_metadata = metadata.copy() par_metadata["unit"] = unit else: par_metadata = metadata outcome = AnalysisResultData( name=p_repr, value=fit_data.ufloat_params[p_name], chisq=fit_data.reduced_chisq, quality=quality, extra=par_metadata, ) outcomes.append(outcome) return outcomes # pylint: disable=unused-argument def _create_curve_data( self, curve_data: ScatterTable, **metadata, ) -> List[AnalysisResultData]: """Create analysis results for raw curve data. Args: curve_data: Formatted data that is used for the fitting. Returns: List of analysis result data. """ samples = [] for model_name, sub_data in list(curve_data.dataframe.groupby("model_name")): raw_datum = AnalysisResultData( name=DATA_ENTRY_PREFIX + self.__class__.__name__, value={ "xdata": sub_data.xval.to_numpy(), "ydata": sub_data.yval.to_numpy(), "sigma": sub_data.yerr.to_numpy(), }, extra={ "name": model_name, **metadata, }, ) samples.append(raw_datum) return samples def _create_figures( self, curve_data: ScatterTable, ) -> List["matplotlib.figure.Figure"]: """Create a list of figures from the curve data. Args: curve_data: Scatter data table containing all data points. Returns: A list of figures. """ return [] def _initialize( self, experiment_data: ExperimentData, ): """Initialize curve analysis with experiment data. This method is called ahead of other processing. Args: experiment_data: Experiment data to analyze. """ # Initialize data processor # TODO move this to base analysis in follow-up data_processor = self.options.data_processor or get_processor(experiment_data, self.options) if not data_processor.is_trained: data_processor.train( self.set_options(data_processor=data_processor)