Source code for qiskit_algorithms.minimum_eigensolvers.vqe

# This code is part of a Qiskit project.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2022, 2023.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
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"""The variational quantum eigensolver algorithm."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from time import time
from import Callable
from typing import Any

import numpy as np

from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.primitives import BaseEstimator
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.base_operator import BaseOperator

from qiskit_algorithms.gradients import BaseEstimatorGradient

from ..exceptions import AlgorithmError
from ..list_or_dict import ListOrDict
from ..optimizers import Optimizer, Minimizer, OptimizerResult
from ..variational_algorithm import VariationalAlgorithm, VariationalResult
from .minimum_eigensolver import MinimumEigensolver, MinimumEigensolverResult
from ..observables_evaluator import estimate_observables
from ..utils import validate_initial_point, validate_bounds

# private function as we expect this to be updated in the next released
from ..utils.set_batching import _set_default_batchsize

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class VQE(VariationalAlgorithm, MinimumEigensolver): r"""The Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) algorithm. VQE is a hybrid quantum-classical algorithm that uses a variational technique to find the minimum eigenvalue of a given Hamiltonian operator :math:`H`. The ``VQE`` algorithm is executed using an :attr:`estimator` primitive, which computes expectation values of operators (observables). An instance of ``VQE`` also requires an :attr:`ansatz`, a parameterized :class:`.QuantumCircuit`, to prepare the trial state :math:`|\psi(\vec\theta)\rangle`. It also needs a classical :attr:`optimizer` which varies the circuit parameters :math:`\vec\theta` such that the expectation value of the operator on the corresponding state approaches a minimum, .. math:: \min_{\vec\theta} \langle\psi(\vec\theta)|H|\psi(\vec\theta)\rangle. The :attr:`estimator` is used to compute this expectation value for every optimization step. The optimizer can either be one of Qiskit's optimizers, such as :class:`~qiskit_algorithms.optimizers.SPSA` or a callable with the following signature: .. code-block:: python from qiskit_algorithms.optimizers import OptimizerResult def my_minimizer(fun, x0, jac=None, bounds=None) -> OptimizerResult: # Note that the callable *must* have these argument names! # Args: # fun (callable): the function to minimize # x0 (np.ndarray): the initial point for the optimization # jac (callable, optional): the gradient of the objective function # bounds (list, optional): a list of tuples specifying the parameter bounds result = OptimizerResult() result.x = # optimal parameters = # optimal function value return result The above signature also allows one to use any SciPy minimizer, for instance as .. code-block:: python from functools import partial from scipy.optimize import minimize optimizer = partial(minimize, method="L-BFGS-B") The following attributes can be set via the initializer but can also be read and updated once the VQE object has been constructed. Attributes: estimator (BaseEstimator): The estimator primitive to compute the expectation value of the Hamiltonian operator. ansatz (QuantumCircuit): A parameterized quantum circuit to prepare the trial state. optimizer (Optimizer | Minimizer): A classical optimizer to find the minimum energy. This can either be a Qiskit :class:`.Optimizer` or a callable implementing the :class:`.Minimizer` protocol. gradient (BaseEstimatorGradient | None): An optional estimator gradient to be used with the optimizer. callback (Callable[[int, np.ndarray, float, dict[str, Any]], None] | None): A callback that can access the intermediate data at each optimization step. These data are: the evaluation count, the optimizer parameters for the ansatz, the evaluated mean, and the metadata dictionary. References: [1]: Peruzzo, A., et al, "A variational eigenvalue solver on a quantum processor" `arXiv:1304.3061 <>`__ """ def __init__( self, estimator: BaseEstimator, ansatz: QuantumCircuit, optimizer: Optimizer | Minimizer, *, gradient: BaseEstimatorGradient | None = None, initial_point: np.ndarray | None = None, callback: Callable[[int, np.ndarray, float, dict[str, Any]], None] | None = None, ) -> None: r""" Args: estimator: The estimator primitive to compute the expectation value of the Hamiltonian operator. ansatz: A parameterized quantum circuit to prepare the trial state. optimizer: A classical optimizer to find the minimum energy. This can either be a Qiskit :class:`.Optimizer` or a callable implementing the :class:`.Minimizer` protocol. gradient: An optional estimator gradient to be used with the optimizer. initial_point: An optional initial point (i.e. initial parameter values) for the optimizer. The length of the initial point must match the number of :attr:`ansatz` parameters. If ``None``, a random point will be generated within certain parameter bounds. ``VQE`` will look to the ansatz for these bounds. If the ansatz does not specify bounds, bounds of :math:`-2\pi`, :math:`2\pi` will be used. callback: A callback that can access the intermediate data at each optimization step. These data are: the evaluation count, the optimizer parameters for the ansatz, the estimated value, and the metadata dictionary. """ super().__init__() self.estimator = estimator self.ansatz = ansatz self.optimizer = optimizer self.gradient = gradient # this has to go via getters and setters due to the VariationalAlgorithm interface self.initial_point = initial_point self.callback = callback @property def initial_point(self) -> np.ndarray | None: return self._initial_point @initial_point.setter def initial_point(self, value: np.ndarray | None) -> None: self._initial_point = value
[docs] def compute_minimum_eigenvalue( self, operator: BaseOperator, aux_operators: ListOrDict[BaseOperator] | None = None, ) -> VQEResult: self._check_operator_ansatz(operator) initial_point = validate_initial_point(self.initial_point, self.ansatz) bounds = validate_bounds(self.ansatz) start_time = time() evaluate_energy = self._get_evaluate_energy(self.ansatz, operator) if self.gradient is not None: evaluate_gradient = self._get_evaluate_gradient(self.ansatz, operator) else: evaluate_gradient = None # perform optimization if callable(self.optimizer): optimizer_result = self.optimizer( fun=evaluate_energy, # type: ignore[arg-type] x0=initial_point, jac=evaluate_gradient, bounds=bounds, ) else: # we always want to submit as many estimations per job as possible for minimal # overhead on the hardware was_updated = _set_default_batchsize(self.optimizer) optimizer_result = self.optimizer.minimize( fun=evaluate_energy, # type: ignore[arg-type] x0=initial_point, jac=evaluate_gradient, # type: ignore[arg-type] bounds=bounds, ) # reset to original value if was_updated: self.optimizer.set_max_evals_grouped(None) optimizer_time = time() - start_time "Optimization complete in %s seconds.\nFound optimal point %s", optimizer_time, optimizer_result.x, ) if aux_operators is not None: aux_operators_evaluated = estimate_observables( self.estimator, self.ansatz, aux_operators, optimizer_result.x, # type: ignore[arg-type] ) else: aux_operators_evaluated = None return self._build_vqe_result( self.ansatz, optimizer_result, aux_operators_evaluated, # type: ignore[arg-type] optimizer_time, )
[docs] @classmethod def supports_aux_operators(cls) -> bool: return True
def _get_evaluate_energy( self, ansatz: QuantumCircuit, operator: BaseOperator, ) -> Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray | float]: """Returns a function handle to evaluate the energy at given parameters for the ansatz. This is the objective function to be passed to the optimizer that is used for evaluation. Args: ansatz: The ansatz preparing the quantum state. operator: The operator whose energy to evaluate. Returns: A callable that computes and returns the energy of the hamiltonian of each parameter. Raises: AlgorithmError: If the primitive job to evaluate the energy fails. """ num_parameters = ansatz.num_parameters # avoid creating an instance variable to remain stateless regarding results eval_count = 0 def evaluate_energy(parameters: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray | float: nonlocal eval_count # handle broadcasting: ensure parameters is of shape [array, array, ...] parameters = np.reshape(parameters, (-1, num_parameters)).tolist() batch_size = len(parameters) try: job = * [ansatz], batch_size * [operator], parameters) estimator_result = job.result() except Exception as exc: raise AlgorithmError("The primitive job to evaluate the energy failed!") from exc values = estimator_result.values if self.callback is not None: metadata = estimator_result.metadata for params, value, meta in zip(parameters, values, metadata): eval_count += 1 self.callback(eval_count, params, value, meta) energy = values[0] if len(values) == 1 else values return energy return evaluate_energy def _get_evaluate_gradient( self, ansatz: QuantumCircuit, operator: BaseOperator, ) -> Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]: """Get a function handle to evaluate the gradient at given parameters for the ansatz. Args: ansatz: The ansatz preparing the quantum state. operator: The operator whose energy to evaluate. Returns: A function handle to evaluate the gradient at given parameters for the ansatz. Raises: AlgorithmError: If the primitive job to evaluate the gradient fails. """ def evaluate_gradient(parameters: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: # broadcasting not required for the estimator gradients try: job = [ansatz], [operator], [parameters] # type: ignore[list-item] ) gradients = job.result().gradients except Exception as exc: raise AlgorithmError("The primitive job to evaluate the gradient failed!") from exc return gradients[0] return evaluate_gradient def _check_operator_ansatz(self, operator: BaseOperator): """Check that the number of qubits of operator and ansatz match and that the ansatz is parameterized. """ if operator.num_qubits != self.ansatz.num_qubits: try: "Trying to resize ansatz to match operator on %s qubits.", operator.num_qubits ) self.ansatz.num_qubits = operator.num_qubits except AttributeError as error: raise AlgorithmError( "The number of qubits of the ansatz does not match the " "operator, and the ansatz does not allow setting the " "number of qubits using `num_qubits`." ) from error if self.ansatz.num_parameters == 0: raise AlgorithmError("The ansatz must be parameterized, but has no free parameters.") def _build_vqe_result( self, ansatz: QuantumCircuit, optimizer_result: OptimizerResult, aux_operators_evaluated: ListOrDict[tuple[complex, tuple[complex, int]]], optimizer_time: float, ) -> VQEResult: result = VQEResult() result.optimal_circuit = ansatz.copy() result.eigenvalue = result.cost_function_evals = optimizer_result.nfev result.optimal_point = optimizer_result.x # type: ignore[assignment] result.optimal_parameters = dict( zip(self.ansatz.parameters, optimizer_result.x) # type: ignore[arg-type] ) result.optimal_value = result.optimizer_time = optimizer_time result.aux_operators_evaluated = aux_operators_evaluated # type: ignore[assignment] result.optimizer_result = optimizer_result return result
[docs]class VQEResult(VariationalResult, MinimumEigensolverResult): """The Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) result.""" def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self._cost_function_evals: int | None = None @property def cost_function_evals(self) -> int | None: """The number of cost optimizer evaluations.""" return self._cost_function_evals @cost_function_evals.setter def cost_function_evals(self, value: int) -> None: self._cost_function_evals = value