Source code for qiskit_algorithms.gradients.lin_comb.lin_comb_sampler_gradient

# This code is part of a Qiskit project.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2022, 2023.
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Gradient of probabilities with linear combination of unitaries (LCU)

from __future__ import annotations

from collections import defaultdict
from import Sequence

from qiskit.circuit import Parameter, QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.primitives import BaseSampler
from qiskit.primitives.utils import _circuit_key
from qiskit.providers import Options

from ..base.base_sampler_gradient import BaseSamplerGradient
from ..base.sampler_gradient_result import SamplerGradientResult
from ..utils import _make_lin_comb_gradient_circuit

from ...exceptions import AlgorithmError

[docs]class LinCombSamplerGradient(BaseSamplerGradient): """Compute the gradients of the sampling probability. This method employs a linear combination of unitaries [1]. **Reference:** [1] Schuld et al., Evaluating analytic gradients on quantum hardware, 2018 `arXiv:1811.11184 <>`_ """ SUPPORTED_GATES = [ "rx", "ry", "rz", "rzx", "rzz", "ryy", "rxx", "cx", "cy", "cz", "ccx", "swap", "iswap", "h", "t", "s", "sdg", "x", "y", "z", ] def __init__(self, sampler: BaseSampler, options: Options | None = None): """ Args: sampler: The sampler used to compute the gradients. options: Primitive backend runtime options used for circuit execution. The order of priority is: options in ``run`` method > gradient's default options > primitive's default setting. Higher priority setting overrides lower priority setting """ self._lin_comb_cache: dict[tuple, dict[Parameter, QuantumCircuit]] = {} super().__init__(sampler, options) def _run( self, circuits: Sequence[QuantumCircuit], parameter_values: Sequence[Sequence[float]], parameters: Sequence[Sequence[Parameter]], **options, ) -> SamplerGradientResult: """Compute the estimator gradients on the given circuits.""" g_circuits, g_parameter_values, g_parameters = self._preprocess( circuits, parameter_values, parameters, self.SUPPORTED_GATES ) results = self._run_unique(g_circuits, g_parameter_values, g_parameters, **options) return self._postprocess(results, circuits, parameter_values, parameters) def _run_unique( self, circuits: Sequence[QuantumCircuit], parameter_values: Sequence[Sequence[float]], parameters: Sequence[Sequence[Parameter]], **options, ) -> SamplerGradientResult: """Compute the sampler gradients on the given circuits.""" job_circuits, job_param_values, metadata = [], [], [] all_n = [] for circuit, parameter_values_, parameters_ in zip(circuits, parameter_values, parameters): # Prepare circuits for the gradient of the specified parameters. # TODO: why is this not wrapped into another list level like it is done elsewhere? metadata.append({"parameters": parameters_}) circuit_key = _circuit_key(circuit) if circuit_key not in self._lin_comb_cache: # Cache the circuits for the linear combination of unitaries. # We only cache the circuits for the specified parameters in the future. self._lin_comb_cache[circuit_key] = _make_lin_comb_gradient_circuit( circuit, add_measurement=True ) lin_comb_circuits = self._lin_comb_cache[circuit_key] gradient_circuits = [] for param in parameters_: gradient_circuits.append(lin_comb_circuits[param]) # Combine inputs into a single job to reduce overhead. n = len(gradient_circuits) job_circuits.extend(gradient_circuits) job_param_values.extend([parameter_values_] * n) all_n.append(n) # Run the single job with all circuits. job =, job_param_values, **options) try: results = job.result() except Exception as exc: raise AlgorithmError("Sampler job failed.") from exc # Compute the gradients. gradients = [] partial_sum_n = 0 for i, n in enumerate(all_n): gradient = [] result = results.quasi_dists[partial_sum_n : partial_sum_n + n] m = 2 ** circuits[i].num_qubits for dist in result: grad_dist: dict[int, float] = defaultdict(float) for key, value in dist.items(): if key < m: grad_dist[key] += value else: grad_dist[key - m] -= value gradient.append(dict(grad_dist)) gradients.append(gradient) partial_sum_n += n opt = self._get_local_options(options) return SamplerGradientResult(gradients=gradients, metadata=metadata, options=opt)