# This code is part of a Qiskit project.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2018, 2023.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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# that they have been altered from the originals.
"""The Maximum Likelihood Amplitude Estimation algorithm."""
from __future__ import annotations
from collections.abc import Sequence
from typing import Callable, List, Tuple, cast
import warnings
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import brute
from scipy.stats import norm, chi2
from qiskit import ClassicalRegister, QuantumRegister, QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.primitives import BaseSampler, Sampler
from .amplitude_estimator import AmplitudeEstimator, AmplitudeEstimatorResult
from .estimation_problem import EstimationProblem
from ..exceptions import AlgorithmError
MINIMIZER = Callable[[Callable[[float], float], List[Tuple[float, float]]], float]
[docs]class MaximumLikelihoodAmplitudeEstimation(AmplitudeEstimator):
"""The Maximum Likelihood Amplitude Estimation algorithm.
This class implements the quantum amplitude estimation (QAE) algorithm without phase
estimation, as introduced in [1]. In comparison to the original QAE algorithm [2],
this implementation relies solely on different powers of the Grover operator and does not
require additional evaluation qubits.
Finally, the estimate is determined via a maximum likelihood estimation, which is why this
class in named ``MaximumLikelihoodAmplitudeEstimation``.
[1]: Suzuki, Y., Uno, S., Raymond, R., Tanaka, T., Onodera, T., & Yamamoto, N. (2019).
Amplitude Estimation without Phase Estimation.
`arXiv:1904.10246 <https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.10246>`_.
[2]: Brassard, G., Hoyer, P., Mosca, M., & Tapp, A. (2000).
Quantum Amplitude Amplification and Estimation.
`arXiv:quant-ph/0005055 <http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0005055>`_.
def __init__(
evaluation_schedule: list[int] | int,
minimizer: MINIMIZER | None = None,
sampler: BaseSampler | None = None,
) -> None:
evaluation_schedule: If a list, the powers applied to the Grover operator. The list
element must be non-negative. If a non-negative integer, an exponential schedule is
used where the highest power is 2 to the integer minus 1:
`[id, Q^2^0, ..., Q^2^(evaluation_schedule-1)]`.
minimizer: A minimizer used to find the minimum of the likelihood function.
Defaults to a brute search where the number of evaluation points is determined
according to ``evaluation_schedule``. The minimizer takes a function as first
argument and a list of (float, float) tuples (as bounds) as second argument and
returns a single float which is the found minimum.
sampler: A sampler primitive to evaluate the circuits.
ValueError: If the number of oracle circuits is smaller than 1.
# get parameters
if isinstance(evaluation_schedule, int):
if evaluation_schedule < 0:
raise ValueError("The evaluation schedule cannot be < 0.")
self._evaluation_schedule = [0] + [2**j for j in range(evaluation_schedule)]
if any(value < 0 for value in evaluation_schedule):
raise ValueError("The elements of the evaluation schedule cannot be < 0.")
self._evaluation_schedule = evaluation_schedule
if minimizer is None:
# default number of evaluations is max(10^4, pi/2 * 10^3 * 2^(m))
nevals = max(10000, int(np.pi / 2 * 1000 * 2 * self._evaluation_schedule[-1]))
def default_minimizer(objective_fn, bounds):
return brute(objective_fn, bounds, Ns=nevals)[0]
self._minimizer = default_minimizer
self._minimizer = minimizer
self._sampler = sampler
def sampler(self) -> BaseSampler | None:
"""Get the sampler primitive.
The sampler primitive to evaluate the circuits.
return self._sampler
def sampler(self, sampler: BaseSampler) -> None:
"""Set sampler primitive.
sampler: A sampler primitive to evaluate the circuits.
self._sampler = sampler
[docs] def construct_circuits(
self, estimation_problem: EstimationProblem, measurement: bool = False
) -> list[QuantumCircuit]:
"""Construct the Amplitude Estimation w/o QPE quantum circuits.
estimation_problem: The estimation problem for which to construct the QAE circuit.
measurement: Boolean flag to indicate if measurement should be included in the circuits.
A list with the QuantumCircuit objects for the algorithm.
# keep track of the Q-oracle queries
circuits = []
num_qubits = max(
q = QuantumRegister(num_qubits, "q")
qc_0 = QuantumCircuit(q, name="qc_a") # 0 applications of Q, only a single A operator
# add classical register if needed
if measurement:
c = ClassicalRegister(len(estimation_problem.objective_qubits))
qc_0.compose(estimation_problem.state_preparation, inplace=True)
for k in self._evaluation_schedule:
qc_k = qc_0.copy(name=f"qc_a_q_{k}")
if k != 0:
qc_k.compose(estimation_problem.grover_operator.power(k), inplace=True)
if measurement:
# real hardware can currently not handle operations after measurements,
# which might happen if the circuit gets transpiled, hence we're adding
# a safeguard-barrier
qc_k.measure(estimation_problem.objective_qubits, c[:])
circuits += [qc_k]
return circuits
[docs] @staticmethod
def compute_confidence_interval(
result: "MaximumLikelihoodAmplitudeEstimationResult",
alpha: float,
kind: str = "fisher",
apply_post_processing: bool = False,
exact: bool = False,
) -> tuple[float, float]:
"""Compute the `alpha` confidence interval using the method `kind`.
The confidence level is (1 - `alpha`) and supported kinds are 'fisher',
'likelihood_ratio' and 'observed_fisher' with shorthand
notations 'fi', 'lr' and 'oi', respectively.
result: A maximum likelihood amplitude estimation result.
alpha: The confidence level.
kind: The method to compute the confidence interval. Defaults to 'fisher', which
computes the theoretical Fisher information.
apply_post_processing: If True, apply post-processing to the confidence interval.
exact: Whether the result comes from a statevector simulation or not
The specified confidence interval.
AlgorithmError: If `run()` hasn't been called yet.
NotImplementedError: If the method `kind` is not supported.
interval: tuple[float, float] | None = None
# if statevector simulator the estimate is exact
if exact:
interval = (result.estimation, result.estimation)
elif kind in ["likelihood_ratio", "lr"]:
interval = _likelihood_ratio_confint(result, alpha)
elif kind in ["fisher", "fi"]:
interval = _fisher_confint(result, alpha, observed=False)
elif kind in ["observed_fisher", "observed_information", "oi"]:
interval = _fisher_confint(result, alpha, observed=True)
if interval is None:
raise NotImplementedError(f"CI `{kind}` is not implemented.")
if apply_post_processing:
return result.post_processing(interval[0]), result.post_processing(interval[1])
return interval
# TODO: add deprecation warning for num_state_qubits
[docs] def compute_mle(
circuit_results: list[dict[str, int]],
estimation_problem: EstimationProblem,
num_state_qubits: int | None = None, # pylint: disable=unused-argument
return_counts: bool = False,
) -> float | tuple[float, list[int]]:
"""Compute the MLE via a grid-search.
This is a stable approach if sufficient grid-points are used.
circuit_results: A list of circuit outcomes. Can be counts or statevectors.
estimation_problem: The estimation problem containing the evaluation schedule and the
number of likelihood function evaluations used to find the minimum.
return_counts: If True, returns the good counts.
num_state_qubits: [Deprecated]. Number of qubits to process statevector results.
The MLE for the provided result object.
good_counts, all_counts = _get_counts(circuit_results, estimation_problem)
# search range
eps = 1e-15 # to avoid invalid value in log
search_range = [0 + eps, np.pi / 2 - eps]
def loglikelihood(theta):
# loglik contains the first `it` terms of the full loglikelihood
loglik = 0
for i, k in enumerate(self._evaluation_schedule):
angle = (2 * k + 1) * theta
loglik += np.log(np.sin(angle) ** 2) * good_counts[i]
loglik += np.log(np.cos(angle) ** 2) * (all_counts[i] - good_counts[i])
return -loglik
est_theta: float = self._minimizer(loglikelihood, [search_range])
if return_counts:
return est_theta, good_counts
return est_theta
[docs] def estimate(
self, estimation_problem: EstimationProblem
) -> "MaximumLikelihoodAmplitudeEstimationResult":
"""Run the amplitude estimation algorithm on provided estimation problem.
estimation_problem: The estimation problem.
An amplitude estimation results object.
AlgorithmError: If `state_preparation` is not set in
AlgorithmError: Sampler job run error
if self._sampler is None:
warnings.warn("No sampler provided, defaulting to Sampler from qiskit.primitives")
self._sampler = Sampler()
if estimation_problem.state_preparation is None:
raise AlgorithmError(
"The state_preparation property of the estimation problem must be set."
result = MaximumLikelihoodAmplitudeEstimationResult()
result.evaluation_schedule = self._evaluation_schedule
result.minimizer = self._minimizer
result.post_processing = cast(Callable[[float], float], estimation_problem.post_processing)
circuits = self.construct_circuits(estimation_problem, measurement=True)
job = self._sampler.run(circuits)
ret = job.result()
except Exception as exc:
raise AlgorithmError("The job was not completed successfully. ") from exc
circuit_results = []
shots = ret.metadata[0].get("shots")
exact = True
if shots is None:
for quasi_dist in ret.quasi_dists:
circuit_result = quasi_dist.binary_probabilities()
shots = 1
# get counts and construct MLE input
for quasi_dist in ret.quasi_dists:
counts = {k: round(v * shots) for k, v in quasi_dist.binary_probabilities().items()}
exact = False
result.shots = shots
result.circuit_results = circuit_results
# run maximum likelihood estimation
num_state_qubits = circuits[0].num_qubits - circuits[0].num_ancillas
theta, good_counts = cast(
Tuple[float, List[float]],
self.compute_mle(result.circuit_results, estimation_problem, num_state_qubits, True),
# store results
result.theta = theta
result.good_counts = good_counts
result.estimation = np.sin(result.theta) ** 2
# not sure why pylint complains, this is a callable and the tests pass
# pylint: disable=not-callable
result.estimation_processed = result.post_processing(result.estimation)
result.fisher_information = _compute_fisher_information(result)
result.num_oracle_queries = result.shots * sum(k for k in result.evaluation_schedule)
# compute and store confidence interval
confidence_interval = self.compute_confidence_interval(
result, alpha=0.05, kind="fisher", exact=exact
result.confidence_interval = confidence_interval
result.confidence_interval_processed = tuple( # type: ignore[assignment]
estimation_problem.post_processing(value) # type: ignore[arg-type]
for value in confidence_interval
return result
[docs]class MaximumLikelihoodAmplitudeEstimationResult(AmplitudeEstimatorResult):
"""The ``MaximumLikelihoodAmplitudeEstimation`` result object."""
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._theta: float | None = None
self._minimizer: Callable | None = None
self._good_counts: list[float] | None = None
self._evaluation_schedule: list[int] | None = None
self._fisher_information: float | None = None
def theta(self) -> float:
r"""Return the estimate for the angle :math:`\theta`."""
return self._theta
def theta(self, value: float) -> None:
r"""Set the estimate for the angle :math:`\theta`."""
self._theta = value
def minimizer(self) -> Callable:
"""Return the minimizer used for the search of the likelihood function."""
return self._minimizer
def minimizer(self, value: Callable) -> None:
"""Set the number minimizer used for the search of the likelihood function."""
self._minimizer = value
def good_counts(self) -> list[float]:
"""Return the percentage of good counts per circuit power."""
return self._good_counts
def good_counts(self, counts: list[float]) -> None:
"""Set the percentage of good counts per circuit power."""
self._good_counts = counts
def evaluation_schedule(self) -> list[int]:
"""Return the evaluation schedule for the powers of the Grover operator."""
return self._evaluation_schedule
def evaluation_schedule(self, evaluation_schedule: list[int]) -> None:
"""Set the evaluation schedule for the powers of the Grover operator."""
self._evaluation_schedule = evaluation_schedule
def fisher_information(self) -> float:
"""Return the Fisher information for the estimated amplitude."""
return self._fisher_information
def fisher_information(self, value: float) -> None:
"""Set the Fisher information for the estimated amplitude."""
self._fisher_information = value
def _safe_min(array: list[float], default: float = 0.0) -> float:
if len(array) == 0:
return default
return np.min(array)
def _safe_max(
array: list[float], default: float = (np.pi / 2) # pylint: disable=superfluous-parens
) -> float:
if len(array) == 0:
return default
return np.max(array)
def _compute_fisher_information(
result: "MaximumLikelihoodAmplitudeEstimationResult",
num_sum_terms: int | None = None,
observed: bool = False,
) -> float:
"""Compute the Fisher information.
result: A maximum likelihood amplitude estimation result.
num_sum_terms: The number of sum terms to be included in the calculation of the
Fisher information. By default all values are included.
observed: If True, compute the observed Fisher information, otherwise the theoretical
The computed Fisher information, or np.inf if statevector simulation was used.
KeyError: Call run() first!
a = result.estimation
# Corresponding angle to the value a (only use real part of 'a')
theta_a = np.arcsin(np.sqrt(np.real(a)))
# Get the number of hits (shots_k) and one-hits (h_k)
one_hits = result.good_counts
all_hits = [result.shots] * len(one_hits)
# Include all sum terms or just up to a certain term?
evaluation_schedule = result.evaluation_schedule
if num_sum_terms is not None:
evaluation_schedule = evaluation_schedule[:num_sum_terms]
# not necessary since zip goes as far as shortest list:
# all_hits = all_hits[:num_sum_terms]
# one_hits = one_hits[:num_sum_terms]
# Compute the Fisher information
fisher_information = None
if observed:
# Note, that the observed Fisher information is very unreliable in this algorithm!
d_loglik = 0
for shots_k, h_k, m_k in zip(all_hits, one_hits, evaluation_schedule):
tan = np.tan((2 * m_k + 1) * theta_a)
d_loglik += (2 * m_k + 1) * (h_k / tan + (shots_k - h_k) * tan)
d_loglik /= np.sqrt(a * (1 - a))
fisher_information = d_loglik**2 / len(all_hits)
fisher_information = sum(
shots_k * (2 * m_k + 1) ** 2 for shots_k, m_k in zip(all_hits, evaluation_schedule)
fisher_information /= a * (1 - a)
return fisher_information
def _fisher_confint(
result: MaximumLikelihoodAmplitudeEstimationResult, alpha: float = 0.05, observed: bool = False
) -> tuple[float, float]:
"""Compute the `alpha` confidence interval based on the Fisher information.
result: A maximum likelihood amplitude estimation results object.
alpha: The level of the confidence interval (must be <= 0.5), default to 0.05.
observed: If True, use observed Fisher information.
float: The alpha confidence interval based on the Fisher information
AssertionError: Call run() first!
# Get the (observed) Fisher information
fisher_information = None
fisher_information = result.fisher_information
except KeyError as ex:
raise AssertionError("Call run() first!") from ex
if observed:
fisher_information = _compute_fisher_information(result, observed=True)
normal_quantile = norm.ppf(1 - alpha / 2)
confint = np.real(result.estimation) + normal_quantile / np.sqrt(fisher_information) * np.array(
[-1, 1]
return result.post_processing(confint[0]), result.post_processing(confint[1])
def _likelihood_ratio_confint(
result: MaximumLikelihoodAmplitudeEstimationResult,
alpha: float = 0.05,
nevals: int | None = None,
) -> tuple[float, float]:
"""Compute the likelihood-ratio confidence interval.
result: A maximum likelihood amplitude estimation results object.
alpha: The level of the confidence interval (< 0.5), defaults to 0.05.
nevals: The number of evaluations to find the intersection with the loglikelihood
function. Defaults to an adaptive value based on the maximal power of Q.
The alpha-likelihood-ratio confidence interval.
if nevals is None:
nevals = max(10000, int(np.pi / 2 * 1000 * 2 * result.evaluation_schedule[-1]))
def loglikelihood(theta, one_counts, all_counts):
loglik = 0
for i, k in enumerate(result.evaluation_schedule):
loglik += np.log(np.sin((2 * k + 1) * theta) ** 2) * one_counts[i]
loglik += np.log(np.cos((2 * k + 1) * theta) ** 2) * (all_counts[i] - one_counts[i])
return loglik
one_counts = result.good_counts
all_counts = [result.shots] * len(one_counts)
eps = 1e-15 # to avoid invalid value in log
thetas = np.linspace(0 + eps, np.pi / 2 - eps, nevals)
values = np.zeros(len(thetas))
for i, theta in enumerate(thetas):
values[i] = loglikelihood(theta, one_counts, all_counts)
loglik_mle = loglikelihood(result.theta, one_counts, all_counts)
chi2_quantile = chi2.ppf(1 - alpha, df=1)
thres = loglik_mle - chi2_quantile / 2
# the (outer) LR confidence interval
above_thres = thetas[values >= thres]
# it might happen that the `above_thres` array is empty,
# to still provide a valid result use safe_min/max which
# then yield [0, pi/2]
confint = [_safe_min(above_thres, default=0), _safe_max(above_thres, default=np.pi / 2)]
mapped_confint = cast(
Tuple[float, float], tuple(result.post_processing(np.sin(bound) ** 2) for bound in confint)
return mapped_confint
def _get_counts(
circuit_results: Sequence[dict[str, int]], estimation_problem: EstimationProblem
) -> tuple[list[int], list[int]]:
"""Get the good and total counts.
A pair of two lists, ([1-counts per experiment], [shots per experiment]).
AlgorithmError: If self.run() has not been called yet.
one_hits = [] # h_k: how often 1 has been measured, for a power Q^(m_k)
all_hits = []
for counts in circuit_results:
for bitstr, count in counts.items()
if estimation_problem.is_good_state(bitstr)
return one_hits, all_hits