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"""The Quantum Phase Estimation-based Amplitude Estimation algorithm."""

from __future__ import annotations
from collections import OrderedDict
import warnings
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import chi2, norm
from scipy.optimize import bisect

from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, ClassicalRegister
from qiskit.primitives import BaseSampler, Sampler
from .amplitude_estimator import AmplitudeEstimator, AmplitudeEstimatorResult
from .ae_utils import pdf_a, derivative_log_pdf_a, bisect_max
from .estimation_problem import EstimationProblem
from ..exceptions import AlgorithmError

[docs]class AmplitudeEstimation(AmplitudeEstimator): r"""The Quantum Phase Estimation-based Amplitude Estimation algorithm. This class implements the original Quantum Amplitude Estimation (QAE) algorithm, introduced by [1]. This canonical version uses quantum phase estimation along with a set of :math:`m` additional evaluation qubits to find an estimate :math:`\tilde{a}`, that is restricted to the grid .. math:: \tilde{a} \in \{\sin^2(\pi y / 2^m) : y = 0, ..., 2^{m-1}\} More evaluation qubits produce a finer sampling grid, therefore the accuracy of the algorithm increases with :math:`m`. Using a maximum likelihood post processing, this grid constraint can be circumvented. This improved estimator is implemented as well, see [2] Appendix A for more detail. .. note:: This class does not support the :attr:`.EstimationProblem.is_good_state` property, as for phase estimation-based QAE, the oracle that identifies the good states must be encoded in the Grover operator. To set custom oracles, the :attr:`.EstimationProblem.grover_operator` attribute can be set directly. References: [1]: Brassard, G., Hoyer, P., Mosca, M., & Tapp, A. (2000). Quantum Amplitude Amplification and Estimation. `arXiv:quant-ph/0005055 <>`_. [2]: Grinko, D., Gacon, J., Zoufal, C., & Woerner, S. (2019). Iterative Quantum Amplitude Estimation. `arXiv:1912.05559 <>`_. """ def __init__( self, num_eval_qubits: int, phase_estimation_circuit: QuantumCircuit | None = None, iqft: QuantumCircuit | None = None, sampler: BaseSampler | None = None, ) -> None: r""" Args: num_eval_qubits: The number of evaluation qubits. phase_estimation_circuit: The phase estimation circuit used to run the algorithm. Defaults to the standard phase estimation circuit from the circuit library, `qiskit.circuit.library.PhaseEstimation` when None. iqft: The inverse quantum Fourier transform component, defaults to using a standard implementation from `qiskit.circuit.library.QFT` when None. sampler: A sampler primitive to evaluate the circuits. Raises: ValueError: If the number of evaluation qubits is smaller than 1. """ if num_eval_qubits < 1: raise ValueError("The number of evaluation qubits must at least be 1.") super().__init__() # get parameters self._m = num_eval_qubits # pylint: disable=invalid-name self._M = 2**num_eval_qubits # pylint: disable=invalid-name self._iqft = iqft self._pec = phase_estimation_circuit self._sampler = sampler @property def sampler(self) -> BaseSampler | None: """Get the sampler primitive. Returns: The sampler primitive to evaluate the circuits. """ return self._sampler @sampler.setter def sampler(self, sampler: BaseSampler) -> None: """Set sampler primitive. Args: sampler: A sampler primitive to evaluate the circuits. """ self._sampler = sampler
[docs] def construct_circuit( self, estimation_problem: EstimationProblem, measurement: bool = False ) -> QuantumCircuit: """Construct the Amplitude Estimation quantum circuit. Args: estimation_problem: The estimation problem for which to construct the QAE circuit. measurement: Boolean flag to indicate if measurements should be included in the circuit. Returns: The QuantumCircuit object for the constructed circuit. """ # use custom Phase Estimation circuit if provided if self._pec is not None: pec = self._pec # otherwise use the circuit library -- note that this does not include the A operator else: from qiskit.circuit.library import PhaseEstimation pec = PhaseEstimation(self._m, estimation_problem.grover_operator, iqft=self._iqft) # combine the Phase Estimation circuit with the A operator circuit = QuantumCircuit(*pec.qregs) circuit.compose( estimation_problem.state_preparation, list(range(self._m, circuit.num_qubits)), inplace=True, ) circuit.compose(pec, inplace=True) # add measurements if necessary if measurement: cr = ClassicalRegister(self._m) circuit.add_register(cr) circuit.measure(list(range(self._m)), list(range(self._m))) return circuit
[docs] def evaluate_measurements( self, circuit_results: dict[str, int], threshold: float = 1e-6, ) -> tuple[dict[float, float], dict[int, float]]: """Evaluate the results from the circuit simulation. Given the probabilities from statevector simulation of the QAE circuit, compute the probabilities that the measurements y/grid-points a are the best estimate. Args: circuit_results: The circuit result from the QAE circuit. Can be either a counts dict or a statevector or a quasi-probabilities dict. threshold: Measurements with probabilities below the threshold are discarded. Returns: Dictionaries containing the a grid-points with respective probabilities and y measurements with respective probabilities, in this order. """ # compute grid sample and measurement dicts if set(map(type, circuit_results.values())) == {int}: samples, measurements = self._evaluate_count_results(circuit_results) else: samples, measurements = self._evaluate_quasi_probabilities_results(circuit_results) # cutoff probabilities below the threshold samples = {a: p for a, p in samples.items() if p > threshold} measurements = {y: p for y, p in measurements.items() if p > threshold} return samples, measurements
def _evaluate_quasi_probabilities_results(self, circuit_results): # construct probabilities measurements = OrderedDict() samples = OrderedDict() for state, probability in circuit_results.items(): # reverts the last _m items y = int(state[: -self._m - 1 : -1], 2) measurements[y] = probability a = np.round(np.power(np.sin(y * np.pi / 2**self._m), 2), decimals=7) samples[a] = samples.get(a, 0.0) + probability return samples, measurements def _evaluate_count_results(self, counts) -> tuple[dict[float, float], dict[int, float]]: # construct probabilities measurements: dict[int, float] = OrderedDict() samples: dict[float, float] = OrderedDict() shots = sum(counts.values()) for state, count in counts.items(): y = int(state.replace(" ", "")[: self._m][::-1], 2) probability = count / shots measurements[y] = probability a = np.round(np.power(np.sin(y * np.pi / 2**self._m), 2), decimals=7) samples[a] = samples.get(a, 0.0) + probability return samples, measurements
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_mle( result: "AmplitudeEstimationResult", apply_post_processing: bool = False ) -> float: """Compute the Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE). Args: result: An amplitude estimation result object. apply_post_processing: If True, apply the post processing to the MLE before returning it. Returns: The MLE for the provided result object. """ m = result.num_evaluation_qubits M = 2**m # pylint: disable=invalid-name qae = result.estimation # likelihood function a_i = np.asarray(list(result.samples.keys())) p_i = np.asarray(list(result.samples.values())) def loglikelihood(a): return np.sum(result.shots * p_i * np.log(pdf_a(a_i, a, m))) # y is pretty much an integer, but to map 1.9999 to 2 we must first # use round and then int conversion y = int(np.round(M * np.arcsin(np.sqrt(qae)) / np.pi)) # Compute the two intervals in which are candidates for containing # the maximum of the log-likelihood function: the two bubbles next to # the QAE estimate if y == 0: right_of_qae = np.sin(np.pi * (y + 1) / M) ** 2 bubbles = [qae, right_of_qae] elif y == int(M / 2): # remember, M = 2^m is a power of 2 left_of_qae = np.sin(np.pi * (y - 1) / M) ** 2 bubbles = [left_of_qae, qae] else: left_of_qae = np.sin(np.pi * (y - 1) / M) ** 2 right_of_qae = np.sin(np.pi * (y + 1) / M) ** 2 bubbles = [left_of_qae, qae, right_of_qae] # Find global maximum among the two local maxima a_opt = qae loglik_opt = loglikelihood(a_opt) for a, b in zip(bubbles[:-1], bubbles[1:]): locmax, val = bisect_max(loglikelihood, a, b, retval=True) if val > loglik_opt: a_opt = locmax loglik_opt = val if apply_post_processing: return result.post_processing(a_opt) return a_opt
[docs] def estimate(self, estimation_problem: EstimationProblem) -> "AmplitudeEstimationResult": """Run the amplitude estimation algorithm on provided estimation problem. Args: estimation_problem: The estimation problem. Returns: An amplitude estimation results object. Raises: ValueError: If `state_preparation` or `objective_qubits` are not set in the `estimation_problem`. AlgorithmError: Sampler job run error. """ # check if A factory or state_preparation has been set if estimation_problem.state_preparation is None: raise ValueError( "The state_preparation property of the estimation problem must be set." ) if self._sampler is None: warnings.warn("No sampler provided, defaulting to Sampler from qiskit.primitives") self._sampler = Sampler() if estimation_problem.objective_qubits is None: raise ValueError("The objective_qubits property of the estimation problem must be set.") if estimation_problem.has_good_state: warnings.warn( "The AmplitudeEstimation class does not support an is_good_state function to " "identify good states. For this algorithm, a custom oracle has to be encoded directly " "in the grover_operator. If no custom oracle is set, this algorithm identifies good " "states as those, where all objective qubits are in state 1." ) result = AmplitudeEstimationResult() result.num_evaluation_qubits = self._m result.post_processing = estimation_problem.post_processing # type: ignore[assignment] circuit = self.construct_circuit(estimation_problem, measurement=True) try: job =[circuit]) ret = job.result() except Exception as exc: raise AlgorithmError("The job was not completed successfully. ") from exc shots = ret.metadata[0].get("shots") exact = True if shots is None: result.circuit_results = ret.quasi_dists[0].binary_probabilities() shots = 1 else: result.circuit_results = { k: round(v * shots) for k, v in ret.quasi_dists[0].binary_probabilities().items() } exact = False # store shots result.shots = shots samples, measurements = self.evaluate_measurements( result.circuit_results # type: ignore[arg-type] ) result.samples = samples result.samples_processed = { estimation_problem.post_processing(a): p # type: ignore[arg-type,misc] for a, p in samples.items() } result.measurements = measurements # determine the most likely estimate result.max_probability = 0 for amplitude, (mapped, prob) in zip(samples.keys(), result.samples_processed.items()): if prob > result.max_probability: result.max_probability = prob result.estimation = amplitude result.estimation_processed = mapped # store the number of oracle queries result.num_oracle_queries = result.shots * (self._M - 1) # run the MLE post-processing mle = self.compute_mle(result) result.mle = mle result.mle_processed = estimation_problem.post_processing( mle # type: ignore[assignment,arg-type] ) result.confidence_interval = self.compute_confidence_interval(result, exact=exact) result.confidence_interval_processed = tuple( estimation_problem.post_processing(value) # type: ignore[assignment,arg-type] for value in result.confidence_interval ) return result
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_confidence_interval( result: "AmplitudeEstimationResult", alpha: float = 0.05, kind: str = "likelihood_ratio", exact: bool = False, ) -> tuple[float, float]: """Compute the (1 - alpha) confidence interval. Args: result: An amplitude estimation result for which to compute the confidence interval. alpha: Confidence level: compute the (1 - alpha) confidence interval. kind: The method to compute the confidence interval, can be 'fisher', 'observed_fisher' or 'likelihood_ratio' (default) exact: Whether the result comes from a statevector simulation or not Returns: The (1 - alpha) confidence interval of the specified kind. Raises: NotImplementedError: If the confidence interval method `kind` is not implemented. """ # if statevector simulator the estimate is exact if exact: return (result.mle, result.mle) if kind in ["likelihood_ratio", "lr"]: return _likelihood_ratio_confint(result, alpha) if kind in ["fisher", "fi"]: return _fisher_confint(result, alpha, observed=False) if kind in ["observed_fisher", "observed_information", "oi"]: return _fisher_confint(result, alpha, observed=True) raise NotImplementedError(f"CI `{kind}` is not implemented.")
[docs]class AmplitudeEstimationResult(AmplitudeEstimatorResult): """The ``AmplitudeEstimation`` result object.""" def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self._num_evaluation_qubits: int | None = None self._mle: float | None = None self._mle_processed: float | None = None self._samples: dict[float, float] | None = None self._samples_processed: dict[float, float] | None = None self._y_measurements: dict[int, float] | None = None self._max_probability: float | None = None @property def num_evaluation_qubits(self) -> int: """Returns the number of evaluation qubits.""" return self._num_evaluation_qubits @num_evaluation_qubits.setter def num_evaluation_qubits(self, num_evaluation_qubits: int) -> None: """Set the number of evaluation qubits.""" self._num_evaluation_qubits = num_evaluation_qubits @property def mle_processed(self) -> float: """Return the post-processed MLE for the amplitude.""" return self._mle_processed @mle_processed.setter def mle_processed(self, value: float) -> None: """Set the post-processed MLE for the amplitude.""" self._mle_processed = value @property def samples_processed(self) -> dict[float, float]: """Return the post-processed measurement samples with their measurement probability.""" return self._samples_processed @samples_processed.setter def samples_processed(self, value: dict[float, float]) -> None: """Set the post-processed measurement samples.""" self._samples_processed = value @property def mle(self) -> float: r"""Return the MLE for the amplitude, in $[0, 1]$.""" return self._mle @mle.setter def mle(self, value: float) -> None: r"""Set the MLE for the amplitude, in $[0, 1]$.""" self._mle = value @property def samples(self) -> dict[float, float]: """Return the measurement samples with their measurement probability.""" return self._samples @samples.setter def samples(self, value: dict[float, float]) -> None: """Set the measurement samples with their measurement probability.""" self._samples = value @property def measurements(self) -> dict[int, float]: """Return the measurements as integers with their measurement probability.""" return self._y_measurements @measurements.setter def measurements(self, value: dict[int, float]) -> None: """Set the measurements as integers with their measurement probability.""" self._y_measurements = value @property def max_probability(self) -> float: """Return the maximum sampling probability.""" return self._max_probability @max_probability.setter def max_probability(self, value: float) -> None: """Set the maximum sampling probability.""" self._max_probability = value
def _compute_fisher_information(result: AmplitudeEstimationResult, observed: bool = False) -> float: """Computes the Fisher information for the output of the previous run. Args: result: An amplitude estimation result for which to compute the confidence interval. observed: If True, the observed Fisher information is returned, otherwise the expected Fisher information. Returns: The Fisher information. """ fisher_information = None mlv = result.mle # MLE in [0,1] m = result.num_evaluation_qubits M = 2**m # pylint: disable=invalid-name if observed: a_i = np.asarray(list(result.samples.keys())) p_i = np.asarray(list(result.samples.values())) # Calculate the observed Fisher information fisher_information = sum(p * derivative_log_pdf_a(a, mlv, m) ** 2 for p, a in zip(p_i, a_i)) else: def integrand(x): return (derivative_log_pdf_a(x, mlv, m)) ** 2 * pdf_a(x, mlv, m) grid = np.sin(np.pi * np.arange(M / 2 + 1) / M) ** 2 fisher_information = sum(integrand(x) for x in grid) return fisher_information def _fisher_confint( result: AmplitudeEstimationResult, alpha: float, observed: bool = False ) -> tuple[float, float]: """Compute the Fisher information confidence interval for the MLE of the previous run. Args: result: An amplitude estimation result for which to compute the confidence interval. alpha: Specifies the (1 - alpha) confidence level (0 < alpha < 1). observed: If True, the observed Fisher information is used to construct the confidence interval, otherwise the expected Fisher information. Returns: The Fisher information confidence interval. """ # approximate the standard deviation of the MLE and construct the confidence interval std = np.sqrt(result.shots * _compute_fisher_information(result, observed)) confint = result.mle + norm.ppf(1 - alpha / 2) / std * np.array([-1, 1]) # transform the confidence interval from [0, 1] to the target interval return result.post_processing(confint[0]), result.post_processing(confint[1]) def _likelihood_ratio_confint( result: AmplitudeEstimationResult, alpha: float ) -> tuple[float, float]: """Compute the likelihood ratio confidence interval for the MLE of the previous run. Args: result: An amplitude estimation result for which to compute the confidence interval. alpha: Specifies the (1 - alpha) confidence level (0 < alpha < 1). Returns: The likelihood ratio confidence interval. """ # Compute the two intervals in which we the look for values above # the likelihood ratio: the two bubbles next to the QAE estimate m = result.num_evaluation_qubits M = 2**m # pylint: disable=invalid-name qae = result.estimation y = int(np.round(M * np.arcsin(np.sqrt(qae)) / np.pi)) if y == 0: right_of_qae = np.sin(np.pi * (y + 1) / M) ** 2 bubbles = [qae, right_of_qae] elif y == int(M / 2): # remember, M = 2^m is a power of 2 left_of_qae = np.sin(np.pi * (y - 1) / M) ** 2 bubbles = [left_of_qae, qae] else: left_of_qae = np.sin(np.pi * (y - 1) / M) ** 2 right_of_qae = np.sin(np.pi * (y + 1) / M) ** 2 bubbles = [left_of_qae, qae, right_of_qae] # likelihood function a_i = np.asarray(list(result.samples.keys())) p_i = np.asarray(list(result.samples.values())) def loglikelihood(a): return np.sum(result.shots * p_i * np.log(pdf_a(a_i, a, m))) # The threshold above which the likelihoods are in the # confidence interval loglik_mle = loglikelihood(result.mle) thres = loglik_mle - chi2.ppf(1 - alpha, df=1) / 2 def cut(x): return loglikelihood(x) - thres # Store the boundaries of the confidence interval # It's valid to start off with the zero-width confidence interval, since the maximum # of the likelihood function is guaranteed to be over the threshold, and if alpha = 0 # that's the valid interval lower = upper = result.mle # Check the two intervals/bubbles: check if they surpass the # threshold and if yes add the part that does to the CI for a, b in zip(bubbles[:-1], bubbles[1:]): # Compute local maximum and perform a bisect search between # the local maximum and the bubble boundaries locmax, val = bisect_max(loglikelihood, a, b, retval=True) if val >= thres: # Bisect pre-condition is that the function has different # signs at the boundaries of the interval we search in if cut(a) * cut(locmax) < 0: left = bisect(cut, a, locmax) lower = np.minimum(lower, left) if cut(locmax) * cut(b) < 0: right = bisect(cut, locmax, b) upper = np.maximum(upper, right) # Put together CI return result.post_processing(lower), result.post_processing(upper)