T1 Characterization¶
In a
We start by fixing a delay time
In the absence of state preparation and measurement errors, the
probability to measure
The following code demonstrates a basic run of a
This tutorial requires the qiskit-aer and qiskit-ibm-runtime
packages to run simulations. You can install them with python -m pip
install qiskit-aer qiskit-ibm-runtime
import numpy as np
from qiskit.qobj.utils import MeasLevel
from qiskit_experiments.framework import ParallelExperiment
from qiskit_experiments.library import T1
from qiskit_experiments.library.characterization.analysis.t1_analysis import T1KerneledAnalysis
# A T1 simulator
from qiskit_aer import AerSimulator
from qiskit_aer.noise import NoiseModel
from qiskit_ibm_runtime.fake_provider import FakePerth
# A kerneled data simulator
from qiskit_experiments.test.mock_iq_backend import MockIQBackend
from qiskit_experiments.test.mock_iq_helpers import MockIQT1Helper
# Create a pure relaxation noise model for AerSimulator
noise_model = NoiseModel.from_backend(
FakePerth(), thermal_relaxation=True, gate_error=False, readout_error=False
# Create a fake backend simulator
backend = AerSimulator.from_backend(FakePerth(), noise_model=noise_model)
# Look up target T1 of qubit-0 from device properties
qubit0_t1 = FakePerth().qubit_properties(0).t1
# Time intervals to wait before measurement
delays = np.arange(1e-6, 3 * qubit0_t1, 3e-5)
# Create an experiment for qubit 0
# with the specified time intervals
exp = T1(physical_qubits=(0,), delays=delays)
# Set scheduling method so circuit is scheduled for delay noise simulation
# Run the experiment circuits and analyze the result
exp_data = exp.run(backend=backend, seed_simulator=101).block_for_results()
# Print the result
for result in exp_data.analysis_results():

- name: @Parameters_T1Analysis
- value: CurveFitResult:
- fitting method: least_squares
- number of sub-models: 1
* F_exp_decay(x) = amp * exp(-x/tau) + base
- success: True
- number of function evals: 20
- degree of freedom: 3
- chi-square: 2.0093912890351855
- reduced chi-square: 0.6697970963450618
- Akaike info crit.: -0.5635658057926642
- Bayesian info crit.: -1.188287398108499
- init params:
* amp = 0.9170731707317072
* tau = 5.607702037182498e-05
* base = 0.06585365853658537
- fit params:
* amp = 1.0086868600245593 ± 0.015516360599905375
* tau = 5.857050868543882e-05 ± 2.8452247868322258e-06
* base = -0.008900903447908065 ± 0.015635835560472412
- correlations:
* (amp, base) = -0.9367372951891404
* (tau, base) = -0.9216265221283944
* (amp, tau) = 0.825232199013559
- quality: good
- extra: <3 items>
- device_components: ['Q0']
- verified: False
- name: T1
- value: (5.86+/-0.28)e-05
- χ²: 0.6697970963450618
- quality: good
- extra: <3 items>
- device_components: ['Q0']
- verified: False
experiments with kerneled measurement¶
, the job
will not discriminate the IQ data and will not label it. In the T1 experiment,
since we know that
# Experiment
ns = 1e-9
mu = 1e-6
# qubit properties
t1 = 45 * mu
# we will guess that our guess is 10% off the exact value of t1 for qubit 0.
t1_estimated_shift = t1/10
# We use log space for the delays because of the noise properties
delays = np.logspace(1, 11, num=23, base=np.exp(1))
delays *= ns
# Adding circuits with delay=0 and long delays so the centers in the IQ plane won't be misplaced.
# Without this, the fitting can provide wrong results.
delays = np.insert(delays, 0, 0)
delays = np.append(delays, [t1*3])
num_qubits = 2
num_shots = 2048
backend = MockIQBackend(
iq_cluster_centers=[((-5.0, -4.0), (-5.0, 4.0)), ((3.0, 1.0), (5.0, -3.0))],
iq_cluster_width=[1.0, 2.0],
# Creating a T1 experiment
expT1_kerneled = T1((0,), delays)
expT1_kerneled.analysis = T1KerneledAnalysis()
expT1_kerneled.analysis.set_options(p0={"amp": 1, "tau": t1 + t1_estimated_shift, "base": 0})
# Running the experiment
expdataT1_kerneled = expT1_kerneled.run(
backend=backend, meas_return="avg", meas_level=MeasLevel.KERNELED, shots=num_shots
# Displaying results
for result in expdataT1_kerneled.analysis_results():

- name: @Parameters_T1KerneledAnalysis
- value: CurveFitResult:
- fitting method: least_squares
- number of sub-models: 1
* F_exp_decay(x) = amp * exp(-x/tau) + base
- success: True
- number of function evals: 24
- degree of freedom: 22
- chi-square: 0.0016265491601967787
- reduced chi-square: 7.393405273621721e-05
- Akaike info crit.: -235.00426032116496
- Bayesian info crit.: -231.34763284656037
- init params:
* amp = 1.0
* tau = 4.95e-05
* base = 0.0
- fit params:
* amp = 1.0469535442726126 ± 0.011310466790860061
* tau = 4.394415455708184e-05 ± 1.035755542082525e-06
* base = -0.05146921117096622 ± 0.011431939576229254
- correlations:
* (amp, base) = -0.9835183492877463
* (tau, base) = -0.849316060844548
* (amp, tau) = 0.8027246629067045
- quality: good
- extra: <3 items>
- device_components: ['Q0']
- verified: False
- name: T1
- value: (4.39+/-0.10)e-05
- χ²: 7.393405273621721e-05
- quality: good
- extra: <3 items>
- device_components: ['Q0']
- verified: False
See also¶
API documentation: