Calibration Management (qiskit_experiments.calibration_management)


The calibrations interface is still in active development. It may have breaking API changes without deprecation warnings in future releases until otherwise indicated.

Calibrating qubit setups is the task of finding the pulse shapes and parameter values that maximize the fidelity of the resulting quantum operations. This therefore requires experiments which are analyzed to extract parameter values. Furthermore, the resulting parameter values and schedules must be managed. The calibration management module in Qiskit experiments allows users to manage the resulting schedules and parameter values from obtained when running calibration experiments from the library.


Calibrations([coupling_map, ...])

A class to manage schedules with calibrated parameter values.

ParameterValue([value, date_time, valid, ...])

A data class to store parameter values.

FixedFrequencyTransmon([basis_gates, ...])

A library of gates for fixed-frequency superconducting qubit architectures.

EchoedCrossResonance([basis_gates, ...])

A library for echoed cross-resonance gates.

BasisGateLibrary([basis_gates, default_values])

A base class for libraries of basis gates to make it easier to setup Calibrations.

BaseCalibrationExperiment(calibrations, *args)

A mixin class to create calibration experiments.

Managing Calibration Data

Calibrations are managed by the Calibrations class. This class stores schedules which are intended to be fully parameterized, including the index of the channels. This class:

  • supports having different schedules share parameters

  • allows default schedules for qubits that can be overridden for specific qubits.

The following code illustrates how a user can create a parameterized schedule, add values to the parameters and query a schedule.

dur = Parameter("dur")
amp = Parameter("amp")
sigma = Parameter("σ")

with"xp") as xp:, amp, sigma), DriveChannel(Parameter("ch0")))

cals = Calibrations()

# add duration and sigma parameter values for all qubits.
cals.add_parameter_value(160, "dur", schedule="xp")
cals.add_parameter_value(35.5, "σ", schedule="xp")

# Add an amplitude for qubit 3.
cals.add_parameter_value(0.2+0.05j, "amp", (3, ), "xp")

# Retrieve an xp pulse with all parameters assigned
cals.get_schedule("xp", (3, ))

# Retrieve an xp pulse with unassigned amplitude
cals.get_schedule("xp", (3, ), free_params=["amp"])

The Calibrations make a couple of assumptions which are discussed below.

Parametric channel naming convention

Parametrized channel indices must be named according to a predefined pattern to properly identify the channels and control channels when assigning values to the parametric channel indices. A channel must have a name that starts with ch followed by an integer. For control channels, this integer can be followed by a sequence .integer. Optionally, the name can end with $integer to specify the index of a control channel for the case when a set of qubits share multiple control channels. For example, valid channel names include "ch0", "ch1", "ch0.1", "ch0$", "ch2$3", and "ch1.0.3$2". The . delimiter is used to specify the different qubits when looking for control channels. The optional $ delimiter is used to specify which control channel to use if several control channels work together on the same qubits. For example, if the control channel configuration is {(3,2): [ControlChannel(3), ControlChannel(12)]} then given qubits (2, 3) the name "ch1.0$1" will resolve to ControlChannel(12) while "ch1.0$0" will resolve to ControlChannel(3). A channel can only have one parameter.

Parameter naming restriction

Each parameter must have a unique name within each schedule. For example, it is acceptable to have a parameter named amp in the schedule xp and a different parameter instance named amp in the schedule named xm. It is not acceptable to have two parameters named amp in the same schedule. The naming restriction only applies to parameters used in the immediate scope of the schedule. Schedules called by Call instructions have their own scope for Parameter names.

The code block below illustrates the creation of a template schedule for a echoed cross- resonance gate.

amp_cr = Parameter("amp")
amp = Parameter("amp")
d0 = DriveChannel(Parameter("ch0"))
c1 = ControlChannel(Parameter("ch0.1"))
sigma = Parameter("σ")
width = Parameter("w")
dur_xp = Parameter("duration")
dur_cr = Parameter("duration")

with"xp") as xp:, amp, sigma), d0)

with"cr") as cr:
    with pulse.align_sequential():
  , amp_cr, sigma, width), c1)
  , -amp_cr, sigma, width), c1)

cals = Calibrations()

Note that a registered template schedule can be retrieve by doing

xp = cals.get_template("xp")

which would return the default xp schedule block template for all qubits.