Source code for qiskit_experiments.library.characterization.fine_drag
# This code is part of Qiskit.## (C) Copyright IBM 2021.## This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory# of this source tree or at Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating# that they have been altered from the originals."""Fine DRAG characterization experiment."""fromtypingimportList,Optional,SequenceimportnumpyasnpfromqiskitimportQuantumCircuitfromqiskit.circuitimportGatefromqiskit.circuit.libraryimportXGate,SXGatefromqiskit.providers.backendimportBackendfromqiskit_experiments.frameworkimportBaseExperiment,Optionsfromqiskit_experiments.framework.restless_mixinimportRestlessMixinfromqiskit_experiments.curve_analysis.standard_analysisimportErrorAmplificationAnalysis
[docs]classFineDrag(BaseExperiment,RestlessMixin):r"""An experiment that performs fine characterizations of DRAG pulse coefficients. # section: overview :class:`FineDrag` runs fine DRAG characterization experiments (see :class:`.RoughDrag` for the definition of DRAG pulses). Fine DRAG proceeds by iterating the gate sequence Rp - Rm where Rp is a rotation around an axis and Rm is the same rotation but in the opposite direction and is implemented by the gates Rz - Rp - Rz where the Rz gates are virtual Z-rotations, see Ref. [1]. The executed circuits are of the form .. parsed-literal:: ┌─────┐┌────┐┌───────┐┌────┐┌───────┐ ┌──────┐ ░ ┌─┐ q_0: ┤ Pre ├┤ Rp ├┤ Rz(π) ├┤ Rp ├┤ Rz(π) ├ ... ┤ Post ├─░─┤M├ └─────┘└────┘└───────┘└────┘└───────┘ └──────┘ ░ └╥┘ meas: 1/══════════════════════════════════════════════════════╩═ 0 Here, "Pre" and "Post" designate gates that may be pre-appended and and post-appended, respectively, to the repeated sequence of Rp - Rz - Rp - Rz gates. When calibrating a pulse with a target rotation angle of π the Pre and Post gates are Id and RYGate(π/2), respectively. When calibrating a pulse with a target rotation angle of π/2 the Pre and Post gates are RXGate(π/2) and RYGate(π/2), respectively. We now describe what this experiment corrects by following Ref. [2]. We follow equations 4.30 and onwards of Ref. [2] which state that the first-order corrections to the control fields are .. math:: \begin{align} \bar{\Omega}_x^{(1)}(t) = &\, 2\dot{s}^{(1)}_{x,0,1}(t) \\ \bar{\Omega}_y^{(1)}(t) = &\, 2\dot{s}^{(1)}_{y,0,1}(t) - s_{z,1}^{(1)}(t)t_g\Omega_x(t) \\ \bar{\delta}^{(1)}(t) = &\, \dot{s}_{z,1}^{(1)}(t) + 2s^{(1)}_{y,0,1}(t)t_g\Omega_x(t) + \frac{\lambda_1^2 t_g^2 \Omega_x^2(t)}{4} \end{align} Here, the :math:`s` terms are coefficients of the expansion of an operator :math:`S(t)` that generates a transformation that keeps the qubit sub-space isolated from the higher-order states. :math:`t_g` is the gate time, :math:`\Omega_x(t)` is the pulse envelope on the in-phase component of the drive and :math:`\lambda_1` is a parameter of the Hamiltonian. For additional details please see Ref. [2]. As in Ref. [2] we now set :math:`s^{(1)}_{x,0,1}` and :math:`s^{(1)}_{z,1}` to zero and set :math:`s^{(1)}_{y,0,1}` to :math:`-\lambda_1^2 t_g\Omega_x(t)/8`. This results in a Z angle rotation rate of :math:`\bar{\delta}^{(1)}(t)=0` in the equations above and defines the value for the ideal :math:`\beta` parameter. In Qiskit pulse, the definition of the DRAG pulse is .. math:: \Omega(t) = \Omega_x(t) + i\beta\,\dot{\Omega}_x(t)\quad\Longrightarrow\quad \Omega_y(t)= \beta\,\dot{\Omega}_x(t) which implies that :math:`-\lambda_1^2 t_g/4` is the ideal :math:`\beta` value. We now assume that there is a small error :math:`{\rm d}\beta` in :math:`\beta` such that the instantaneous Z-angle error induced by a single pulse is .. math:: \bar\delta(t) = {\rm d}\beta\, \Omega^2_x(t) We can integrate :math:`\bar{\delta}(t)`, i.e. the instantaneous :math:`Z`-angle rotation error, to obtain the total rotation angle error per pulse, :math:`{\rm d}\theta`: .. math:: {\rm d}\theta = \int\bar\delta(t){\rm d}t = {\rm d}\beta \int\Omega^2_x(t){\rm d}t If we assume a Gaussian pulse, i.e. :math:`\Omega_x(t)=A\exp[-t^2/(2\sigma^2)]` then the integral of :math:`\Omega_x^2(t)` in the equation above results in :math:`A^2\sigma\sqrt{\pi}`. Furthermore, the integral of :math:`\Omega_x(t)` is :math:`A\sigma\sqrt{\pi/2}=\theta_\text{target}`, where :math:`\theta_\text{target}` is the target rotation angle, i.e. the area under the pulse. This last point allows us to rewrite :math:`A^2\sigma\sqrt{\pi}` as :math:`\theta^2_\text{target}/(2\sigma\sqrt{\pi})`. The total :math:`Z` angle error per pulse is therefore .. math:: {\rm d}\theta= \int\bar\delta(t){\rm d}t={\rm d}\beta\,\frac{\theta^2_\text{target}}{2\sigma\sqrt{\pi}} Here, :math:`{\rm d}\theta` is the :math:`Z` angle error per pulse. The qubit population produced by the gate sequence shown above is used to measure :math:`{\rm d}\theta`. Indeed, each gate pair Rp - Rm will produce a small unwanted :math:`Z`-rotation out of the :math:`ZX` plane with a magnitude :math:`2\,{\rm d}\theta`. The total rotation out of the :math:`ZX` plane is then mapped to a qubit population by the final Post gate. Inverting the relation above after cancelling out the factor of two due to the Rp - Rm pulse pair yields the error in :math:`\beta` that produced the rotation error :math:`{\rm d}\theta` as .. math:: {\rm d}\beta=\frac{\sqrt{\pi}\,{\rm d}\theta\sigma}{ \theta_\text{target}^2}. This is the correction formula in the FineDRAG Updater. # section: analysis_ref :class:`.ErrorAmplificationAnalysis` # section: example .. jupyter-execute:: :hide-code: # backend from qiskit_experiments.test.pulse_backend import SingleTransmonTestBackend backend = SingleTransmonTestBackend(5.2e9,-.25e9, 1e9, 0.8e9, 1e4, noise=False, seed=199) .. jupyter-execute:: from qiskit.circuit.library import XGate from qiskit_experiments.library.characterization import FineDrag exp = FineDrag(physical_qubits=(0,), gate=XGate(), backend=backend) exp_data = display(exp_data.figure(0)) exp_data.analysis_results(dataframe=True) # section: reference .. ref_arxiv:: 1 1612.00858 .. ref_arxiv:: 2 1011.1949 """@classmethoddef_default_experiment_options(cls)->Options:r"""Default values for the fine amplitude experiment. Experiment Options: repetitions (List[int]): A list of the number of times that Rp - Rm gate sequence is repeated. schedule (ScheduleBlock): The schedule for the plus rotation. gate (Gate): This is the gate such as XGate() that will be in the circuits. """options=super()._default_experiment_options()options.repetitions=list(range(20))options.schedule=Noneoptions.gate=Nonereturnoptionsdef__init__(self,physical_qubits:Sequence[int],gate:Gate,backend:Optional[Backend]=None):"""Setup a fine amplitude experiment on the given qubit. Args: physical_qubits: List containing the qubit on which to run the fine amplitude calibration experiment. gate: The gate that will be repeated. backend: Optional, the backend to run the experiment on. """analysis=ErrorAmplificationAnalysis()analysis.set_options(normalization=True,fixed_parameters={"angle_per_gate":0.0,"phase_offset":np.pi/2,"amp":1.0,},)super().__init__(physical_qubits,analysis=analysis,backend=backend)self.set_experiment_options(gate=gate)@staticmethoddef_pre_circuit()->QuantumCircuit:"""Return the quantum circuit to apply before repeating the Rp - Rz - Rp - Rz gates."""returnQuantumCircuit(1)@staticmethoddef_post_circuit()->QuantumCircuit:"""Return the quantum circuit to apply after repeating the Rp - Rz - Rp - Rz gates."""# Map unwanted Z rotations to qubit population.circ=QuantumCircuit(1)circ.rz(-np.pi/2,0)
[docs]defcircuits(self)->List[QuantumCircuit]:"""Create the circuits for the fine DRAG calibration experiment. Returns: A list of circuits with a variable number of gates. Each gate has the same pulse schedule. """schedule,circuits=self.experiment_options.schedule,[]forrepetitioninself.experiment_options.repetitions:circuit=self._pre_circuit()for_inrange(repetition):circuit.append(self.experiment_options.gate,(0,))circuit.rz(np.pi,0)circuit.append(self.experiment_options.gate,(0,))circuit.rz(np.pi,0)circuit.compose(self._post_circuit(),inplace=True)circuit.measure_all()ifscheduleisnotNone:circuit.add_calibration(,self.physical_qubits,schedule,params=[],)circuit.metadata={"xval":repetition}circuits.append(circuit)returncircuits
def_metadata(self):metadata=super()._metadata()# Store measurement level and meas return if they have been# set for the experimentforrun_optin["meas_level","meas_return"]:ifhasattr(self.run_options,run_opt):metadata[run_opt]=getattr(self.run_options,run_opt)returnmetadata
[docs]classFineXDrag(FineDrag):"""Class to fine characterize the DRAG parameter of an X gate. # section: example .. jupyter-execute:: :hide-code: # backend from qiskit_experiments.test.pulse_backend import SingleTransmonTestBackend backend = SingleTransmonTestBackend(5.2e9,-.25e9, 1e9, 0.8e9, 1e4, noise=False, seed=199) .. jupyter-execute:: from qiskit_experiments.library.characterization import FineXDrag exp = FineXDrag(physical_qubits=(0,), backend=backend) exp_data = display(exp_data.figure(0)) exp_data.analysis_results(dataframe=True) """def__init__(self,physical_qubits:Sequence[int],backend:Optional[Backend]=None):"""Initialize the experiment."""super().__init__(physical_qubits,XGate(),backend=backend)@classmethoddef_default_experiment_options(cls)->Options:r"""Default values for the FineXDrag experiment. Experiment Options: gate (Gate): FineXDrag calibrates an XGate. """options=super()._default_experiment_options()options.gate=XGate()returnoptions@staticmethoddef_pre_circuit()->QuantumCircuit:"""Return the quantum circuit done before the Rp - Rz - Rp - Rz gates."""returnQuantumCircuit(1)
[docs]classFineSXDrag(FineDrag):"""Class to fine characterize the DRAG parameter of an :math:`SX` gate. # section: example .. jupyter-execute:: :hide-code: # backend from qiskit_experiments.test.pulse_backend import SingleTransmonTestBackend backend = SingleTransmonTestBackend(5.2e9,-.25e9, 1e9, 0.8e9, 1e4, noise=False, seed=199) .. jupyter-execute:: import numpy as np from qiskit_experiments.library.characterization import FineSXDrag exp = FineSXDrag(physical_qubits=(0,), backend=backend) exp.analysis.set_options(normalization= True, fixed_parameters={ "angle_per_gate" : 0.0, "phase_offset" : np.pi/2, "amp" : 0.6 }, ) exp_data = display(exp_data.figure(0)) exp_data.analysis_results(dataframe=True) """def__init__(self,physical_qubits:Sequence[int],backend:Optional[Backend]=None):"""Initialize the experiment."""super().__init__(physical_qubits,SXGate(),backend=backend)@classmethoddef_default_experiment_options(cls)->Options:r"""Default values for the FineSXDrag experiment. Experiment Options: gate (Gate): FineSXDrag calibrates an SXGate. """options=super()._default_experiment_options()options.gate=SXGate()returnoptions@staticmethoddef_pre_circuit()->QuantumCircuit:"""Return the quantum circuit with an sx gate before the Rp - Rz - Rp - Rz gates."""circ=QuantumCircuit(1)