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Le Quantum Autoencoder#
Le but de ce tutoriel est de construire un Autoencodeur quantique, un circuit qui peut compresser un état quantique sur une plus petite quantité de qubits, tout en conservant les informations de l’état initial.
Tout au long de ce tutoriel, nous expliquons l’architecture d’un Autoencodeur quantique et comment on peut concevoir et former un tel système pour compresser et encoder l’information. Suite à cette discussion, nous donnons deux exemples pour démontrer les capacités d’un tel système à compresser différents états quantiques, ainsi que la possibilité de compresser des images de zéros et de uns.
The following tutorial is broken down as follows:
What is an Autoencoder?
Le Quantum Autoencoder
Components of a Quantum Autoencoder
Choosing a Loss Function
Building our Autoencoder
A Simple Example: The Domain Wall
A Quantum Autoencoder for Noisy Images of Digits
Applications d’un autoencodeur quantique
1. What is an Autoencoder?#
A classical autoencoder (CAE) is a type of neural network architecture that is commonly used to efficiently compress and encode information from the input using of representation learning. Following compression, one can then uncompress the data through the use of a decoder.
Typical autoencoders are commonly divided into three layers, as seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Example of a Classical Autoencoder which includes the input, bottleneck and output layer.
The first layer is called the Input Layer (1) and is the layer of which we input our data of length
The input data then passes through an encoder and travels to the next layer, which has less nodes or is reduced in dimensions and is known as the Bottleneck Layer (2). The input layer is compressed through this process. Common CAEs may have several layers.
The final layer is called the Output Layer (3). Here the compressed data is reconstructed to its original size,
By passing our input data through a CAE, we are therefore able to reduce the dimensionality of our input data, as seen in the bottleneck layer, while retaining as much information as possible from the input data. Because of this feature, common uses of CAE are Image Denoising, Anomaly Detection and Facial Recognition devices. For more information on classical autoencoders, see [1].
2. The Quantum Autoencoder#
We can also define a quantum counterpart to the CAE, the Quantum Autoencoder. Much like the CAE, the Quantum Autoencoder aims to reduce the dimensionality of the input of the neural network, in this case a quantum state. A pictorial representation of this can be seen in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Pictorial Representation of a Quantum Autoencoder. Here one can see the similarities with the CAE, with the circuit having an input state, bottleneck state and an output state.
Much like its classical counterpart, our circuit contains three layers. We first input our state
We then apply our parametrized circuit on our input state, which will act as our encoder and “compresses” our quantum state, reducing the dimensionality of our state to
This parametrized circuit will depend on a set of parameters, which will be the nodes of our Quantum Autoencoder. Throughout the training process, these parameters will be updated to optimize the loss function.
We disregard the remaining
The final layer consists of the addition of
3. Components of a Quantum Autoencoder#
Before building our Quantum Autoencoder, we must note a few subtleties.
We first note that we cannot introduce or disregard qubits in the middle of a Quantum Circuit when implementing an autoencoder using Qiskit.
Because of this we must include our reference state as well as our auxiliary qubits (whose role will be described in later sections) at the beginning of the circuit.
Therefore our input state will consist of our input state, reference state and one auxiliary qubit, as well as a classical register to perform measurements (which will be described in the next section). A pictorial representation of this can be seen in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Pictorial Representation of input state of Quantum Autoencoder. Note that we must also include an auxiliary qubit, the reference state and classical register at the beginning of the circuit, even though they are not used until later in the circuit.
4. Choosing a Loss Function#
We now define our cost function, which we will use to train our Quantum Autoencoder, to return the input state. There’s a bit of math involved here, so skip this section if you’re not interested!
We take the cost function as defined in [2], which tries to maximize the fidelity between the input and output state of our Quantum Autoencoder.
We first define subsystems
Our input state therefore
We define the parameterized circuit as
Our goal therefore is to maximize the fidelity between the input and output states, i.e.
We can maximize this fidelity by tuning the parameters
As shown in [2] a simpler way of determining an optimally compressed state is to perform a swap gate between the trash state and reference state. These states usually have a smaller number of qubits and are therefore easier to compare, due to the smaller amount of gates required. As shown in [2] maximizing the fidelity of such these two states is equivalent to maximizing the fidelity of the input and output state and thus determining an optimal compression of our input circuit.
Keeping our reference state fixed, our cost function will now be a function of the trash state and is denoted as;
Throughout the training process, we adjust the parameters
The SWAP Test#
The SWAP Test is a procedure commonly used to compare two states by applying CNOT gates to each qubit (for further information see [3]). By running the circuit
5. Building the Quantum Autoencoder Ansatz#
First, we implement IBM’s Qiskit to build our Quantum Autoencoder. We first begin by importing in the necessary libraries and fixing the seed.
import json
import time
import warnings
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from IPython.display import clear_output
from qiskit import ClassicalRegister, QuantumRegister
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.circuit.library import RealAmplitudes
from qiskit.quantum_info import Statevector
from qiskit_algorithms.optimizers import COBYLA
from qiskit_algorithms.utils import algorithm_globals
from qiskit_machine_learning.circuit.library import RawFeatureVector
from qiskit_machine_learning.neural_networks import SamplerQNN
algorithm_globals.random_seed = 42
We begin by defining our parametrized ansatz for the Quantum Autoencoder. This will be our parametrized circuit where we can tune the parameters to maximize the fidelity between the trash and reference states.
The Parametrized Circuit#
The parametrized circuit we will use below for our encoder is the RealAmplitude Ansatz available in Qiskit. One of the reasons why we have chosen this ansatz is because it is a 2-local circuit, the prepared quantum states will only have real amplitudes, and does not rely on full connectivity between each qubits, which is hard to implement or can lead to deep circuits.
We define our parametrized circuit for our Encoder below, where we set the repetition parameter to reps=5
, to increase the number of parameters in our circuit allowing greater flexibility.
def ansatz(num_qubits):
return RealAmplitudes(num_qubits, reps=5)
Let’s draw this ansatz with
num_qubits = 5
circ = ansatz(num_qubits)

We now apply this Encoder to the state we wish to compress. In this example, we divide our initial
As explained in the previous section, we must also include a
After initializing our state, we apply our parametrized circuit.
Following this, we then split our initial state into the latent space (the compressed state) and trash space (the part of the state we will disregard) and perform the swap test between the reference state and the trash space. The last qubit is then measured to determine the fidelity between the reference and trash states. A pictorial representation of this is given below in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Example of a Quantum Autoencoder in the training process. We use the swap test to determine the fidelity between the trash and reference space.
We define a function below to implement the above circuit configuration to the
def auto_encoder_circuit(num_latent, num_trash):
qr = QuantumRegister(num_latent + 2 * num_trash + 1, "q")
cr = ClassicalRegister(1, "c")
circuit = QuantumCircuit(qr, cr)
circuit.compose(ansatz(num_latent + num_trash), range(0, num_latent + num_trash), inplace=True)
auxiliary_qubit = num_latent + 2 * num_trash
# swap test
for i in range(num_trash):
circuit.cswap(auxiliary_qubit, num_latent + i, num_latent + num_trash + i)
circuit.measure(auxiliary_qubit, cr[0])
return circuit
num_latent = 3
num_trash = 2
circuit = auto_encoder_circuit(num_latent, num_trash)

In order to reconstruct the original input state, we must apply the adjoint of our parametrized circuit after the swap test. However, during training, we are only interested in the trash state and the reference state. We can therefore exclude the gates following compression until we wish to reconstruct our initial input.
After building our Quantum Autoencoder, the next step is to train our Quantum Autoencoder to compress the state and maximize the cost function and determine the parameters
6. A Simple Example: The Domain Wall Autoencoder#
Let’s first begin with a simple example, a state known as the Domain Wall, which for
def domain_wall(circuit, a, b):
# Here we place the Domain Wall to qubits a - b in our circuit
for i in np.arange(int(b / 2), int(b)):
return circuit
domain_wall_circuit = domain_wall(QuantumCircuit(5), 0, 5)

Now let’s train our Autoencoder to compress this state from 5 qubits to 3 qubits (qubits 0,1 and 2), with the remaining qubits in the trash space (qubits 3 and 4) being in the |00> state.
We create a circuit to be used in the loss function, as described in Section 4, which determines the fidelity between the two states below using the swap test for our particular AutoEncoder function. For further information on the swap test, see [1].
ae = auto_encoder_circuit(num_latent, num_trash)
qc = QuantumCircuit(num_latent + 2 * num_trash + 1, 1)
qc = qc.compose(domain_wall_circuit, range(num_latent + num_trash))
qc = qc.compose(ae)

Then, we create a quantum neural network and pass the circuit as a parameter. We note that this network must take an interpret function, which determines how we map the output of the network to the output shape. Since we measure only one qubit, the output of the network is a bit string either
# Here we define our interpret for our SamplerQNN
def identity_interpret(x):
return x
qnn = SamplerQNN(
Next we create our cost function. As described in the previous section, our aim is to minimize
The cost function will also plot out the objective value at each cost function evaluation.
def cost_func_domain(params_values):
probabilities = qnn.forward([], params_values)
# we pick a probability of getting 1 as the output of the network
cost = np.sum(probabilities[:, 1])
# plotting part
plt.title("Objective function value against iteration")
plt.ylabel("Objective function value")
plt.plot(range(len(objective_func_vals)), objective_func_vals)
return cost
Now we will train our Autoencoder to reduce the dimension of the Hilbert space from
opt = COBYLA(maxiter=150)
initial_point = algorithm_globals.random.random(ae.num_parameters)
objective_func_vals = []
# make the plot nicer
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (12, 6)
start = time.time()
opt_result = opt.minimize(cost_func_domain, initial_point)
elapsed = time.time() - start
print(f"Fit in {elapsed:0.2f} seconds")

Fit in 18.48 seconds
Looks like it has converged! After training our Quantum Autoencoder, let’s build it and see how well it compresses the state!
To do this, we first apply our Autoencoder to a
After resetting we apply our decoder (the hermitian conjugate of our encoder) and compare it to the initial state by determining the fidelity. If our fidelity is one, then our Autoencoder has encoded all the information of the domain wall efficiently into a smaller set of qubits and when decoding, we retain the original state!
Let’s first apply our circuit to the Domain Wall State, using the parameters we obtained when training our Quantum Autoencoder. (Note we have included barriers in our circuit below, however these are not necessary for the implementation of the Quantum Autoencoder and are used to determine between different sections of our circuit).
test_qc = QuantumCircuit(num_latent + num_trash)
test_qc = test_qc.compose(domain_wall_circuit)
ansatz_qc = ansatz(num_latent + num_trash)
test_qc = test_qc.compose(ansatz_qc)
test_qc = test_qc.compose(ansatz_qc.inverse())

Now we assign the parameter values obtained in the training.
test_qc = test_qc.assign_parameters(opt_result.x)
Now let’s get the statevectors of our Domain Wall state and output circuit and calculate the fidelity!
domain_wall_state = Statevector(domain_wall_circuit).data
output_state = Statevector(test_qc).data
fidelity = np.sqrt(, output_state) ** 2)
print("Fidelity of our Output State with our Input State: ", fidelity.real)
Fidelity of our Output State with our Input State: 0.9832814006314854
As you can see our fidelity is quite high and our Autoencoder has thus compressed our dataset while retaining all the information from the input state!
Now we will see if we can apply such a Quantum Autoencoder to more complicated datasets containing noise, such as images of the numbers zero and one.
7. A Quantum Autoencoder for Digital Compression#
One can also apply a Quantum Autoencoder to more complicated examples, such as a set of handwritten digits in order to compress the dataset. Below, we will show that we can indeed train an Quantum Autoencoder to compress such an example, giving us the ability to store data more efficiently on a Quantum Computer.
For this tutorial, we will build a Quantum Autoencoder for a noisy dataset containing zeros and ones, which can be seen below.
Each image contains RawFeatureVector
feature map.
def zero_idx(j, i):
# Index for zero pixels
return [
[i, j],
[i - 1, j - 1],
[i - 1, j + 1],
[i - 2, j - 1],
[i - 2, j + 1],
[i - 3, j - 1],
[i - 3, j + 1],
[i - 4, j - 1],
[i - 4, j + 1],
[i - 5, j],
def one_idx(i, j):
# Index for one pixels
return [[i, j - 1], [i, j - 2], [i, j - 3], [i, j - 4], [i, j - 5], [i - 1, j - 4], [i, j]]
def get_dataset_digits(num, draw=True):
# Create Dataset containing zero and one
train_images = []
train_labels = []
for i in range(int(num / 2)):
# First we introduce background noise
empty = np.array([algorithm_globals.random.uniform(0, 0.1) for i in range(32)]).reshape(
8, 4
# Now we insert the pixels for the one
for i, j in one_idx(2, 6):
empty[j][i] = algorithm_globals.random.uniform(0.9, 1)
if draw:
plt.title("This is a One")
for i in range(int(num / 2)):
empty = np.array([algorithm_globals.random.uniform(0, 0.1) for i in range(32)]).reshape(
8, 4
# Now we insert the pixels for the zero
for k, j in zero_idx(2, 6):
empty[k][j] = algorithm_globals.random.uniform(0.9, 1)
if draw:
plt.title("This is a Zero")
train_images = np.array(train_images)
train_images = train_images.reshape(len(train_images), 32)
for i in range(len(train_images)):
sum_sq = np.sum(train_images[i] ** 2)
train_images[i] = train_images[i] / np.sqrt(sum_sq)
return train_images, train_labels
train_images, __ = get_dataset_digits(2)

After encoding our image into
We repeat the steps in the previous example and write a cost function, again based on the Swap Test between the trash and latent space. We can also use the same Autoencoder function as given in the previous example, as the input state and trash space contain the same amount of qubits.
Let’s input one of our digits and see our circuit for the Autoencoder below.
num_latent = 3
num_trash = 2
fm = RawFeatureVector(2 ** (num_latent + num_trash))
ae = auto_encoder_circuit(num_latent, num_trash)
qc = QuantumCircuit(num_latent + 2 * num_trash + 1, 1)
qc = qc.compose(fm, range(num_latent + num_trash))
qc = qc.compose(ae)

Again, we can see the swap test being performed on the qubits
def identity_interpret(x):
return x
qnn = SamplerQNN(
We build our cost function, based on the swap test between the reference and trash space for the digit dataset. To do this, we again use Qiskit Machine Learning’s CircuitQNN network and use the same interpret function as we are measuring the probability of getting the final qubit in the
def cost_func_digits(params_values):
probabilities = qnn.forward(train_images, params_values)
cost = np.sum(probabilities[:, 1]) / train_images.shape[0]
# plotting part
plt.title("Objective function value against iteration")
plt.ylabel("Objective function value")
plt.plot(range(len(objective_func_vals)), objective_func_vals)
return cost
Since model training may take a long time we have already pre-trained the model for some iterations and saved the pre-trained weights. We’ll continue training from that point by setting initial_point
to a vector of pre-trained weights.
with open("12_qae_initial_point.json", "r") as f:
initial_point = json.load(f)
By minimizing this cost function, we can thus determine the required parameters to compress our noisy images. Let’s see if we can encode our images!
opt = COBYLA(maxiter=150)
objective_func_vals = []
# make the plot nicer
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (12, 6)
start = time.time()
opt_result = opt.minimize(fun=cost_func_digits, x0=initial_point)
elapsed = time.time() - start
print(f"Fit in {elapsed:0.2f} seconds")

Fit in 40.59 seconds
Looks like it has converged!
Now let’s build our Encoder and Decoder using the parameters obtained from the training period. After applying this circuit to our new dataset, we can then compare our input and output data and see if we were able to retain the images efficiently throughout the compression!
# Test
test_qc = QuantumCircuit(num_latent + num_trash)
test_qc = test_qc.compose(fm)
ansatz_qc = ansatz(num_latent + num_trash)
test_qc = test_qc.compose(ansatz_qc)
test_qc = test_qc.compose(ansatz_qc.inverse())
# sample new images
test_images, test_labels = get_dataset_digits(2, draw=False)
for image, label in zip(test_images, test_labels):
original_qc = fm.assign_parameters(image)
original_sv = Statevector(original_qc).data
original_sv = np.reshape(np.abs(original_sv) ** 2, (8, 4))
param_values = np.concatenate((image, opt_result.x))
output_qc = test_qc.assign_parameters(param_values)
output_sv = Statevector(output_qc).data
output_sv = np.reshape(np.abs(output_sv) ** 2, (8, 4))
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2)
ax1.set_title("Input Data")
ax2.set_title("Output Data")

It looks like our Quantum Autoencoder can be trained to encode digits as well! Now it’s your turn to build your own Quantum Autoencoder and come up with ideas and datasets to compress!
8. Applications of a Quantum Autoencoder#
Quantum Autoencoder’s can be used for various different applications, including
Digital Compression: where information can be encoded into a smaller amount of qubits. This can be hugely beneficial for near term quantum devices, as smaller systems of qubits are less prone to noise.
Denoising: where one can use Quantum Autoencoder to extract relevant features from the initial quantum state or encoded data, while neglecting any additional noise.
Quantum Chemistry: in which a Quantum Autoencoder can be used as an ansatz for systems, such as the Hubbard Model. This is commonly used to describe electron-electron interactions in molecules.
9. References#
A wikipedia page on Autoencoder:
Romero, Jonathan, Jonathan P. Olson, and Alan Aspuru-Guzik. « Quantum autoencoders for efficient compression of quantum data. » Quantum Science and Technology 2.4 (2017): 045001.
Swap Test Algorithm:
Version Information
Qiskit Software | Version |
qiskit-terra | 0.22.2 |
qiskit-aer | 0.11.1 |
qiskit-machine-learning | 0.6.0 |
System information | |
Python version | 3.8.13 |
Python compiler | Clang 12.0.0 |
Python build | default, Oct 19 2022 17:54:22 |
OS | Darwin |
CPUs | 10 |
Memory (Gb) | 64.0 |
Thu Nov 10 23:26:05 2022 GMT |
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