- class Lattice(u_vec=None, v_vec=None, size=None, points=None)[source]¶
Lattice on which tiles are tiled
- Parameters:
u_vec ([type], optional) – Zeroth basis vector. Defaults to None.
v_vec ([type], optional) – First basis vector. Defaults to None.
size ([type], optional) – Width/Height of lattice. Defaults to None.
points ([type], optional) – Points on generated lattice. Defaults to None.
- Raises:
QiskitError – Something went wrong.
- generate_points(size)[source]¶
lattice of size points centered at (0,0)
- Parameters:
size (int|float) – size vector for lattice of points
- Return type:
- classmethod make_transform(u_vec, v_vec)[source]¶
Generate a transformation to be used by other lattices
- restrict(region, *, in_place=False)[source]¶
Create a new lattice with same basis but that fits inside the supplied region
- Parameters:
region (GeometryBounds) – region to which the lattice will be restricted.
in_place (bool) – Modify lattice in place. Default is False
- Raises:
QiskitError – something went wrong
- Returns:
- A new lattice with same basis vectors as self but
restricted to bounding_box
- Return type:
- restrict_for_tiling(region, *, tile=None, size=None, expand_value=None, in_place=False, alpha=1)[source]¶
Given a Shape to tile based on the lattice (self), restrict lattice (self) to the provided shape such that a tiling of that shape with the given tile will completely fill that shape. A size can be provided instead of a tile. If both are provided the size attribute will be used. If no Tile or size is provided then it will be assumed that a tiling will use tiles of the size of the lattices (self) given basis.
- Parameters:
region (Shape) – region that needs to be tiled
tile (Tile, optional) – Tile to be used for tiling. Defaults to None.
size (List[Union[float, int]], optional) – Size of tile. Defaults to None.
expand_value (np.array, optional) – Amount to expand the region AABB by
then (to ensure that the entire region is filled. If no expand_value is provied)
None. (an approximate value will be determined. Defaults to)
in_place (bool, optional) – Perform in place on lattice if set to True. Defaults to False.
alpha (
) – tile_size = alpha * tile.size - Used for optimization of a factory
- Returns:
Lattice for tiling region, or None if done in place.
- Return type:
Union[Lattice, None]