
class Tiling(*, tile_type: Type[Tile], tile_optype: str, lattice: Lattice, qubit_count: QubitCount | None = None, qubit_data: QubitData | None = None, epsilon: float = 0.01)[source]

Bases: object

Create a tiling[Shell] from a tile and lattice

  • tile_type (Type[Tile]) – Type of tile to create. Ex. RSSC

  • lattice (Lattice) – Lattice on which to place tiles

  • qubit_count (QubitCount, optional) – Keeps track of qubits

  • qubit_data (QubitData, optional) – Keeps track of data associated code associated to tiling

  • epsilon (float, optional) – Minimum distance between two vertices to be considered separate

  • 0.01. (relative to being assigned different qubits Defaults to)


classmethod distance(point1, point2)[source]

Distance between two points.