
N-qubit Pauli Representation Encodings and Conversion Module



Converts a array of boolean values into a index numpy array of non-zero-elements

change_pauli_encoding(phase_exp[, y_count, ...])

Converts the input phase exponent of a Pauli operator encoded in the input_pauli_encoding into the phase exponent of the same Pauli operator encoded in the output_pauli_encoding.

cpx2cpxstr(cpx[, same_type, ones])

Converts the complex number(s) to strings

cpx2exp(cpx, output_encoding[, same_type, ...])

Converts complex phases to encoded exponents for Pauli group phases

cpx2expstr(cpx, encoding[, same_type])

Converts complex Pauli group phases into strings representing phase exponents

cpxstr2cpx(cpx_str[, same_type])

Converts the complex number defined by the input string(s) to a complex number

cpxstr2exp(cpx_str, encoding[, same_type])

Converts strings representing a complex pauli grioup phase to an encoded phase.

cpxstr2expstr(cpx_str, encoding[, same_type])

Converts a complex string represnetation into a exponent string representation.

encode_of_phase_str(phase_str[, same_type])

Returns how a string(s) representing a phase(s) are encoded

encode_of_tensor_str(tensor_str[, encoded, ...])

Returns how a string representing a Pauli tensor without a phase component is encoded.

exp2cpx(phase_exp, input_encoding[, same_type])

Converts a encoded phase(s) to a complex number(s)

exp2cpxstr(phase_exp, encoding[, same_type, ...])

Converts encoded Pauli groups phases into strings that represent the associated complex numbers

exp2exp(phase_exp[, input_encoding, ...])

Convert between the different phase exponents of encoded phase

exp2expstr(phase_exp, input_encoding[, ...])

Converts encoded phases (exponents) to their string representations

expstr2cpx(phase_str, encoding[, same_type])

Converts strings representing phase exponents to complex numbers

expstr2cpxstr(exp_str, encoding[, ...])

Converts a string(s) representing a phase exponent into a string representing the equivalent complex number.

expstr2exp(exp_str[, same_type])

Converts string representations of phase encoded phases to encoded phases

from_array(matrix[, phase_exp, ...])

Convert array and phase_exp to the matrix and phase_exp in BasePauli's internal Pauli encoding (pauli_rep.INTERNAL_PAULI_ENCODING) :type matrix: Union[List, Tuple, ndarray] :param matrix: _description_ :type matrix: _type_ :type phase_exp: Union[int, List, Tuple, ndarray, None] :param phase_exp: _description_ :type phase_exp: _type_ :type input_pauli_encoding: Optional[str] :param input_pauli_encoding: input Pauli encoding

from_split_array(x, z, phase_exp[, ...])

Convert split array (separate X and Z arrays) and phase_exp to the matrix and phase_exp in BasePauli's internal Pauli encoding (pauli_rep.INTERNAL_PAULI_ENCODING)

gate2symplectic(gate[, encoding])

Converts a Pauli gate to a symplectic matrix with phase


Returns the available Pauli encodings


Returns the phase encodeing part of the Pauli encoding string


Returns the availble phase encodings


Returns the tensor encodeing part of the Pauli encoding string


Returns the available tensor encodings

indices_to_boolean(indices, dim)

Converts an array/list of indices to a numpy boolean vector

is_exp_type(phase_exp, input_phase_encoding)

Determines if a given input is an encoded phase exponent of a Pauli operator

is_scalar(obj[, scalar_pair])

Deteremines if an obj is a scalar or not (i.e. not an array of some sort).

scalar_op2symplectic(op[, output_encoding])

Convert a ScalarOp to symplectic representation with phase.

split_pauli(pauli_str[, same_type])

Splits up a string reprenting a Pauli operator into the phase part and the Pauli part.


Splits the Pauli encoding into the phase and tensor encodings

squeeze(array_[, scalar])

Squeeze an numpy array with the option to convert a resulting 0d array to a scalar (scalar=True)

stand_phase_str(phase_str[, same_type, ...])

Standardize the phase string

str2exp(phase_str, encoding[, same_type])

Converts string representations of a Pauli group phases to and encoded phase exponents

str2str(pauli_str, syntax_output[, ...])

Converts between different string representations of Pauli operators

str2symplectic(pauli_str[, qubit_order, ...])

Converts strings of Pauli group elements into phase exponents and their symplectic matrix representation.

symplectic2str(matrix[, phase_exp, ...])

Converts a symplectic matrix and phase to string representations

to_cpx_matrix(matrix, phase_exp[, ...])

Return the complex matrix representation from its symplectic representation with phase.