# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2020
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
# that they have been altered from the originals.
# Part of the QEC framework
"""Module for lattice"""
from typing import Union, List, Optional
from math import ceil, floor
import numpy as np
from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError
from qiskit_qec.geometry.bounds import GeometryBounds
from qiskit_qec.geometry.shape import Shape
from qiskit_qec.geometry.tiles.tile import Tile
class Lattice:
"""Lattice on which tiles are tiled"""
def __init__(self, u_vec=None, v_vec=None, size=None, points=None) -> None:
u_vec ([type], optional): Zeroth basis vector. Defaults to None.
v_vec ([type], optional): First basis vector. Defaults to None.
size ([type], optional): Width/Height of lattice. Defaults to None.
points ([type], optional): Points on generated lattice. Defaults to None.
QiskitError: Something went wrong.
if u_vec is None:
u_vec = np.array([1, 0])
if v_vec is None:
v_vec = np.array([0, 1])
if size is None:
size = (np.inf, np.inf)
self.u_vec = u_vec
self.v_vec = v_vec
self.transform = Lattice.make_transform(u_vec, v_vec)
self.unorm = np.linalg.norm(u_vec)
self.vnorm = np.linalg.norm(v_vec)
if size != (np.inf, np.inf):
if (size[0] == np.inf) ^ (size[1] == np.inf):
raise QiskitError("Half infinite lattices not yet supported")
if points is None:
self.points = self.generate_points(np.array(size))
self.points = points
def __str__(self) -> str:
if self.points is None:
return f"Lattice(u_vec={np.array2string(self.u_vec, separator=', ')},\
v_vec={np.array2string(self.v_vec, separator=', ')})"
outstr = "Lattive["
for point in self.points[:-1]:
outstr += np.array2string(point, separator=", ")
outstr += ", "
outstr += np.array2string(self.points[-1], separator=", ")
outstr += "]"
return outstr
def generate_points(self, size) -> List:
"""lattice of size points centered at (0,0)
size (int|float): size vector for lattice of points
points = []
bounds = np.ceil(size / 2).astype(int)
for i in range(-bounds[0], bounds[0] + 1):
for j in range(-bounds[1], bounds[1] + 1):
points.append(i * self.u_vec + j * self.v_vec)
return points
def restrict(self, region: GeometryBounds, *, in_place: bool = False) -> "Lattice":
"""Create a new lattice with same basis but that fits inside the supplied region
region (GeometryBounds): region to which the lattice will be restricted.
in_place (bool): Modify lattice in place. Default is False
QiskitError: something went wrong
Lattice : A new lattice with same basis vectors as self but
restricted to bounding_box
if isinstance(region, GeometryBounds):
if self.points is None:
raise QiskitError("Points must first be generated")
points = []
for point in self.points:
if region.contains(point):
if in_place:
self.points = points
return self
return Lattice(self.u_vec, self.v_vec, points=points)
raise QiskitError("Region should be an instance of GeometryBounds")
def restrict_for_tiling(
region: Shape,
tile: Optional[Tile] = None,
size: List[Union[float, int]] = None,
expand_value: np.array = None,
in_place: bool = False,
alpha: float = 1,
) -> List:
"""Given a Shape to tile based on the lattice (self), restrict lattice (self) to
the provided shape such that a tiling of that shape with the given tile will
completely fill that shape. A size can be provided instead of a tile. If both are
provided the size attribute will be used. If no Tile or size is provided then
it will be assumed that a tiling will use tiles of the size of the lattices (self)
given basis.
region (Shape): region that needs to be tiled
tile (Tile, optional): Tile to be used for tiling. Defaults to None.
size (List[Union[float, int]], optional): Size of tile. Defaults to None.
expand_value (np.array, optional): Amount to expand the region AABB by
to ensure that the entire region is filled. If no expand_value is provied then
an approximate value will be determined. Defaults to None.
in_place (bool, optional): Perform in place on lattice if set to True. Defaults to False.
alpha: tile_size = alpha * tile.size - Used for optimization of a factory
Union[Lattice, None]: Lattice for tiling region, or None if done in place.
# Create an extended bounding box AABB
extended_aabb = region.bounds.copy()
# Determine the size of tile expected
if tile is not None:
tile_size = alpha * tile.size
elif size is not None:
tile_size = np.array(size)
tile_size = np.array((self.unorm, self.vnorm))
# Determine how much to expand the region's AABB by
if expand_value is None:
expand_value = tile_size
# Choose vert_vec so that it has some y component and that horz_vec has some x component
if abs(self.v_vec[1]) > 0.1:
if abs(self.u_vec[0]) > 0.1:
vert_vec = self.v_vec
horz_vec = self.u_vec
vert_vec = self.u_vec
horz_vec = self.v_vec
elif abs(self.u_vec[1]) > 0.1:
if abs(self.v_vec[0]) > 0.1:
vert_vec = self.u_vec
horz_vec = self.v_vec
raise QiskitError(
"Lattice basis not independent or too skewed or vector lengths \
to small. Resize and/or run LLL to improve basis before continuing"
assert horz_vec[0] != 0, "Division by zero - error in lattice basis selection"
def _find_points(aabb, u_vec, v_vec, point, pts, direction="up"):
while True:
if direction == "up":
point = point + v_vec
point = point - v_vec
m = u_vec[1] / u_vec[0]
c = point[1] - m * point[0]
line = [-m, 1, c]
intersects = aabb.intercepts(line)
if len(intersects) != 2:
x0, y0 = intersects[0]
x1, y1 = intersects[1]
min_x = min(x0, x1)
max_x = max(x0, x1)
ta_min = ceil((min_x - point[0]) / u_vec[0])
ta_max = floor((max_x - point[0]) / u_vec[0])
if u_vec[1] != 0:
min_y = min(y0, y1)
max_y = max(y0, y1)
tb_min = ceil((min_y - point[1]) / u_vec[1])
tb_max = floor((max_y - point[1]) / u_vec[1])
t_min = max(ta_min, tb_min)
t_max = min(ta_max, tb_max)
t_min = ta_min
t_max = ta_max
t_range = range(t_min, t_max + 1)
for t_val in t_range:
new_point = point + t_val * u_vec
return pts
# find points on lattice on vert_vec line that are in AABB (and one just outside)
origin = np.array((0, 0))
point = origin - vert_vec
points = []
points = _find_points(extended_aabb, horz_vec, vert_vec, point, points, direction="up")
point = origin.copy()
points = _find_points(extended_aabb, horz_vec, vert_vec, point, points, direction="down")
# Create a lattice with points generated
lattice_l = Lattice(u_vec=horz_vec, v_vec=vert_vec, points=points)
if in_place:
self.points = lattice_l.points
return self
return lattice_l