Source code for qiskit_qec.structures.gauge

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2020
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
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"""Module for Gauge Groups"""

from typing import Union, List, Any
import warnings

import numpy as np
from qiskit import QiskitError

import qiskit_qec.linear.symplectic as sym
from qiskit_qec.operators.pauli_list import PauliList
from qiskit_qec.operators.base_pauli import BasePauli
from import Group

[docs] class GaugeGroup(Group): """`GaugeGroup` inherits from `Group`""" def __init__( self, generators: Union[str, List[str], BasePauli, None] = None, name: Any = None, *, isotropic_generators: Union[str, List[str], np.ndarray, None] = None, hyperbolic_generators: Union[str, List[str], np.ndarray, None] = None, with_generators=True, ) -> None: """_summary_ Args: generators (Union[str,List[str], BasePauli]): _description_ name (Any, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. isotropic_generators (Union[str,List[str],np.ndarray,None], optional): _description_. Defaults to None. hyperbolic_generators (Union[str,List[str],np.ndarray,None], optional): _description_. Defaults to None. with_generators (bool, optional): _description_. Defaults to True. """ if generators is None and isotropic_generators is None and hyperbolic_generators is None: raise QiskitError("Some generators are required to create GaugeGroup") generators = ( PauliList(generators) + PauliList(isotropic_generators) + PauliList(hyperbolic_generators) ) if with_generators: generators = PauliList(sym.min_generating(generators.matrix)) self.generators = generators self._with_generators = with_generators if name is None: = "" else: = name super().__init__() @property def n(self): """Returns the number of qubits""" return self.generators.num_qubits @property def k(self): """Returns the number of logical operators""" warnings.warn("Number of logical operators - Property not yet implemented") return 0 # pylint: disable=useless-return @property def num_gen(self): """Returns the number of generators""" warnings.warn("Number of generators - Property not yet implemented") return 0 # pylint: disable=useless-return def __str__(self) -> str: return f"GaugeGroup[ [[{self.n},{self.k}]] with {self.num_gen} min generators]"
class GaugeGroupWithGenerators: """Returns a GaugeGroup instance generated by generators. object.generators does not necessarily return the input generators""" def __new__(cls, generators: Union[str, List[str], BasePauli], name: Any = None) -> None: """_summary_ Args: generators (Union[str,List[str], BasePauli]): _description_ name (Any, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. """ return GaugeGroup(generators, name=name, with_generators=True) class GaugeGroupByGenerators: """Returns a GaugeGroup instance generated by generators. object.generators will return the input generators""" def __new__(cls, generators: Union[str, List[str], BasePauli], name: Any = None) -> None: """_summary_ Args: generators (Union[str,List[str], BasePauli]): _description_ name (Any, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. """ return GaugeGroup(generators, name=name, with_generators=False)