# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2022
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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"""OctaSquareTile class."""
from math import sqrt
import numpy as np
from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError
from qiskit_qec.geometry.model.shell import Shell
from qiskit_qec.geometry.tiles.tile import Tile
from qiskit_qec.geometry.tiles.tilefactory import TileFactory
from qiskit_qec.operators.pauli_list import PauliList
# pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string)
class OctaSquareTile(Tile):
r"""Octa-Square Tile
The tile has the following structure::
q0 q1
v0 v1
q2 q3 o------o
v0 v1 q3 / \ q4
o-----o v7 o o v2
| | | |
| 0 | q6 | 1 | q7
o-----o v6 o o v3
v3 v4 \ /
q5 q6 q9 o-----o q10
v5 v4
q5 q6
v0 v1
o-----o q9 q10
q8 / \ q9 v0 v1
v7 o o v2 o-----o
| 2 | | |
q11 | | q12 | 3 |
v6 o o v3 o-----o
\ / q12 q13
o-----o v3 v2
q14 q15
v5 v4
/ \
o-----o o
| | |
| 0 | 1 |
o-----o o
/ \ /
o (0,0) o-----o
| . | |
| 2 | 3 |
o o-----o
\ /
wf_operator_dict = {
"cXZZX": [
PauliList(["XXXX"], input_qubit_order="left-to-right"),
PauliList(["ZZZZZZZZ"], input_qubit_order="left-to-right"),
PauliList(["ZZZZZZZZ"], input_qubit_order="left-to-right"),
PauliList(["XXXX"], input_qubit_order="left-to-right"),
"cZXXZ": [
PauliList(["ZZZZ"], input_qubit_order="left-to-right"),
PauliList(["XXXXXXXX"], input_qubit_order="left-to-right"),
PauliList(["XXXXXXXX"], input_qubit_order="left-to-right"),
PauliList(["ZZZZ"], input_qubit_order="left-to-right"),
# Descriptions of wireframes
# qubit indices for each wireframe
wf_q_indices = [
[2, 3, 6, 5],
[0, 1, 4, 7, 10, 9, 6, 3],
[5, 6, 9, 12, 15, 14, 11, 8],
[9, 10, 13, 12],
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
s8 = sqrt(2 - sqrt(2)) / 2
c8 = sqrt(2 + sqrt(2)) / 2
# coordinates for each wireframe vertex in path list form to enable the
# creation of the associate edges
wf_coordinates = [
[[-s8, c8 + 2 * s8], [s8, c8 + 2 * s8], [s8, c8], [-s8, c8]],
[c8, 2 * c8 + s8],
[c8 + 2 * s8, 2 * c8 + s8],
[2 * c8 + s8, c8 + 2 * s8],
[2 * c8 + s8, c8],
[c8 + 2 * s8, s8],
[c8, s8],
[s8, c8],
[s8, c8 + 2 * s8],
[[-s8, c8], [s8, c8], [c8, s8], [c8, -s8], [s8, -c8], [-s8, -c8], [-c8, -s8], [-c8, s8]],
[[c8, s8], [c8 + 2 * s8, s8], [c8 + 2 * s8, -s8], [c8, -s8]],
# If the wf's are closed loops or not
wf_loop_indicator = [True, True, True, True]
# How wireframes components combine into faces/operators
faces_wf_components = [[0], [1], [2], [3]]
# Face colors (wf's inherit colors from faces)
face_colors = ["yellowgreen", "tomato", "tomato", "yellowgreen"]
num_faces = 4
size = np.array([3 * c8 + s8, 3 * c8 + s8])
num_qubits = 16
u_vec = np.array([2 * (c8 + s8), 0])
v_vec = np.array([0, 2 * (c8 + s8)])
def __new__(
origin: np.array,
) -> Shell:
r"""Octa Square Tile
The tile has the following structure::
q0 q1
v0 v1
q2 q3 o------o
v0 v1 q3 / \ q4
o-----o v7 o o v2
| | | |
| 0 | q6 | 1 | q7
o-----o v6 o o v3
v3 v4 \ /
q5 q6 q9 o-----o q10
v5 v4
q5 q6
v0 v1
o-----o q9 q10
q8 / \ q9 v0 v1
v7 o o v2 o-----o
| 2 | | |
q11 | | q12 | 3 |
v6 o o v3 o-----o
\ / q12 q13
o-----o v3 v2
q14 q15
v5 v4
/ \
o-----o o
| | |
| 0 | 1 |
o-----o o
/ \ /
o (0,0) o-----o
| . | |
| 2 | 3 |
o o-----o
\ /
Face colors for faces [0,1,2,3] are ["yellowgreen","tomato", "tomato", "yellowgreen"]
Preformatted operators are stored in HexagonTile.op_dict. Keys for op_dict are of the
form [p|c|d]PPPP... where p = pattern and c = copy, d=double and P is a Pauli opertor X, Z or Y.
"cX" -> face #0 operator is Pauli("XXXXXX"), face #1 operator is Pauli("ZZZZZZ"), ...
"dXZ" -> face #0 operators are Pauli("XXXXXX") and Pauli("ZZZZZZ"), face #1 operators are
Pauli("ZZZZZZ") and ...
Available precomputed operator layouts are::
The operator variable may be used to define the operators specifically. The operator must be
a list of PauliList objects where each PauliList describes the opertors to be built for the
faces as indexed above 0,1,2,3, ... If the PauliList contains k Paulis then k operators will
be created for the given face.
origin (np.array): Coordinates of origin of tile (shell)
qubit_count: Qubit counter. Defaults to None.
qubit_data: Qubit data. Defaults to None.
operators: Operators for tile faces. Defaults to None.
optype (optional): Which of the listed opertor mapppings to used. Defaults to "pXZXZ".
A appropriately scalled lattice basis for tiling with the OctaSquareTile can be accessed
from [OctaSquareTile.u_vec, OctaSquareTile.v_vec]
QiskitError: Unsupported operator type
Shell: Returns a Octa-Square tile (shell) with provided origin
if operators is None:
operators = OctaSquareTile.wf_operator_dict[optype]
except KeyError as key_error:
raise QiskitError(f"Unsupported operator type: {optype}") from key_error
return TileFactory(