Source code for qiskit_qec.geometry.shape

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2020
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
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# Part of the QEC framework

"""Module for shape"""

from numbers import Real
from typing import List, Dict, Any, Tuple, Optional, Union
from math import sqrt, copysign

import numpy as np

from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError
from qiskit_qec.geometry.bounds import GeometryBounds
from qiskit_qec.geometry.manifold import Manifold
from qiskit_qec.geometry.plane import Plane
from import Shell

[docs] class Shape: """This class is used to store a boundary shape on a given manifold that is used to select sublattices. """ _DEBUG = False def __init__(self, points: List, lines: Optional[List[List]] = None, indices: List = None): """Init shape Args: points (List): points on the shape lines (List[List], optional): lines on the shape. Defaults to None indices (List, optional): indices of the shape Defaults to None. Raise: QiskitError: If <indices> are defined then lines must also be defined """ self.points = points if lines is None: if lines is None and indices is not None: raise QiskitError("If <indices> are defined then lines must also be defined") lines = self.create_lines(points) self.lines = lines if indices is not None: self.indices = indices else: self.indices = list(range(len(self.points))) self.bounds = self.bounding_box_from_lines()
[docs] def bounding_box_from_lines(self): """Generate bounding box from lines on the shape""" line = self.lines[0] start = self.points[line[0]] finish = self.points[line[1]] bounds = GeometryBounds.bounding_box_from_line(start, finish) for line in self.lines: bounds2 = GeometryBounds.bounding_box_from_line( self.points[line[0]], self.points[line[1]] ) bounds = GeometryBounds.combine(bounds, bounds2) return bounds
[docs] @staticmethod def create_lines(points: List): """Creates Lines from a set of points""" num_points = len(points) lines = [[index, (index + 1) % num_points] for index in range(num_points)] return lines
[docs] @classmethod def square( cls, origin: List, direction: List, scale, manifold: Manifold, delta: float = 0, dtype=int ): """Create a square (2d) shape on the 2-manifold. The square has one corner placed at the origin (origin must be on the plane). The the square is defined as the path following heading in the direction <direction> towards the next corner of length <length>. The proceeding to the next corner and so on. Args: origin ([coordinate]): a coordinate on the plane direction ([vector]): vector describing the direction of the second corner scale ([real]): side of square = scale * ||direction|| manifold ([TwoManifold]): 2-manifold dtype ([dtype], optional): Date type of coordinate entries. Defaults to int. Returns: [Shape]: Shape obj describing a square of length <length> in the manifold <manifold> """ origin = np.asarray(origin) direction = np.asarray(direction) return cls.rect( origin=origin, direction=direction, scale1=scale, scale2=scale, manifold=manifold, delta=delta, dtype=dtype, )
[docs] @classmethod def rect( cls, origin: Union[List, Tuple, np.ndarray], direction: Union[List, Tuple, np.ndarray], scale1: Union[int, float], scale2: Union[int, float], manifold: Manifold = Plane(), delta: float = 0, dtype: type = float, ) -> "Shape": r"""Create a rectangle on a manifold A rect has the following lables:: r2 o / \ r3 o \ \ o r1 \ / o r0=origin direction (r0 to r1) scale1 = scale(r0,r1) scale2 = scale(r1,r2) Args: origin : Origin (r0) of rectangle. The origin is one of the corners of the rectangle. direction: Direction vector from r0 to r1 scale1: how large to scale up (r0,r1) side scale2: how large to scale up (r1,r2) side manifold: Manifold that rectangle lives on. Defaults to Plane(). delta (optional): How large to increase the rectangle by. Defaults to 0. dtype (type, optional): type of entries for definiting points to use. Defaults to float. Raises: QiskitError: Rectangle scales must be positive QiskitError: Origin must be on the surface if the manifold QiskitError: Manifold not yet supported Returns: rect: rectangle of given parameters """ origin = np.asarray(origin) direction = np.asarray(direction) if scale1 < 0 or scale2 < 0: raise QiskitError(f"Rectangle scales must be positive: scale1:{scale1} scale2:{scale2}") if not manifold.ison(origin): raise QiskitError(f"{origin} must be on the surface if the manifold") if isinstance(manifold, Plane): r0 = origin.astype(dtype) r1 = origin + scale1 * direction r1 = r1.astype(dtype) direction = Plane.rotate(theta=90, vector=direction) r2 = r1 + scale2 * direction r2 = r2.astype(dtype) direction = Plane.rotate(theta=90, vector=direction) r3 = r2 + scale1 * direction r3 = r3.astype(dtype) # scale up the rectangle to have diagonal lenths + 2 * delta center = (r1 + r3) / 2 scale = 1 + delta / np.linalg.norm(r1) r0 = scale * r0 + (1 - scale) * center r1 = scale * r1 + (1 - scale) * center r2 = scale * r2 + (1 - scale) * center r3 = scale * r3 + (1 - scale) * center points = [r0, r1, r2, r3] lines = [[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 0]] return cls(points, lines) else: raise QiskitError(f"Manifold {manifold} not yet supported")
@staticmethod def _l2distance(p: Tuple, q: Tuple) -> Real: return sqrt((p[0] - q[0]) ** 2 + (p[1] - q[1]) ** 2)
[docs] @staticmethod def is_between(p: Real, a: Real, b: Real, strict: bool = False, epsilon: Real = 0.0): """is p between a and b: a <= p < =b Args: p: point a: end point b: end point strict: is strict comparison. Default is False epsilon: Will squeeze inequality by epsilon Returns: bool: True is a is between a and b, False if not """ if strict: if a == b: return False if a < b: return a + epsilon < p < b - epsilon else: return b + epsilon < p < a - epsilon else: if a == b: return p == a if a < b: return a + epsilon <= p <= b - epsilon else: return b + epsilon <= p <= a - epsilon
[docs] def contains(self, point, on_boundary=True, epsilon=0.01, method="winding") -> bool: """ Args: point (_type_): _description_ on_boundary (bool, optional): _description_. Defaults to True. epsilon (float, optional): _description_. Defaults to 0.01. method (str, optional): _description_. Defaults to "winding". Returns: bool: _description_ """ if method == "winding": return self.contains_quad_winding_number( point, on_boundary=on_boundary, epsilon=epsilon ) elif method == "raytracing": return self.contains_ray_trace(point, on_boundary=on_boundary, epsilon=epsilon) else: raise QiskitError(f"Unknown contains method: {method}")
[docs] def contains_quad_winding_number( self, point: Union[list, np.ndarray], on_boundary: bool = False, epsilon: float = 0.01 ): """Deterine if a point is inside a polygon (PIP Problem) On or near boundary method uses l2 distances and interior method uses algorithm from Hornmann and Agathos, Computational Geometry 20 (2001) 131-144 With optional on_boundary set to False (default) the boundary is not included on the inside. If on_boundary is False then points positioned on the boundary may of may not be included. Increase the size of the shape to avoid this problem or set on_boundary to True. Setting on_boundary to True will be slower as it checks l2 distances from boundary. Currently only a simple version of the algorithm is implemented. This should be corrected at a later date or in next version. Args: point: Point to check if inside the given shape on_boundary: Set True to include the boundary. Slow for larger boundaries. Default is False. Points will be included if with epsilon of the boundary. epsilon: Value used to indicate if a point is close enough to the boundary to be included. Default is 0.01 Returns: bool: True is point in on the polygon and False otherwise. """ x = point[0] y = point[1] if on_boundary: # Determine if the given point is within (l2 distance) epsilon of the shape boundary. d = 3 * epsilon for index, line in enumerate(self.lines): [x0, y0] = self.points[line[0]] [x1, y1] = self.points[line[1]] if ( abs(x0 - x1) < 0.000000001 ): # It is assumed that the line sigement is not enormous! # m = float('inf') if Shape.is_between(y, y0, y1): d = min(d, abs(x - x0)) else: if y - y0 > y - y1: d = min(d, Shape._l2distance((x, y), (x1, y1))) else: d = min(d, Shape._l2distance((x, y), (x0, y0))) else: m = (y0 - y1) / (x0 - x1) c = y0 - m * x0 c0 = y0 + m * x0 c1 = y1 + m * x1 # yp = m * x + c yp0 = -m * x + c0 yp1 = -m * x + c1 if abs(m) < 0.000000001: if Shape.is_between(x, x0, x1): d = min(d, abs(y - y0)) else: if x - x0 > x - x1: d = min(d, Shape._l2distance((x, y), (x1, y1))) else: d = min(d, Shape._l2distance((x, y), (x0, y0))) else: if self.is_between(y, yp0, yp1): d = min(d, abs(m * x - y + c) / sqrt(m**2 + 1)) else: if y > yp0 and y > yp1: d = min(d, Shape._l2distance((x, y), (x0, y0))) else: d = min(d, Shape._l2distance((x, y), (x1, y1))) if bool(d < epsilon): return True def det(point, start, end): return (start[0] - point[0]) * (end[1] - point[1]) - (end[0] - point[0]) * ( start[1] - point[1] ) # Determine which quandrant each defining path point is in quadrants = [0] * len(self.points) for index, line_point in enumerate(self.points): if line_point[0] > x and line_point[1] >= y: quadrants[index] = 0 elif line_point[0] <= x and line_point[1] > y: quadrants[index] = 1 elif line_point[0] < x and line_point[1] <= y: quadrants[index] = 2 elif line_point[0] >= x and line_point[1] < y: quadrants[index] = 3 omega = 0 n = len(quadrants) # Calculate winding number for index, _ in enumerate(quadrants): val = quadrants[(index + 1) % n] - quadrants[index] if val in [1, -3]: omega = omega + 1 elif val in [-1, 3]: omega = omega - 1 elif val in [2, -2]: val_det = det(point, self.points[index], self.points[(index + 1) % n]) omega = omega + copysign(2, val_det) return bool(omega / 4)
[docs] def contains_ray_trace(self, point, on_boundary=True, epsilon=0.01): """Check if inside the bounded region using an infinite horizontal line from the point to +infinity This implementation assumes that the path is given by a sequence of straight lines. A more sophisticated verison is required if the path is otherwise. Args: point (point): point to check if in region (including on boundary) on_boundary (bool): True if boundary to be include in "inside". Default is True epsilon (real): Tolerance distance between two points to be equal. Default is 0.001 Returns: (bool) Check if inside the bounded region using an infinite horizontal line from the point to +infinity """ epsilon = 0.01 x = point[0] y = point[1] count = 0 k = len(self.lines) # First check if point lines on the boundary. Here a point is defined to lie # on the boundary if dist(p,P)<epsilon where p is the point and P is the path # of the boundary. When P consists of a collection of line segments then # dist(p,P) = min dist(p,l) for l in P where l is a line segement of P. def dprint(string): if Shape._DEBUG: print(string) d = 3 * epsilon dprint(f"Processing point [{x},{y}]") for index, line in enumerate(self.lines): dprint(f"Processing line {index}") [x0, y0] = self.points[line[0]] [x1, y1] = self.points[line[1]] dprint(f"{[x0, y0]} to {[x1, y1]}") if abs(x0 - x1) < 0.000000001: # It is assumed that the line sigement is not enormous! m = float("inf") if on_boundary: if Shape.is_between(y, y0, y1): d = min(d, abs(x - x0)) else: if y - y0 > y - y1: d = min(d, Shape._l2distance((x, y), (x1, y1))) else: d = min(d, Shape._l2distance((x, y), (x0, y0))) else: m = (y0 - y1) / (x0 - x1) c = y0 - m * x0 c0 = y0 + m * x0 c1 = y1 + m * x1 yp = m * x + c yp0 = -m * x + c0 yp1 = -m * x + c1 if on_boundary: if abs(m) < 0.000000001: if Shape.is_between(x, x0, x1): d = min(d, abs(y - y0)) else: if x - x0 > x - x1: d = min(d, Shape._l2distance((x, y), (x1, y1))) else: d = min(d, Shape._l2distance((x, y), (x0, y0))) else: if self.is_between(y, yp0, yp1): d = min(d, abs(m * x - y + c) / sqrt(m**2 + 1)) else: if y > yp0 and y > yp1: d = min(d, Shape._l2distance((x, y), (x0, y0))) else: d = min(d, Shape._l2distance((x, y), (x1, y1))) if m == float("inf"): if Shape.is_between(y, y0, y1, epsilon=0.000000001, strict=True) and x < x0: count += 1 dprint(f"m=inf inside count = {count}") elif abs(m) < 0.000001: pass dprint(f"m~0 inside count = {count}") elif m > 0: if Shape.is_between(y, y0, y1, epsilon=0.000000001, strict=True) and y > yp: count += 1 dprint(f"m>0 inside count = {count}") else: if self.is_between(y, y0, y1, epsilon=0.000000001, strict=True) and y < yp: count += 1 dprint(f"m<0 inside count = {count}") [x2, y2] = self.points[self.lines[(index + 1) % k][1]] [_, y3] = self.points[self.lines[(index + 2) % k][1]] # Does ray pass though a vertex if abs(y - y1) < epsilon: if y1 > max(y0, y2) or y1 < min(y0, y2): dprint(r"/\ or \/ vertex count") pass elif self.is_between(y1, y0, y2, epsilon=0, strict=True): if x <= x1: count += 1 dprint(f"| vertex count = {count}") elif abs(y1 - y2) < 0.000001: if y1 > max(y0, y3) or y1 < min(y0, y3): dprint(r"/_\ or \_/ vertex count") pass elif self.is_between(y1, y0, y3, epsilon=0, strict=True): if (x <= x1 < x2) or (x1 > x2 >= x): count += 1 dprint(r"/_/ or \_\ vertex count =" + f"{count}") dprint(f"d<epsilon = {d < epsilon} and count %2 = {count %2}") return bool(d < epsilon) or bool(int(count) % 2)
[docs] def inside( self, tiling: Shell, on_boundary: bool = False, epsilon: Real = 0.1 ) -> Dict[Any, bool]: """Returns the in-out data for a shape and a tiling Args: tiling: Input Tiling (shell) on_boundary: If True then the in-out data will include those vertices within epsilon of the boundary. This is more expensive. It is better to use a shape which is slightly larger. Default is False. epsilon: Real number use when on_boundary is True. Default is 0.1 Returns: Dict[bool]: vertex -> bool dictionary. True for inside the shape and False otherwise """ inout = {} for vertex in tiling.vertices: if Shape._DEBUG: print( f"Vertex id: {} of face :{vertex.parents[0].parents[0].parents[0].id}" ) inout[vertex] = self.contains(vertex.pos, on_boundary=on_boundary, epsilon=epsilon) return inout