Source code for qiskit_qec.geometry.model.qubit_data

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2020
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
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"""Module for Qubit Data"""
from typing import Union, List, Tuple
from numpy import ndarray
from qiskit import QiskitError

[docs] class QubitData: """Class for containing qubit information""" def __init__(self) -> None: """Init Qubit Data""" # Vertex Data self.operator = {} # Vertex_id to operator list for given vertex self.qubit = {} # vertex_id to qubit_id self.index = {} # vertex_id to PauliList index # Edge Data # Wireframe Data # Face Data self.face_colors = {} # Face id to color str # Other self.qubit_to_index = {} # qubit_id to PauliList index self.index_to_qubit = {} # PauliList index to qubit_id self.data_arrays = {}
[docs] def add_data_array(self, data_array: Union[List, Tuple, ndarray], name: str) -> None: """Adds a data array to the QubitData class instance Args: data_array (Union[List, Tuple, ndarray]): _description_ name: string name of array """ self.data_arrays[name] = data_array
[docs] def del_data_array(self, name: str): """Deletes a given data_array from the QubitData class instance Args: name (str): Name of data array to delete """ try: del self.data_arrays[name] except KeyError as keyerror: raise QiskitError(f"Data array {name} does not exist") from keyerror