Source code for qiskit_qec.geometry.bounds

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2020
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
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# Part of the QEC framework
"""Module for Geometry Bounds"""
from typing import List
import copy

import numpy as np
from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError

[docs] class GeometryBounds: """A simple Bounding Box class for an AABB in R^n""" def __init__(self, center=None, size=None, dim: int = None) -> None: """Initialize Geometry Bounds Args: center (nd.ndarry, optional): Center of bounding box. Defaults to None. size (nd.ndarry, optional): Size of boundeing box. Defaults to None. dim (int, optional): Dimensions of geometric space. Defaults to None. Raises: QiskitError: [description] """ if center is None: if size is None: if dim is None: center = np.array([0, 0, 0]) size = np.array([0, 0, 0]) else: center = np.zeros(dim) size = np.zeros(dim) else: raise QiskitError("Both center and size must be spefified togther or not at all") = np.array(center) self.size = np.array(size) assert == (,), "Center not correct shape" assert self.size.shape == (self.size.size,), "Size not correct shape" self.min = - self.size / 2 self.max = + self.size / 2 def __str__(self): retstr = "GeometryBounds\n" retstr += f"center ={}\n" retstr += f"size ={self.size}\n" retstr += f"min = {self.min}\n" retstr += f"max = {self.max}" return retstr
[docs] def copy(self): """Copying self""" bounds = copy.copy(self) # TODO shouldn't we do bounds = GeometryBounds()? = bounds.size = self.size.copy() bounds.min = self.min.copy() bounds.max = self.max.copy() return bounds
[docs] def contains(self, point) -> bool: """Returns true is point is within bounds Args: point (nd.ndarry): Point to test Returns: bool: True is point in within bounds. Else, false. """ return np.all((point - self.min) >= 0) and np.all((self.max - point) >= 0)
[docs] def set_min_max(self, min_point, max_point): """Set the bound max to be max_point and bound min to min_point Args: min_point (nd.ndarry): min point max_point (nd.ndarry): max """ min_point = np.array(min_point) max_point = np.array(max_point) assert min_point.shape == (min_point.size,), "Min point not correct shape" assert max_point.shape == (max_point.size,), "Max point not correct shape" assert min_point.size == max_point.size, "min and max vectors must be the same dimension" self.min = min_point self.max = max_point = (self.min + self.max) / 2 self.size = 2 * ( - self.min)
[docs] @classmethod def combine(cls, bounds1, bounds2): """Create the smallest AABB bounding box that includes bounds1 and bounds2 Args: bounds1 (GeometryBounds): AABB bounds2 (GeometryBounds): AABB Returns: GeometryBounds: Smallest AABB bounding box that includes bounds1 and bounds2 """ new_min = np.minimum(bounds1.min, bounds2.min) new_max = np.maximum(bounds1.max, bounds2.max) bounds = GeometryBounds() bounds.set_min_max(new_min, new_max) return bounds
[docs] def expand(self, amount: np.array): """Expand the bounds of the AABB by increasing its size by amount along each axis Args: amount (nd.ndarry): Vector to increase bounds of AABB along each axis """ assert ( == amount.size ), "Amount vector not the same dimension as bounding box" self.set_min_max(self.min - amount, self.max + amount)
[docs] @staticmethod # TODO should probably put this in init or make factories? def bounding_box_from_line(point1, point2): """Create bounding box from points1 and points2""" new_min = np.minimum(point1, point2) new_max = np.maximum(point1, point2) bounds = GeometryBounds() bounds.set_min_max(new_min, new_max) return bounds
[docs] def intercepts(self, line: List[float]) -> List: """Returns the intercepts of the input line with the aabb. The line is inputed as a vector [a,b,c] which represents the line given by ax+by=c Args: line (List[float, float, float]): _description_ Returns: List: _description_ """ a, b, c = line xmin, ymin = self.min xmax, ymax = self.max intercepts = [] if abs(b) < 0.0000001: if abs(c - xmin) < 0.0000001: intercepts.append([xmin, ymin]) intercepts.append([xmin, ymax]) elif xmin <= c <= xmax: intercepts.append([c, ymin]) intercepts.append([c, ymax]) elif abs(c - xmax) < 0.0000001: intercepts.append([xmax, ymin]) intercepts.append([xmax, ymax]) else: # |. y = (c - a * xmin) / b if ymin <= y <= ymax: intercepts.append([xmin, y]) # .| y = (c - a * xmax) / b if ymin <= y <= ymax: intercepts.append([xmax, y]) # ‾ if abs(a) < 0.0000001 and abs(c / b - ymax) < 0.0000001: intercepts.append([xmin, ymax]) intercepts.append([xmax, ymax]) elif abs(a) > 0.0000001: x = (c - b * ymax) / a if xmin <= x <= xmax: intercepts.append([x, ymax]) # _ if abs(a) < 0.0000001 and abs(c / b - ymin) < 0.0000001: intercepts.append([xmin, ymin]) intercepts.append([xmax, ymin]) elif abs(a) > 0.0000001: x = (c - b * ymin) / a if xmin <= x <= xmax: intercepts.append([x, ymin]) result = [] if len(intercepts) > 0: for item in intercepts: flag = True for value in result: if abs(item[0] - value[0]) < 0.0000001 and abs(item[1] - value[1]) < 0.0000001: flag = False continue if flag: result.append(item) return result