Source code for

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2020
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
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# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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"""Codes Librarian and Library module"""

import os
import json
import warnings
from typing import Union, List, Optional, Tuple, Dict, Callable
import configparser
from itertools import product

from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError

from import Code
from import StabSubSystemCode
from qiskit_qec.structures.gauge import GaugeGroup
from qiskit_qec.operators.pauli_list import PauliList
from import Properties

[docs] class CodeLibrary: """CodeLibrary class""" def __init__(self, name: str, path: str, config_filename: str) -> None: """Code library class. Args: name (str): name of codebase path (str): path to codebase config_file (str): configuration file nme """ # Set the name of the library = name # Set the absolute path to the library, config_filename, ... if not os.path.isabs(path): raise QiskitError( f"Path provided must be an absolute path to library directory: {path}" ) self.path = path self.config_file = os.path.join(self.path, config_filename) self.config_filename = config_filename if not os.path.isfile(self.config_file): raise QiskitError(f"Input config file: {self.config_file} is not a file") # Load the config file and parser _library_config = configparser.ConfigParser() # Set the location fort the data files (data_path) try: data_dir = _library_config["Data Directory"]["data_dir"] except KeyError: data_dir = "." if data_dir == ".": self.data_path = self.path else: self.data_path = os.path.join(self.path, data_dir) # Set the fetch method try: self.fetch_method = _library_config["Fetch Method"]["fetch_method"] except KeyError: self.fetch_methods = CodeLibrarian._DEFAULT_FETCH # Set the min/max ranges for n, k and index try: self.n_min = int(_library_config["Ranges"]["n_min"]) self.n_max = int(_library_config["Ranges"]["n_max"]) except KeyError as n_minmax_error: raise QiskitError( "Max and min n not provided in \ library config.ini" ) from n_minmax_error try: self.k_min = int(_library_config["Ranges"]["k_min"]) self.k_max = int(_library_config["Ranges"]["k_max"]) except KeyError as k_minmax_error: raise QiskitError( "Max and min k not provided \ in library config.ini" ) from k_minmax_error try: self.index_min = int(_library_config["Ranges"]["index_min"]) self.index_max = int(_library_config["Ranges"]["index_max"]) except KeyError as index_minmax_error: raise QiskitError( "Max and min index not provided \ in library config.ini" ) from index_minmax_error # Set the n data director name template and the n,k data file name templates try: self.n_dir_format = _library_config["File Formats"]["n_dir_format"] except KeyError: self.n_dir_format = CodeLibrarian.n_dir_format try: self.n_k_codes_file_format = _library_config["File Formats"]["n_k_codes_file_format"] except KeyError: self.n_k_codes_file_format = CodeLibrarian.n_k_codes_file_format # Load data into dictionary object if required if self.fetch_method == "memory": = {} for n in range(self.n_min, self.n_max + 1, 1):[n] = {} for k in range(self.k_min, self.k_max + 1, 1): file_to_load = os.path.join( self.data_path, self.n_dir_format.format(n), self.n_k_codes_file_format.format(n, k), ) # check that we have this file if os.path.exists(file_to_load): with open(file_to_load, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as codes_json_file:[n][k] = { int(index): data for index, data in json.load(codes_json_file).items() }
[docs] @staticmethod def data2code(**record) -> Code: """_summary_ Returns: Code: _description_ """ if record[Properties.TYPE] == "StabSubSystemCode": gauge_group = GaugeGroup( isotropic_generators=record.get(Properties.ISOTROPIC_GEN, None), hyperbolic_generators=record.get(Properties.HYPERBOLIC_GEN, None), ) return StabSubSystemCode(gauge_group) else: raise QiskitError(f"Unsupported code type: {record[Properties.TYPE]}")
[docs] def search( self, n: Union[int, List[int], None] = None, k: Union[int, List[int], None] = None, index: Union[int, List[int], None] = None, info_only=False, **kwargs, ) -> Union[List[Code], List[Tuple[int, int, int]]]: """Search method for library""" if isinstance(n, int) and isinstance(k, int) and isinstance(index, int): single_search = True n_range = n k_range = k index_range = index else: single_search = False if n is None: n_range = range(self.n_min, self.n_max + 1, 1) elif isinstance(n, int): n_range = [n] else: n_range = n if k is None: k_range = range(self.k_min, self.k_max + 1, 1) elif isinstance(k, int): k_range = [k] else: k_range = k if isinstance(index, int): index_range = [index] else: index_range = index return self._search( n_range, k_range, index_range, info_only=info_only, single_search=single_search, **kwargs, )
def _search( self, n_range: List[int], k_range: List[int], index_range: List[int], info_only: bool, single_search: bool, **kwargs, ) -> Union[List[Code], List[Tuple[int, int, int]]]: """Search method for library""" codes = [] if self.fetch_method == "memory": # If we have on (n,k,index) pair then simply return the requested code data if single_search: try: code_data =[n_range][k_range][index_range] if info_only: codes.append(Properties(**code_data)) else: codes.append(self.data2code(**code_data)) except KeyError: pass return codes for n, k in product(n_range, k_range): try: data =[n][k] if index_range is not None: data = {ind: data[ind] for ind in index_range if ind in data.keys()} code_data = [ entry for entry in data.values() if kwargs.items() <= entry.items() ] if info_only: codes = codes + [Properties(**entry) for entry in code_data] else: codes = codes + [self.data2code(**entry) for entry in code_data] except KeyError: continue return codes else: raise QiskitError("Only mempory method currently implemented")
[docs] def in_range(self, n, k, index) -> bool: """_summary_ Args: n (_type_): _description_ k (_type_): _description_ index (_type_): _description_ Returns: bool: _description_ """ if n is None: n_value = True else: if isinstance(n, List): n_min = min(n) n_max = max(n) else: n_min = n n_max = n n_value = self.n_min <= n_min and n_max <= self.n_max if k is None: k_value = True else: if isinstance(k, List): k_min = min(k) k_max = max(k) else: k_min = k k_max = k k_value = self.k_min <= k_min and k_max <= self.k_max if index is None: index_value = True else: if isinstance(index, List): index_min = min(index) index_max = max(index) else: index_min = index index_max = index index_value = self.index_min <= index_min and index_max <= self.index_max return n_value and k_value and index_value
[docs] class CodeLibrarian: """CodeLibrarian class.""" _codebase_path = "" _data_path = "" _library_dirs = [] _fetch_methods = {} n_dir_format = "" n_k_codes_file_format = "" _CONFIG_FILE = "config.ini" _DEFAULT_FETCH = "http" _DEFAULT_ORDER = "hfm" _ORDER_DICT = {"h": "http", "f": "file", "m": "memory"} def __init__(self, config: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """CodeLibrarian class. Args: config: configuration """ # Get absolute path to codebase directory CodeLibrarian._codebase_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) default_config = os.path.join(CodeLibrarian._codebase_path, CodeLibrarian._CONFIG_FILE) # Read the config file to determine which method # (memory, file or http) to use for each # code library. Default is order is http, file, memory _config = configparser.ConfigParser() if config is None: else: # Set the path to the codebase directory try: _dir_name = _config["paths"]["codebase_path"] CodeLibrarian._codebase_path = _dir_name except KeyError: pass try: CodeLibrarian._data_path = os.path.join( CodeLibrarian._codebase_path, _config["paths"]["data_path"] ) except KeyError as data_path_error: raise QiskitError( "A data path (data_path) must be set in \ the config.ini file in the [paths] section" ) from data_path_error # Set the order in which to search for code libraries try: _order = _config["order"]["order"] except KeyError: _order = CodeLibrarian._DEFAULT_ORDER CodeLibrarian._order = [CodeLibrarian._ORDER_DICT[letter] for letter in _order] # Get list of library code directories joined = [ os.path.join(CodeLibrarian._data_path, item) for item in os.listdir(CodeLibrarian._data_path) ] CodeLibrarian._library_dirs = [path for path in joined if os.path.isdir(path)] try: CodeLibrarian.n_dir_format = _config["Default File Formats"]["n_dir_format"] except KeyError as n_dir_format_error: raise QiskitError( "Default n_dir_format not specified in config.ini file. \ See [File Formats] section." ) from n_dir_format_error # Set the file format templates try: CodeLibrarian.n_k_codes_file_format = _config["Default File Formats"][ "n_k_codes_file_format" ] except KeyError as n_k_codes_file_format_error: raise QiskitError( "Default n_k_codes_file_format not specified in config.ini \ file. See [File Formats] section." ) from n_k_codes_file_format_error # Create the CodeLibrarys self.libraries = {} for library_dir in CodeLibrarian._library_dirs: library_path = os.path.join(CodeLibrarian._data_path, library_dir) self.libraries[library_dir] = CodeLibrary( library_dir, library_path, CodeLibrarian._CONFIG_FILE )
[docs] def get( self, n: Union[int, List[int], None] = None, k: Union[int, List[int], None] = None, index: Union[int, List[int], None] = None, info_only=False, **kwargs, ) -> Union[List[Code], List[Tuple[int, int, int]]]: """_summary_ Args: n (Optional[int,List[int]], optional): _description_. Defaults to None. k (Optional[int,List[int]], optional): _description_. Defaults to None. index (Optional[int,List[int]], optional): _description_. Defaults to None. info_only (bool, optional): _description_. Defaults to False. **kwargs: _de_ Returns: Union[List[Code],List[Tuple[int,int,int]]]: _description_ """ codes = [] for library in self.libraries.values(): if library.in_range(n, k, index): codes = codes +, k, index, info_only=info_only, **kwargs) return codes
_codebase = CodeLibrarian()
[docs] def small_code(n: int, k: int, index: int, info_only: bool = False) -> Union[Code, Properties]: """Returns the [[n,k]]-index code in the library. Args: n: number of physical qubits k: number of encoded qubits index: Unique index for the [[n,k]] code info_only: If True then only a Properties object will be returned containing information about the code requested. If False then a Code will be returned in a suitable Code subclass. Defaults to False. Raises: QiskitError: n, number of physical qubits, must be specified. QiskitError: k, number of encoded qubits, must be specified. QiskitError: index, index assigned to the requested [[n,k]] code, must be specified. Returns: Union[Code, Properties]: Returns the [[n,k]]-index Code if info_only is False and a Properties object if the info_only is True. Example: >>> code_info = small_code(5,2,0, info_only=True) >>> [[5,2]]-0 StabSubSystemCode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- isotropic_generators : ['X0X2', 'Z1Z4', 'Z0Z2'] logical_ops : ['X3', 'X1X4', 'Z3', 'Z4'] is_subsystem : 1 index : 0 code_type : StabSubSystemCode aut_group_size : 576 is_decomposable : 1 weight_enumerator : [1, 0, 4, 0, 3, 0] is_css : 1 uuid : 47e52342-8ffc-48e5-be51-c60aab28e9b8 is_degenerate : 0 d : 1 is_gf4linear : 0 k : 2 n : 5 >>> code = small_code(5,2,0) >>> code.gaugegroup.generators PauliList(['X0X2', 'Z1Z4', 'Z0Z2']) Note: This is the equivalent to the GAP method SmallGroup but for codes """ if not isinstance(n, int): raise QiskitError("n, number of physical qubits, must be specified.") if not isinstance(k, int): raise QiskitError("k, number of encoded qubits, must be specified.") if not isinstance(index, int): raise QiskitError("index, index assigned to the requested [[n,k]] code, must be specified.") return _small_code(n, k, index, info_only=info_only)
def _small_code(n: int, k: int, index: int, info_only: bool) -> Union[Code, Properties]: """Returns the [[n,k]]-index code in the library. Args: n: number of physical qubits k: number of encoded qubits index: Unique index for the [[n,k]] code info_only: If True then only a Properties object will be returned containing information about the code requested. If False then a Code will be returned in a suitable Code subclass. Returns: Union[Code, Properties]: Returns the [[n,k]]-index Code if info_only is False and a Properties object if the info_only is True. """ return _all_small_codes(n=n, k=k, index=index, info_only=info_only, list_only=False)
[docs] def all_small_codes( n: Union[int, List[int], None] = None, k: Union[int, List[int], None] = None, index: Union[int, List[int], None] = None, info_only: bool = False, list_only: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> Union[Code, List[Code], Properties, List[Properties]]: """Returns all small codes. Args: n (Union[int,List[int],None], optional): _description_. Defaults to None. k (Union[int,List[int],None], optional): _description_. Defaults to None. index (Union[int,List[int],None], optional): _description_. Defaults to None. info_only (bool, optional): _description_. Defaults to False. list_only (optional): If True then a list will always be returned. Defaults to False **kwargs: desc Returns: Union[Code, List[Code], Properties, List[Properties]]: codes or properties matches query Example: >>> all_small_codes(4) [< at 0x13e304f40>, < at 0x13e30a490>, < at 0x13e30a880>, < at 0x13e30aa60>] >>> code = all_small_codes(4,is_css=False) >>> code.gauge_group.generators PauliList(['Z0X1Z2', 'Y0Y1X3', 'Z1X2Z3']) >>> code_info = all_small_codes(4,is_css=False, info_only=True) >>> [[4,1]]-8 StabSubSystemCode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- isotropic_generators : ['Z0X1Z2', 'Y0Y1X3', 'Z1X2Z3'] logical_ops : ['Z2X3', 'Z0Z3'] is_subsystem : 1 index : 8 code_type : StabSubSystemCode aut_group_size : 24 is_decomposable : 0 weight_enumerator : [1, 0, 0, 4, 3] is_css : 0 uuid : e6e4edd6-2ec6-467f-9187-0cc64bc51f1a is_degenerate : 0 d : 2 is_gf4linear : 0 k : 1 n : 4 Note: This is the equivalent to the GAP method AllSmallGroups but for codes """ if n is not None: if not isinstance(n, (int, list)): raise QiskitError(f"n must be an integer or a list of integers: {n}") if k is not None: if not isinstance(k, (int, list)): raise QiskitError(f"k must be an integer or a list of integers: {k}") if index is not None: if not isinstance(index, (int, list)): raise QiskitError(f"index must be an integer or a list of integers: {index}") info_only = bool(info_only) list_only = bool(list_only) return _all_small_codes( n=n, k=k, index=index, info_only=info_only, list_only=list_only, **kwargs )
def _all_small_codes( n: Union[int, List[int], None], k: Union[int, List[int], None], index: Union[int, List[int], None], info_only, list_only, **kwargs, ) -> Union[Code, List[Code], Properties, List[Properties]]: """_summary_ Args: n (Union[int,List[int],None], optional): _description_. Defaults to None. k (Union[int,List[int],None], optional): _description_. Defaults to None. index (Union[int,List[int],None], optional): _description_. Defaults to None. info_only (bool, optional): _description_. Defaults to False. list_only (optional): If True then a list will always be returned. Defaults to False **kwargs: desc Returns: Union[Code, List[Code], Properties, List[Properties]]: _description_ """ try: result = _codebase.get(n, k, index, info_only=info_only, **kwargs) except NameError as err: raise QiskitError("Codebase not initilized") from err if list_only or len(result) > 1 or len(result) == 0: return result else: return result[0]