Source code for qiskit_qec.circuits.surface_code

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# This code is part of Qiskit.
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"""Generates circuits based on repetition codes."""

from qiskit import ClassicalRegister, QuantumCircuit, QuantumRegister

from qiskit_qec.utils import DecodingGraphNode
from qiskit_qec.circuits.code_circuit import CodeCircuit

[docs] class SurfaceCodeCircuit(CodeCircuit): """Distance d rotated surface code with T syndrome measurement rounds.""" def __init__(self, d: int, T: int, basis: str = "z", resets=True): """Creates the circuits corresponding to logical basis states. Creates the circuits corresponding to logical basis states encoded using a rotated surface code. Args: d (int): Number of code qubits (and hence repetitions) used. T (int): Number of rounds of ancilla-assisted syndrome measurement. basis (str): Basis used to initialize qubit. resets (bool): Whether to include a reset gate after mid-circuit measurements. Additional information: No measurements are added to the circuit if `T=0`. Otherwise `T` rounds are added, followed by measurement of the code qubits (corresponding to a logical measurement and final syndrome measurement round). """ super().__init__() self.d = d self.n = d**2 self.T = 0 self.basis = basis self._resets = resets # get layout of plaquettes self.zplaqs, self.xplaqs, self._zplaq_coords, self._xplaq_coords = self._get_plaquettes() self._logicals = {"x": [], "z": []} # X logicals for left and right sides self._logicals["x"].append([j * self.d for j in range(self.d)]) self._logicals["x"].append([(j + 1) * self.d - 1 for j in range(self.d)]) # Z logicals for top and bottom rows self._logicals["z"].append(list(range(self.d))) self._logicals["z"].append([self.d**2 - 1 - j for j in range(self.d)]) # set gauge and stabilizer info self.x_gauge_ops = [[q for q in plaq if q is not None] for plaq in self.xplaqs] self.x_stabilizer_ops = self.x_gauge_ops self.x_logical = [self._logicals["x"][0]] self.x_boundary = [self._logicals["x"][0] + self._logicals["x"][1]] self.z_gauge_ops = [[q for q in plaq if q is not None] for plaq in self.zplaqs] self.z_stabilizer_ops = self.z_gauge_ops self.z_logical = [self._logicals["z"][0]] self.z_boundary = [self._logicals["z"][0] + self._logicals["z"][1]] # quantum registers self._num_xy = int((d**2 - 1) / 2) self.code_qubit = QuantumRegister(d**2, "code_qubit") self.zplaq_qubit = QuantumRegister(self._num_xy, "zplaq_qubit") self.xplaq_qubit = QuantumRegister(self._num_xy, "xplaq_qubit") self.qubit_registers = [self.code_qubit, self.zplaq_qubit, self.xplaq_qubit] # classical registers self.xplaq_bits = [] self.zplaq_bits = [] self.code_bit = ClassicalRegister(d**2, "code_bit") # create the circuits self.circuit = {} for log in ["0", "1"]: self.circuit[log] = QuantumCircuit( self.code_qubit, self.zplaq_qubit, self.xplaq_qubit, name=log ) self.base = "0" # apply initial logical paulis for encoded states self._preparation() # add the gates required for syndrome measurements for _ in range(T - 1): self.syndrome_measurement() if T != 0: self.syndrome_measurement(final=True) self.readout() def _get_plaquettes(self): """ Returns `zplaqs` and `xplaqs`, which are lists of the Z and X type stabilizers. Each plaquettes is specified as a list of four qubits, in the order in which entangling gates are applied. """ d = self.d zplaqs = [] xplaqs = [] zplaq_coords = [] xplaq_coords = [] for y in range(-1, d): for x in range(-1, d): bulk = x in range(d - 1) and y in range(d - 1) ztab = (x == -1 and y % 2 == 0) or (x == d - 1 and y % 2 == 1) xtab = (y == -1 and x % 2 == 1) or (y == d - 1 and x % 2 == 0) if (x in range(d - 1) or y in range(d - 1)) and (bulk or ztab or xtab): plaq = [] for dy in range(2): for dx in range(2): if x + dx in range(d) and y + dy in range(d): plaq.append(x + dx + d * (y + dy)) else: plaq.append(None) if (x + y) % 2 == 0: xplaqs.append([plaq[0], plaq[1], plaq[2], plaq[3]]) xplaq_coords.append((x, y)) else: zplaqs.append([plaq[0], plaq[2], plaq[1], plaq[3]]) zplaq_coords.append((x, y)) return zplaqs, xplaqs, zplaq_coords, xplaq_coords def _preparation(self): """ Prepares logical bit states by applying an x to the circuit that will encode a 1. """ if self.basis == "z": self.x(["1"]) else: for qc in self.circuit.values(): qc.h(self.code_qubit) self.z(["1"])
[docs] def get_circuit_list(self): """ Returns: circuit_list: self.circuit as a list, with circuit_list[0] = circuit['0'] circuit_list[1] = circuit['1'] """ circuit_list = [self.circuit[log] for j, log in enumerate(["0", "1"])] return circuit_list
[docs] def x(self, logs=("0", "1"), barrier=False): """Applies a logical x to the circuits for the given logical values. Args: logs (list or tuple): List or tuple of logical values expressed as strings. barrier (bool): Boolean denoting whether to include a barrier at the end. """ for log in logs: for j in range(self.d): self.circuit[log].x(self.code_qubit[j * self.d]) if barrier: self.circuit[log].barrier()
[docs] def z(self, logs=("0", "1"), barrier=False): """Applies a logical z to the circuits for the given logical values. Args: logs (list or tuple): List or tuple of logical values expressed as strings. barrier (bool): Boolean denoting whether to include a barrier at the end. """ for log in logs: for j in range(self.d): self.circuit[log].z(self.code_qubit[j]) if barrier: self.circuit[log].barrier()
[docs] def syndrome_measurement(self, final=False, barrier=False): """Application of a syndrome measurement round. Args: final (bool): Whether to disregard the reset (if applicable) due to this being the final syndrome measurement round. barrier (bool): Boolean denoting whether to include a barrier at the end. """ zplaqs, xplaqs = self.zplaqs, self.xplaqs # classical registers for this round self.zplaq_bits.append( ClassicalRegister(self._num_xy, "round_" + str(self.T) + "_zplaq_bit") ) self.xplaq_bits.append( ClassicalRegister(self._num_xy, "round_" + str(self.T) + "_xplaq_bit") ) for log in ["0", "1"]: self.circuit[log].add_register(self.zplaq_bits[-1]) self.circuit[log].add_register(self.xplaq_bits[-1]) self.circuit[log].h(self.xplaq_qubit) for j in range(4): for p, plaq in enumerate(zplaqs): c = plaq[j] if c is not None: self.circuit[log].cx(self.code_qubit[c], self.zplaq_qubit[p]) for p, plaq in enumerate(xplaqs): c = plaq[j] if c is not None: self.circuit[log].cx(self.xplaq_qubit[p], self.code_qubit[c]) self.circuit[log].h(self.xplaq_qubit) for j in range(self._num_xy): self.circuit[log].measure(self.xplaq_qubit[j], self.xplaq_bits[self.T][j]) self.circuit[log].measure(self.zplaq_qubit[j], self.zplaq_bits[self.T][j]) if self._resets and not final: self.circuit[log].reset(self.xplaq_qubit[j]) self.circuit[log].reset(self.zplaq_qubit[j]) if barrier: self.circuit[log].barrier() self.T += 1
[docs] def readout(self): """ Readout of all code qubits, which corresponds to a logical measurement as well as allowing for a measurement of the syndrome to be inferred. """ for log in ["0", "1"]: if self.basis == "x": self.circuit[log].h(self.code_qubit) self.circuit[log].add_register(self.code_bit) self.circuit[log].measure(self.code_qubit, self.code_bit)
def _string2changes(self, string): basis = self.basis # final syndrome for plaquettes deduced from final code qubit readout final_readout = string.split(" ")[0][::-1] if basis == "z": plaqs = self.zplaqs else: plaqs = self.xplaqs full_syndrome = "" for plaq in plaqs: parity = 0 for q in plaq: if q is not None: parity += int(final_readout[q]) full_syndrome = str(parity % 2) + full_syndrome # results from all other plaquette syndrome measurements then added if basis == "z": full_syndrome = full_syndrome + " " + " ".join(string.split(" ")[2::2]) else: full_syndrome = full_syndrome + " " + " ".join(string.split(" ")[1::2]) # changes between one syndrome and the next then calculated syndrome_list = full_syndrome.split(" ") height = len(syndrome_list) width = len(syndrome_list[0]) syndrome_changes = "" for t in range(height): for j in range(width): if self._resets: if t == 0: change = syndrome_list[-1][j] != "0" else: change = syndrome_list[-t][j] != syndrome_list[-t - 1][j] syndrome_changes += "0" * (not change) + "1" * change else: if t <= 1: if t != self.T: change = syndrome_list[-t - 1][j] != "0" else: change = syndrome_list[-t - 1][j] != syndrome_list[-t][j] elif t == self.T: last3 = "" for dt in range(3): last3 += syndrome_list[-t - 1 + dt][j] change = last3.count("1") % 2 == 1 else: change = syndrome_list[-t - 1][j] != syndrome_list[-t + 1][j] syndrome_changes += "0" * (not change) + "1" * change syndrome_changes += " " syndrome_changes = syndrome_changes[0:-1] if basis != self.basis: # trim the noisy nonsense (first and last rounds) syndrome_changes = " ".join(syndrome_changes.split(" ")[1:-1]) return syndrome_changes
[docs] def string2raw_logicals(self, string): """ Extracts raw logicals from output string. Args: string (string): Results string from which to extract logicals Returns: list: Raw values for logical operators that correspond to nodes. """ final_readout = string.split(" ")[0][::-1] # get logical readout # (though it's called Z, it actually depends on the basis) Z = [0, 0] for j in range(self.d): if self.basis == "z": # evaluated using top row Z[0] = (Z[0] + int(final_readout[j])) % 2 # evaluated using bottom row Z[1] = (Z[1] + int(final_readout[self.d**2 - 1 - j])) % 2 else: # evaluated using left side Z[0] = (Z[0] + int(final_readout[j * self.d])) % 2 # evaluated using right side Z[1] = (Z[1] + int(final_readout[(j + 1) * self.d - 1])) % 2 return [str(Z[0]), str(Z[1])]
def _process_string(self, string): # get logical readout measured_Z = self.string2raw_logicals(string) # then get syndrome changes syndrome_changes = self._string2changes(string) # the space separated string of syndrome changes then gets a # double space separated logical value on the end new_string = " ".join(measured_Z) + " " + syndrome_changes return new_string def _separate_string(self, string): separated_string = [] for syndrome_type_string in string.split(" "): separated_string.append(syndrome_type_string.split(" ")) return separated_string
[docs] def string2nodes(self, string, **kwargs): """Convert output string from circuits into a set of nodes. Args: string (string): Results string to convert. kwargs (dict): Additional keyword arguments. See below: kwargs: logical (str): Logical value whose results are used ('0' as default). all_logicals (bool): Whether to include logical nodes irrespective of value. (False as default). Returns: dict: List of nodes corresponding to to the non-trivial elements in the string. Additional information: Strings are read right to left, but lists* are read left to right. So, we have some ugly indexing code whenever we're dealing with both strings and lists. """ all_logicals = kwargs.get("all_logicals") logical = kwargs.get("logical") if logical is None: logical = "0" string = self._process_string(string) separated_string = self._separate_string(string) nodes = [] # boundary nodes boundary = separated_string[0] # [<last_elem>, <init_elem>] for bqec_index, belement in enumerate(boundary[::-1]): if all_logicals or belement != logical: node = DecodingGraphNode( is_logical=True, is_boundary=True, qubits=self._logicals[self.basis][-bqec_index - 1], index=1 - bqec_index, ) nodes.append(node) # bulk nodes for syn_type in range(1, len(separated_string)): for syn_round in range(len(separated_string[syn_type])): elements = separated_string[syn_type][syn_round] for qec_index, element in enumerate(elements[::-1]): if element == "1": if self.basis == "x": qubits = self.x_stabilizer_ops[qec_index] else: qubits = self.z_stabilizer_ops[qec_index] node = DecodingGraphNode(time=syn_round, qubits=qubits, index=qec_index) nodes.append(node) return nodes
[docs] def check_nodes(self, nodes, ignore_extras=False, minimal=False): """ Determines whether a given set of nodes are neutral. If so, also determines any additional logical readout qubits that would be flipped by the errors creating such a cluster and how many errors would be required to make the cluster. Args: nodes (list): List of nodes, of the type produced by `string2nodes`. ignore_extras (bool): If `True`, undeeded logical nodes are ignored. minimal (bool): Whether output should only reflect the minimal error case. Returns: neutral (bool): Whether the nodes independently correspond to a valid set of errors. flipped_logical_nodes (list): List of qubits nodes for logical operators that are flipped by the errors, that were not included in the original nodes. num_errors (int): Minimum number of errors required to create nodes. """ bulk_nodes = [node for node in nodes if not node.is_logical] logical_nodes = [node for node in nodes if node.is_logical] given_logicals = set(node.index for node in logical_nodes) if self.basis == "z": coords = self._zplaq_coords else: coords = self._xplaq_coords if (len(bulk_nodes) % 2) == 0: if (len(logical_nodes) % 2) == 0 or ignore_extras: neutral = True flipped_logicals = set() # estimate num_errors from size if bulk_nodes: xs = [] ys = [] for node in bulk_nodes: x, y = coords[node.index] xs.append(x) ys.append(y) dx = max(xs) - min(xs) dy = max(ys) - min(ys) num_errors = dx + dy if dx > 0 and dy > 0: num_errors -= 1 else: num_errors = 0 else: neutral = False flipped_logicals = set() num_errors = 0 else: # find nearest boundary num_errors = (self.d - 1) / 2 for node in bulk_nodes: x, y = coords[node.index] if self.basis == "z": p = y else: p = x num_errors = min(num_errors, p + 1, self.d - p) flipped_logicals = {1 - int(p < (self.d - 1) / 2)} # if unneeded logical zs are given, cluster is not neutral # (unless this is ignored) if (not ignore_extras) and given_logicals.difference(flipped_logicals): neutral = False # otherwise, report only needed logicals that aren't given else: neutral = True flipped_logicals = flipped_logicals.difference(given_logicals) # get the required boundary nodes flipped_logical_nodes = [] for elem in flipped_logicals: node = DecodingGraphNode( is_logical=True, is_boundary=True, qubits=self._logicals[self.basis][elem], index=elem, ) flipped_logical_nodes.append(node) return neutral, flipped_logical_nodes, num_errors
[docs] def is_cluster_neutral(self, nodes): """ Determines whether or not the cluster is neutral, meaning that one or more errors could have caused the set of nodes (syndrome changes) passed to the method. Args: nodes (dictionary in the form of the return value of string2nodes) """ return not bool(len(nodes) % 2)