# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2019.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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# pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Generates circuits based on repetition codes."""
from qiskit import ClassicalRegister, QuantumCircuit, QuantumRegister
from qiskit_qec.utils import DecodingGraphNode
from qiskit_qec.circuits.code_circuit import CodeCircuit
class SurfaceCodeCircuit(CodeCircuit):
"""Distance d rotated surface code with T syndrome measurement rounds."""
def __init__(self, d: int, T: int, basis: str = "z", resets=True):
"""Creates the circuits corresponding to logical basis states.
Creates the circuits corresponding to logical basis states encoded
using a rotated surface code.
d (int): Number of code qubits (and hence repetitions) used.
T (int): Number of rounds of ancilla-assisted syndrome measurement.
basis (str): Basis used to initialize qubit.
resets (bool): Whether to include a reset gate after mid-circuit measurements.
Additional information:
No measurements are added to the circuit if `T=0`. Otherwise
`T` rounds are added, followed by measurement of the code
qubits (corresponding to a logical measurement and final
syndrome measurement round).
self.d = d
self.n = d**2
self.T = 0
self.basis = basis
self._resets = resets
# get layout of plaquettes
self.zplaqs, self.xplaqs, self._zplaq_coords, self._xplaq_coords = self._get_plaquettes()
self._logicals = {"x": [], "z": []}
# X logicals for left and right sides
self._logicals["x"].append([j * self.d for j in range(self.d)])
self._logicals["x"].append([(j + 1) * self.d - 1 for j in range(self.d)])
# Z logicals for top and bottom rows
self._logicals["z"].append([self.d**2 - 1 - j for j in range(self.d)])
# set gauge and stabilizer info
self.x_gauge_ops = [[q for q in plaq if q is not None] for plaq in self.xplaqs]
self.x_stabilizer_ops = self.x_gauge_ops
self.x_logical = [self._logicals["x"][0]]
self.x_boundary = [self._logicals["x"][0] + self._logicals["x"][1]]
self.z_gauge_ops = [[q for q in plaq if q is not None] for plaq in self.zplaqs]
self.z_stabilizer_ops = self.z_gauge_ops
self.z_logical = [self._logicals["z"][0]]
self.z_boundary = [self._logicals["z"][0] + self._logicals["z"][1]]
# quantum registers
self._num_xy = int((d**2 - 1) / 2)
self.code_qubit = QuantumRegister(d**2, "code_qubit")
self.zplaq_qubit = QuantumRegister(self._num_xy, "zplaq_qubit")
self.xplaq_qubit = QuantumRegister(self._num_xy, "xplaq_qubit")
self.qubit_registers = [self.code_qubit, self.zplaq_qubit, self.xplaq_qubit]
# classical registers
self.xplaq_bits = []
self.zplaq_bits = []
self.code_bit = ClassicalRegister(d**2, "code_bit")
# create the circuits
self.circuit = {}
for log in ["0", "1"]:
self.circuit[log] = QuantumCircuit(
self.code_qubit, self.zplaq_qubit, self.xplaq_qubit, name=log
self.base = "0"
# apply initial logical paulis for encoded states
# add the gates required for syndrome measurements
for _ in range(T - 1):
if T != 0:
def _get_plaquettes(self):
Returns `zplaqs` and `xplaqs`, which are lists of the Z and X type
stabilizers. Each plaquettes is specified as a list of four qubits,
in the order in which entangling gates are applied.
d = self.d
zplaqs = []
xplaqs = []
zplaq_coords = []
xplaq_coords = []
for y in range(-1, d):
for x in range(-1, d):
bulk = x in range(d - 1) and y in range(d - 1)
ztab = (x == -1 and y % 2 == 0) or (x == d - 1 and y % 2 == 1)
xtab = (y == -1 and x % 2 == 1) or (y == d - 1 and x % 2 == 0)
if (x in range(d - 1) or y in range(d - 1)) and (bulk or ztab or xtab):
plaq = []
for dy in range(2):
for dx in range(2):
if x + dx in range(d) and y + dy in range(d):
plaq.append(x + dx + d * (y + dy))
if (x + y) % 2 == 0:
xplaqs.append([plaq[0], plaq[1], plaq[2], plaq[3]])
xplaq_coords.append((x, y))
zplaqs.append([plaq[0], plaq[2], plaq[1], plaq[3]])
zplaq_coords.append((x, y))
return zplaqs, xplaqs, zplaq_coords, xplaq_coords
def _preparation(self):
Prepares logical bit states by applying an x to the circuit that will
encode a 1.
if self.basis == "z":
for qc in self.circuit.values():
def get_circuit_list(self):
circuit_list: self.circuit as a list, with
circuit_list[0] = circuit['0']
circuit_list[1] = circuit['1']
circuit_list = [self.circuit[log] for j, log in enumerate(["0", "1"])]
return circuit_list
def x(self, logs=("0", "1"), barrier=False):
"""Applies a logical x to the circuits for the given logical values.
logs (list or tuple): List or tuple of logical values expressed as
barrier (bool): Boolean denoting whether to include a barrier at
the end.
for log in logs:
for j in range(self.d):
self.circuit[log].x(self.code_qubit[j * self.d])
if barrier:
def z(self, logs=("0", "1"), barrier=False):
"""Applies a logical z to the circuits for the given logical values.
logs (list or tuple): List or tuple of logical values expressed as
barrier (bool): Boolean denoting whether to include a barrier at
the end.
for log in logs:
for j in range(self.d):
if barrier:
def syndrome_measurement(self, final=False, barrier=False):
"""Application of a syndrome measurement round.
final (bool): Whether to disregard the reset (if applicable) due to this
being the final syndrome measurement round.
barrier (bool): Boolean denoting whether to include a barrier at the end.
zplaqs, xplaqs = self.zplaqs, self.xplaqs
# classical registers for this round
ClassicalRegister(self._num_xy, "round_" + str(self.T) + "_zplaq_bit")
ClassicalRegister(self._num_xy, "round_" + str(self.T) + "_xplaq_bit")
for log in ["0", "1"]:
for j in range(4):
for p, plaq in enumerate(zplaqs):
c = plaq[j]
if c is not None:
self.circuit[log].cx(self.code_qubit[c], self.zplaq_qubit[p])
for p, plaq in enumerate(xplaqs):
c = plaq[j]
if c is not None:
self.circuit[log].cx(self.xplaq_qubit[p], self.code_qubit[c])
for j in range(self._num_xy):
self.circuit[log].measure(self.xplaq_qubit[j], self.xplaq_bits[self.T][j])
self.circuit[log].measure(self.zplaq_qubit[j], self.zplaq_bits[self.T][j])
if self._resets and not final:
if barrier:
self.T += 1
def readout(self):
Readout of all code qubits, which corresponds to a logical measurement
as well as allowing for a measurement of the syndrome to be inferred.
for log in ["0", "1"]:
if self.basis == "x":
self.circuit[log].measure(self.code_qubit, self.code_bit)
def _string2changes(self, string):
basis = self.basis
# final syndrome for plaquettes deduced from final code qubit readout
final_readout = string.split(" ")[0][::-1]
if basis == "z":
plaqs = self.zplaqs
plaqs = self.xplaqs
full_syndrome = ""
for plaq in plaqs:
parity = 0
for q in plaq:
if q is not None:
parity += int(final_readout[q])
full_syndrome = str(parity % 2) + full_syndrome
# results from all other plaquette syndrome measurements then added
if basis == "z":
full_syndrome = full_syndrome + " " + " ".join(string.split(" ")[2::2])
full_syndrome = full_syndrome + " " + " ".join(string.split(" ")[1::2])
# changes between one syndrome and the next then calculated
syndrome_list = full_syndrome.split(" ")
height = len(syndrome_list)
width = len(syndrome_list[0])
syndrome_changes = ""
for t in range(height):
for j in range(width):
if self._resets:
if t == 0:
change = syndrome_list[-1][j] != "0"
change = syndrome_list[-t][j] != syndrome_list[-t - 1][j]
syndrome_changes += "0" * (not change) + "1" * change
if t <= 1:
if t != self.T:
change = syndrome_list[-t - 1][j] != "0"
change = syndrome_list[-t - 1][j] != syndrome_list[-t][j]
elif t == self.T:
last3 = ""
for dt in range(3):
last3 += syndrome_list[-t - 1 + dt][j]
change = last3.count("1") % 2 == 1
change = syndrome_list[-t - 1][j] != syndrome_list[-t + 1][j]
syndrome_changes += "0" * (not change) + "1" * change
syndrome_changes += " "
syndrome_changes = syndrome_changes[0:-1]
if basis != self.basis:
# trim the noisy nonsense (first and last rounds)
syndrome_changes = " ".join(syndrome_changes.split(" ")[1:-1])
return syndrome_changes
def string2raw_logicals(self, string):
Extracts raw logicals from output string.
string (string): Results string from which to extract logicals
list: Raw values for logical operators that correspond to nodes.
final_readout = string.split(" ")[0][::-1]
# get logical readout
# (though it's called Z, it actually depends on the basis)
Z = [0, 0]
for j in range(self.d):
if self.basis == "z":
# evaluated using top row
Z[0] = (Z[0] + int(final_readout[j])) % 2
# evaluated using bottom row
Z[1] = (Z[1] + int(final_readout[self.d**2 - 1 - j])) % 2
# evaluated using left side
Z[0] = (Z[0] + int(final_readout[j * self.d])) % 2
# evaluated using right side
Z[1] = (Z[1] + int(final_readout[(j + 1) * self.d - 1])) % 2
return [str(Z[0]), str(Z[1])]
def _process_string(self, string):
# get logical readout
measured_Z = self.string2raw_logicals(string)
# then get syndrome changes
syndrome_changes = self._string2changes(string)
# the space separated string of syndrome changes then gets a
# double space separated logical value on the end
new_string = " ".join(measured_Z) + " " + syndrome_changes
return new_string
def _separate_string(self, string):
separated_string = []
for syndrome_type_string in string.split(" "):
separated_string.append(syndrome_type_string.split(" "))
return separated_string
def string2nodes(self, string, **kwargs):
"""Convert output string from circuits into a set of nodes.
string (string): Results string to convert.
kwargs (dict): Additional keyword arguments. See below:
logical (str): Logical value whose results are used ('0' as default).
all_logicals (bool): Whether to include logical nodes
irrespective of value. (False as default).
dict: List of nodes corresponding to to the non-trivial
elements in the string.
Additional information:
Strings are read right to left, but lists*
are read left to right. So, we have some ugly indexing
code whenever we're dealing with both strings and lists.
all_logicals = kwargs.get("all_logicals")
logical = kwargs.get("logical")
if logical is None:
logical = "0"
string = self._process_string(string)
separated_string = self._separate_string(string)
nodes = []
# boundary nodes
boundary = separated_string[0] # [<last_elem>, <init_elem>]
for bqec_index, belement in enumerate(boundary[::-1]):
if all_logicals or belement != logical:
node = DecodingGraphNode(
qubits=self._logicals[self.basis][-bqec_index - 1],
index=1 - bqec_index,
# bulk nodes
for syn_type in range(1, len(separated_string)):
for syn_round in range(len(separated_string[syn_type])):
elements = separated_string[syn_type][syn_round]
for qec_index, element in enumerate(elements[::-1]):
if element == "1":
if self.basis == "x":
qubits = self.x_stabilizer_ops[qec_index]
qubits = self.z_stabilizer_ops[qec_index]
node = DecodingGraphNode(time=syn_round, qubits=qubits, index=qec_index)
return nodes
def check_nodes(self, nodes, ignore_extras=False, minimal=False):
Determines whether a given set of nodes are neutral. If so, also
determines any additional logical readout qubits that would be
flipped by the errors creating such a cluster and how many errors
would be required to make the cluster.
nodes (list): List of nodes, of the type produced by `string2nodes`.
ignore_extras (bool): If `True`, undeeded logical nodes are
minimal (bool): Whether output should only reflect the minimal error
neutral (bool): Whether the nodes independently correspond to a valid
set of errors.
flipped_logical_nodes (list): List of qubits nodes for logical
operators that are flipped by the errors, that were not included
in the original nodes.
num_errors (int): Minimum number of errors required to create nodes.
bulk_nodes = [node for node in nodes if not node.is_logical]
logical_nodes = [node for node in nodes if node.is_logical]
given_logicals = set(node.index for node in logical_nodes)
if self.basis == "z":
coords = self._zplaq_coords
coords = self._xplaq_coords
if (len(bulk_nodes) % 2) == 0:
if (len(logical_nodes) % 2) == 0 or ignore_extras:
neutral = True
flipped_logicals = set()
# estimate num_errors from size
if bulk_nodes:
xs = []
ys = []
for node in bulk_nodes:
x, y = coords[node.index]
dx = max(xs) - min(xs)
dy = max(ys) - min(ys)
num_errors = dx + dy
if dx > 0 and dy > 0:
num_errors -= 1
num_errors = 0
neutral = False
flipped_logicals = set()
num_errors = 0
# find nearest boundary
num_errors = (self.d - 1) / 2
for node in bulk_nodes:
x, y = coords[node.index]
if self.basis == "z":
p = y
p = x
num_errors = min(num_errors, p + 1, self.d - p)
flipped_logicals = {1 - int(p < (self.d - 1) / 2)}
# if unneeded logical zs are given, cluster is not neutral
# (unless this is ignored)
if (not ignore_extras) and given_logicals.difference(flipped_logicals):
neutral = False
# otherwise, report only needed logicals that aren't given
neutral = True
flipped_logicals = flipped_logicals.difference(given_logicals)
# get the required boundary nodes
flipped_logical_nodes = []
for elem in flipped_logicals:
node = DecodingGraphNode(
return neutral, flipped_logical_nodes, num_errors
def is_cluster_neutral(self, nodes):
Determines whether or not the cluster is neutral, meaning that one or more
errors could have caused the set of nodes (syndrome changes) passed
to the method.
nodes (dictionary in the form of the return value of string2nodes)
return not bool(len(nodes) % 2)