Source code for qiskit_qec.circuits.css_code

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"""Generates circuits for CSS codes."""
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, QuantumRegister, ClassicalRegister
from qiskit_aer.noise import depolarizing_error, pauli_error

from qiskit_qec.circuits.code_circuit import CodeCircuit
from qiskit_qec.utils.stim_tools import (
from import StabSubSystemCode
from qiskit_qec.operators.pauli_list import PauliList
from qiskit_qec.linear.symplectic import normalizer
from qiskit_qec.exceptions import QiskitQECError

[docs] class CSSCodeCircuit(CodeCircuit): """ CodeCircuit class for generic CSS codes. """ def __init__( self, code, T: int, basis: str = "z", round_schedule: str = "zx", noise_model=None, ): """ Args: code: A CSS code class which is either a) StabSubSystemCode b) a class with the following methods: 'x_gauges' (as a list of list of qubit indices), 'z_gauges', 'x_stabilizers', 'z_stabilizers', 'logical_x', 'logical_z', 'n' (number of qubits), T: Number of syndrome measurement rounds basis: basis for encoding ('x' or 'z') round_schedule: Order in which to measureme gauge operators ('zx' or 'xz') noise_model: Pauli noise model used in the construction of noisy circuits. If a tuple, a pnenomological noise model is used with the entries being probabity of depolarizing noise on code qubits between rounds and probability of measurement errors, respectively. Examples: The QuantumCircuit of a memory experiment for the distance-3 HeavyHEX code >>> from import HHC >>> from qiskit_qec.circuits.css_code import CSSCodeCircuit >>> code = CSSCodeCircuit(HHC(3),T=3,basis='x',noise_model=(0.01,0.01),round_schedule='xz') >>> code.circuit['0'] """ super().__init__() self.code = code self._get_code_properties() self.T = T self.basis = basis self.base = "0" self.round_schedule = round_schedule self.noise_model = noise_model self._phenom = isinstance(noise_model, tuple) if self._phenom: p_depol, p_meas = self.noise_model self._depol_error = depolarizing_error(p_depol, 1) self._meas_error = pauli_error([("X", p_meas), ("I", 1 - p_meas)]) circuit = {} states = ["0", "1"] if self._phenom: states += ["0n", "1n"] for state in states: qc = QuantumCircuit() qregs = [] qregs.append(QuantumRegister(code.n, name="code qubits")) qregs.append(QuantumRegister(len(self.z_gauges), name="z auxs")) qregs.append(QuantumRegister(len(self.x_gauges), name="x auxs")) for qreg in qregs: qc.add_register(qreg) self._prepare_initial_state(qc, qregs, state) self._perform_syndrome_measurements(qc, qregs, state) creg = ClassicalRegister(code.n, name="final_readout") qc.add_register(creg) self._final_readout(qc, qregs, creg, state) circuit[state] = qc self.circuit = {} self.noisy_circuit = {} for state, qc in circuit.items(): if state[-1] == "n" and self._phenom: self.noisy_circuit[state[0]] = qc else: self.circuit[state] = qc if noise_model and not self._phenom: for state, qc in circuit.items(): self.noisy_circuit[state] = noisify_circuit(qc, noise_model) self._gauges4stabilizers = [] self._stabilizers = [self.x_stabilizers, self.z_stabilizers] self._gauges = [self.x_gauges, self.z_gauges] for j in range(2): self._gauges4stabilizers.append([]) for stabilizer in self._stabilizers[j]: gauges = [] for g, gauge in enumerate(self._gauges[j]): if set(stabilizer).intersection(set(gauge)) == set(gauge): gauges.append(g) self._gauges4stabilizers[j].append(gauges) self.detectors, self.logicals = self.stim_detectors() def _get_code_properties(self): if isinstance(self.code, StabSubSystemCode): is_css = True raw_gauges = self.code.gauge_group.generators center, log, conj_log = normalizer(self.code.generators.matrix) raw_stabilizers = PauliList(center) raw_logicals = PauliList(log) + PauliList(conj_log) gauges = [[], []] stabilizers = [[], []] logicals = [[], []] for ( raw_ops, ops, ) in zip( [raw_gauges, raw_stabilizers, raw_logicals], [gauges, stabilizers, logicals], ): for op in raw_ops: op = str(op) for j, pauli in enumerate(["X", "Z"]): if (op.count(pauli) + op.count("I")) == self.code.n: ops[j].append([k for k, p in enumerate(op[::-1]) if p == pauli]) is_css = is_css and (len(ops[0]) + len(ops[1])) == len(raw_ops) # extra stabilizers: the product of all others for j in range(2): combined = [] for stabilizer in stabilizers[j]: combined += stabilizer stabilizers[j].append([]) for q in combined: if combined.count(q) % 2: stabilizers[j][-1].append(q) if is_css: self.x_gauges = gauges[0] self.z_gauges = gauges[1] self.x_stabilizers = stabilizers[0] self.z_stabilizers = stabilizers[1] self.logical_x = logicals[0] self.logical_z = logicals[1] else: raise QiskitQECError("Code is not obviously CSS.") else: # otherwise assume it has the info self.x_gauges = self.code.x_gauges self.z_gauges = self.code.z_gauges self.x_stabilizers = self.code.x_stabilizers self.z_stabilizers = self.code.z_stabilizers self.logical_x = self.code.logical_x self.logical_z = self.code.logical_z def _prepare_initial_state(self, qc, qregs, state): if state[0] == "1": if self.basis == "z": qc.x(self.logical_x[0]) else: qc.x(self.logical_z[0]) if self.basis == "x": qc.h(qregs[0]) def _perform_syndrome_measurements(self, qc, qregs, state): for t in range(self.T): if state[-1] == "n" and self._phenom: for q in qregs[0]: qc.append(self._depol_error, [q]) # gauge measurements if self.round_schedule == "zx": self._z_gauge_measurements(qc, t, state) self._x_gauge_measurements(qc, t, state) elif self.round_schedule == "xz": self._x_gauge_measurements(qc, t, state) self._z_gauge_measurements(qc, t, state) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Round schedule " + self.round_schedule + " not supported." ) def _final_readout(self, qc, qregs, creg, state): if self.basis == "x": qc.h(qregs[0]) if state[-1] == "n" and self._phenom: for q in qregs[0]: qc.append(self._meas_error, [q]) qc.measure(qregs[0], creg) def _z_gauge_measurements(self, qc, t, state): creg = ClassicalRegister(len(self.z_gauges), name="round_" + str(t) + "_z_bits") qc.add_register(creg) for g, z_gauge in enumerate(self.z_gauges): for q in z_gauge:[0][q], qc.qregs[1][g]) if state[-1] == "n" and self._phenom: qc.append(self._meas_error, [qc.qregs[1][g]]) qc.measure(qc.qregs[1][g], creg[g]) qc.reset(qc.qregs[1][g]) def _x_gauge_measurements(self, qc, t, state): creg = ClassicalRegister(len(self.x_gauges), name="round_" + str(t) + "_x_bits") qc.add_register(creg) for g, x_gauge in enumerate(self.x_gauges): for q in x_gauge: qc.h(qc.qregs[0][q])[0][q], qc.qregs[2][g]) qc.h(qc.qregs[0][q]) if state[-1] == "n" and self._phenom: qc.append(self._meas_error, [qc.qregs[2][g]]) qc.measure(qc.qregs[2][g], creg[g]) qc.reset(qc.qregs[2][g])
[docs] def string2nodes(self, string, **kwargs): """ Convert output string from circuits into a set of nodes for `DecodingGraph`. Args: string (string): Results string to convert. kwargs (dict): Any additional keyword arguments. logical (str): Logical value whose results are used ('0' as default). all_logicals (bool): Whether to include logical nodes irrespective of value. (False as default). Returns: nodes: a list of 'DecodingGraphNode()'s corresponding to the triggered detectors """ nodes = string2nodes_with_detectors( string=string, detectors=self.detectors, logicals=self.logicals, clbits=self.circuit["0"].clbits, det_ref_values=0, **kwargs, ) return nodes
[docs] def string2raw_logicals(self, string): """ Converts output string into a list of logical measurement outcomes Logicals are the logical measurements produced by self.stim_detectors() """ _, self.logicals = self.stim_detectors() log_outs = string2logical_meas(string, self.logicals, self.circuit["0"].clbits) return log_outs
[docs] def check_nodes(self, nodes, ignore_extras=False, minimal=False): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def is_cluster_neutral(self, nodes): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def stim_detectors(self): """ Constructs detectors and logicals required for stim. Returns: detectors (list[dict]): dictionaries containing a) 'clbits', the classical bits (register, index) included in the measurement comparisons b) 'qubits', the qubits (list of indices) participating in the stabilizer measurements c) 'time', measurement round (int) of the earlier measurements in the detector d) 'basis', the pauli basis ('x' or 'z') of the stabilizers logicals (list[dict]): dictionaries containing a) 'clbits', the classical bits (register, index) included in the logical measurement b) 'basis', the pauli basis ('x' or 'z') of the logical """ detectors = [] logicals = [] ## 0th round of measurements if self.basis == "x": reg = "round_0_x_bits" for stabind, stabilizer in enumerate(self.x_stabilizers): det = {"clbits": []} for gauge_ind in self._gauges4stabilizers[0][stabind]: det["clbits"].append((reg, gauge_ind)) det["qubits"] = stabilizer.copy() det["time"] = 0 det["basis"] = "x" detectors.append(det) else: reg = "round_0_z_bits" for stabind, stabilizer in enumerate(self.z_stabilizers): det = {"clbits": []} for gauge_ind in self._gauges4stabilizers[1][stabind]: det["clbits"].append((reg, gauge_ind)) det["qubits"] = stabilizer.copy() det["time"] = 0 det["basis"] = "z" detectors.append(det) # adding first x and then z stabilizer comparisons for j, basis in enumerate(["x", "z"]): for t in range( 1, self.T ): # compare stabilizer measurements with previous in each round reg_prev = "round_" + str(t - 1) + "_" + basis + "_bits" reg_t = "round_" + str(t) + "_" + basis + "_bits" for gind, gs in enumerate(self._gauges4stabilizers[j]): det = {"clbits": []} for gauge_ind in gs: det["clbits"].append((reg_t, gauge_ind)) det["clbits"].append((reg_prev, gauge_ind)) det["qubits"] = self._stabilizers[j][gind].copy() det["time"] = t det["basis"] = basis detectors.append(det) ## final measurements if self.basis == "x": reg_prev = "round_" + str(self.T - 1) + "_x_bits" reg_T = "final_readout" for stabind, stabilizer in enumerate(self.x_stabilizers): det = {"clbits": []} for q in stabilizer: det["clbits"].append((reg_T, q)) for gauge_ind in self._gauges4stabilizers[0][stabind]: det["clbits"].append((reg_prev, gauge_ind)) det["qubits"] = stabilizer.copy() det["time"] = self.T det["basis"] = "x" detectors.append(det) logicals.append( { "clbits": [(reg_T, q) for q in sorted(self.logical_x[0])], "basis": "z", } ) else: reg_prev = "round_" + str(self.T - 1) + "_z_bits" reg_T = "final_readout" for stabind, stabilizer in enumerate(self.z_stabilizers): det = {"clbits": []} for q in stabilizer: det["clbits"].append((reg_T, q)) for gauge_ind in self._gauges4stabilizers[1][stabind]: det["clbits"].append((reg_prev, gauge_ind)) det["qubits"] = stabilizer.copy() det["time"] = self.T det["basis"] = "x" detectors.append(det) logicals.append( { "clbits": [(reg_T, q) for q in sorted(self.logical_z[0])], "basis": "z", } ) return detectors, logicals
def _make_syndrome_graph(self): """ Used by the DecodingGraph class to build the decoding graph and the obtain hyperedges """ detectors, logicals = self.stim_detectors() stim_circuit = get_stim_circuits( self.noisy_circuit["0"], detectors=detectors, logicals=logicals )[0][0] e = stim_circuit.detector_error_model( decompose_errors=True, approximate_disjoint_errors=True ) graph, hyperedges = detector_error_model_to_rx_graph(e, detectors=detectors) return graph, hyperedges