Source code for qiskit_qec.circuits.code_circuit

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# This code is part of Qiskit.
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"""Class that manage circuits for codes."""
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

[docs] class CodeCircuit(ABC): """Abstract class to manage circuits for codes, as well as other fault-tolerant circuits. A CodeCircuit requires the methods `string2nodes`, `check_nodes` and `is_cluster_neutral` in order to interface with its `DecodingGraph` and decoders. """ def __init__(self): """Initialization of classes that inherent from CodeCircuit can be done in various ways, depending on the code or code family to be initialized. In all cases, the initialization must define the following attributes: Args: circuit (dict): A dictionary with circuits as values, and labels (typically strings) as keys. base (string) The label for the above regarded as the base case, used in decoding graph generation. d (int): Code distance. T (int): number of syndrome measurement rounds. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def string2nodes(self, string, **kwargs): """ Convert output string from circuits into a set of nodes for `DecodingGraph`. Args: string (string): Results string to convert. kwargs (dict): Any additional keyword arguments. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def check_nodes(self, nodes, ignore_extras=False, minimal=False): """ Determines whether a given set of nodes are neutral. If so, also determines any additional logical readout qubits that would be flipped by the errors creating such a cluster and how many errors would be required to make the cluster. Args: nodes (list): List of nodes, of the type produced by `string2nodes`. ignore_extras (bool): If `True`, undeeded logical and boundary nodes are ignored. minimal (bool): Whether output should only reflect the minimal error case. Returns: neutral (bool): Whether the nodes independently correspond to a valid set of errors. flipped_logical_nodes (list): List of qubits nodes for logical operators that are flipped by the errors, that were not included in the original nodes. num_errors (int): Minimum number of errors required to create nodes. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def is_cluster_neutral(self, nodes): """ Determines whether or not the cluster is neutral, meaning that one or more errors could have caused the set of nodes (syndrome changes) passed to the method. Default version here assumes that it is as simple as an an even/odd assessment (as for repetition codes, surface codes, etc). This should be overwritten for more complex codes. It also should be used with care, by only supplying sets of nodes for which the even/odd assessment is valid. Args: nodes (dictionary in the form of the return value of string2nodes) """ return not bool(len(nodes) % 2)