qiskit_machine_learning.algorithms.serializable_model का स्रोत निर्देश
# This code is part of a Qiskit project.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2021, 2023.
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"""A mixin class for saving and loading models."""
from typing import Any
import dill
[docs]class SerializableModelMixin:
Provides convenient methods for saving and loading models.
[docs] def save(self, file_name: str) -> None:
Saves this model to the specified file. Internally, the model is serialized via ``dill``.
All parameters are saved, including a primitive instance that is referenced by internal
objects. That means if a model is loaded from a file and is used, for instance, for
inference, the same primitive will be used even if a cloud primitive was used.
file_name: a file name or path where to save the model.
with open(file_name, "wb") as handler:
dill.dump(self, handler)
[docs] @classmethod
def load(cls, file_name: str) -> Any:
Loads a model from the file. If the loaded model is not an instance of the class whose
method was called, then a warning is raised. Nevertheless, the loaded model may be a valid
file_name: a file name or path to load a model from.
A loaded model.
TypeError: if a loaded model is not an instance of the expected class.
with open(file_name, "rb") as handler:
model = dill.load(handler)
if not isinstance(model, cls):
raise TypeError(f"Loaded model is of class {type(model)}. Expected class: {cls}.")
return model