
class PegasosQSVC(quantum_kernel=None, C=1.0, num_steps=1000, precomputed=False, seed=None)[स्रोत]#

आधार: ClassifierMixin, SerializableModelMixin

Implements Pegasos Quantum Support Vector Classifier algorithm. The algorithm has been developed in [1] and includes methods fit, predict and decision_function following the signatures of sklearn.svm.SVC. This implementation is adapted to work with quantum kernels.


quantum_kernel = FidelityQuantumKernel()

pegasos_qsvc = PegasosQSVC(quantum_kernel=quantum_kernel), label_train)
[1]: Shalev-Shwartz et al., Pegasos: Primal Estimated sub-GrAdient SOlver for SVM.

Pegasos for SVM

  • quantum_kernel (BaseKernel | None) -- A quantum kernel to be used for classification. Has to be None when a precomputed kernel is used. If None, and precomputed is False, the quantum kernel will default to FidelityQuantumKernel.

  • C (float) -- Positive regularization parameter. The strength of the regularization is inversely proportional to C. Smaller C induce smaller weights which generally helps preventing overfitting. However, due to the nature of this algorithm, some of the computation steps become trivial for larger C. Thus, larger C improve the performance of the algorithm drastically. If the data is linearly separable in feature space, C should be chosen to be large. If the separation is not perfect, C should be chosen smaller to prevent overfitting.

  • num_steps (int) -- The number of steps in the Pegasos algorithm. There is no early stopping criterion. The algorithm iterates over all steps.

  • precomputed (bool) -- A boolean flag indicating whether a precomputed kernel is used. Set it to True in case of precomputed kernel.

  • seed (int | None) -- A seed for the random number generator.

उभारता है :

ValueError --

  • if quantum_kernel is passed and precomputed is set to True. To use a precomputed kernel, quantum_kernel has to be of the None type. - if C is not a positive number.



Returns number of steps in the Pegasos algorithm.


Returns a boolean flag indicating whether a precomputed kernel is used.


Returns quantum kernel



Evaluate the decision function for the samples in X.


X (ndarray) -- Features. For a callable kernel (an instance of BaseKernel) the shape should be (m_samples, n_features), for a precomputed kernel the shape should be (m_samples, n_samples). Where m denotes the set to be predicted and n the size of the training set. In that case, the kernel values in X have to be calculated with respect to the elements of the set to be predicted and the training set.

प्रदत्त :

An array of the shape (n_samples), the decision function of the sample.

उभारता है :
प्रदत्त प्रकार :


fit(X, y, sample_weight=None)[स्रोत]#

Fit the model according to the given training data.

  • X (ndarray) -- Train features. For a callable kernel (an instance of BaseKernel) the shape should be (n_samples, n_features), for a precomputed kernel the shape should be (n_samples, n_samples).

  • y (ndarray) -- shape (n_samples), train labels . Must not contain more than two unique labels.

  • sample_weight (ndarray | None) -- this parameter is not supported, passing a value raises an error.

प्रदत्त :

self, Fitted estimator.

उभारता है :
  • ValueError --

    • X and/or y have the wrong shape. - X and y have incompatible dimensions. - y includes more than two unique labels. - Pre-computed kernel matrix has the wrong shape and/or dimension.

  • NotImplementedError --

    • when a sample_weight which is not None is passed.

प्रदत्त प्रकार :


classmethod load(file_name)#

Loads a model from the file. If the loaded model is not an instance of the class whose method was called, then a warning is raised. Nevertheless, the loaded model may be a valid model.


file_name (str) -- a file name or path to load a model from.

प्रदत्त :

A loaded model.

उभारता है :

TypeError -- if a loaded model is not an instance of the expected class.

प्रदत्त प्रकार :



Perform classification on samples in X.


X (ndarray) -- Features. For a callable kernel (an instance of BaseKernel) the shape should be (m_samples, n_features), for a precomputed kernel the shape should be (m_samples, n_samples). Where m denotes the set to be predicted and n the size of the training set. In that case, the kernel values in X have to be calculated with respect to the elements of the set to be predicted and the training set.

प्रदत्त :

An array of the shape (n_samples), the predicted class labels for samples in X.

उभारता है :
प्रदत्त प्रकार :



Saves this model to the specified file. Internally, the model is serialized via dill. All parameters are saved, including a primitive instance that is referenced by internal objects. That means if a model is loaded from a file and is used, for instance, for inference, the same primitive will be used even if a cloud primitive was used.


file_name (str) -- a file name or path where to save the model.

score(X, y, sample_weight=None)#

Return the mean accuracy on the given test data and labels.

In multi-label classification, this is the subset accuracy which is a harsh metric since you require for each sample that each label set be correctly predicted.

  • X (array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)) -- Test samples.

  • y (array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_outputs)) -- True labels for X.

  • sample_weight (array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None) -- Sample weights.

प्रदत्त :

score -- Mean accuracy of self.predict(X) w.r.t. y.

प्रदत्त प्रकार :
