qiskit_nature.second_q.mappers.interleaved_qubit_mapper のソースコード

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# (C) Copyright IBM 2023.
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"""A QubitMapper wrapper to transform from block-ordered to interleaved qubits."""

from __future__ import annotations

from qiskit.quantum_info import SparsePauliOp

from qiskit_nature.second_q.operators import FermionicOp

from .fermionic_mapper import FermionicMapper

[ドキュメント]class InterleavedQubitMapper(FermionicMapper): """A ``FermionicMapper`` wrapper returning interleaved-ordered operators. This class is intended to be used with fermionic systems. Furthermore, it is designed to work with ``FermionicMapper`` classes which map fermionic operators to the qubit space by site (unlike for example the :class:`~qiskit_nature.second_q.mappers.BravyiKitaevSuperFastMapper` which maps by interactions). .. warning:: The mapper will _not_ perform any assertions on the wrapped ``FermionicMapper``. Thus, wrapping a :class:`~qiskit_nature.second_q.mappers.BravyiKitaevSuperFastMapper` is valid code which will indeed produce qubit operators for you. You will just not be able to interpret the order of the qubits in the same way. .. warning:: The builtin two-qubit reduction of the :class:`.ParityMapper` will also not provide correct results when combined with this mapper. Again, this is not asserted so be aware of this pitfall. Thus, if you would like to reduce the number of qubits, you should instead look towards the :class:`.TaperedQubitMapper` which removes qubits based on all Z2-symmetries it detects in the operator. For site-based mappers, Qiskit Nature always arranges the qubits corresponding to the alpha-spin and beta-spin components in a blocked fashion. I.e. the first half of the qubit register corresponds to the alpha-spin components, and the second half to the beta-spin one, like so: .. code-block:: a1, a2, ..., aN, b1, b2, ..., bN This class allows you to wrap such a ``FermionicMapper`` to produce qubit operators which have an interleaved order of qubits, instead. Taking the example from before, the outcome will be the following: .. code-block:: a1, b1, a2, b2, ..., aN, bN .. note:: This reordering is intended for an even total number of spin orbitals (i.e. the alpha-spin and beta-spin components should be identical in length; which they usually are). However, this is not asserted, so reordering a qubit operator label of odd length will still happen. Here is a very simple usage example: .. code-block:: python from qiskit_nature.second_q.mappers import JordanWignerMapper, InterleavedQubitMapper from qiskit_nature.second_q.operators import FermionicOp blocked_mapper = JordanWignerMapper() interleaved_mapper = InterleavedQubitMapper(blocked_mapper) ferm_op = FermionicOp({"+_0 -_1": 1}, num_spin_orbitals=4) blocked_op = blocked_mapper.map(ferm_op) # SparsePauliOp(['IIXY', 'IIYY', 'IIXX', 'IIYX'], coeffs=[-0.25j, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25j]) print(interleaved_mapper.map(ferm_op)) # SparsePauliOp(['IXIY', 'IYIY', 'IXIX', 'IYIX'], coeffs=[-0.25j, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25j]) The following attributes can be set via the initializer but can also be read and updated once the ``InterleavedQubitMapper`` object has been constructed. Attributes: mapper (FermionicMapper): the actual mapper for mapping from :class:`.FermionicOp` to qubit operators. """ def __init__(self, mapper: FermionicMapper): """ Args: mapper: the actual ``FermionicMapper`` mapping :class:`.FermionicOp` to qubit operators. """ self.mapper = mapper def _map_single( self, second_q_op: FermionicOp, *, register_length: int | None = None ) -> SparsePauliOp: if register_length is None: register_length = second_q_op.register_length interleaved_sec_op = second_q_op.permute_indices( list(range(0, register_length, 2)) + list(range(1, register_length, 2)) ) interleaved_op = self.mapper._map_single( interleaved_sec_op, register_length=register_length ) return interleaved_op