# This code is part of a Qiskit project.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2018, 2023.
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"""The Fixed Income Expected Value function."""
from typing import List, Tuple
import numpy as np
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
[docs]class FixedIncomePricingObjective(QuantumCircuit):
r"""The Fixed Income Expected Value amplitude function.
This circuit can be used to evaluate the expected value of the total value :math:`V` of the
.. math::
V = \sum_{t=1}^T \frac{c_t}{(1+r_t)^t}.
Here :math:`c_t` are the cash flows of the assets and :math:`r_t` are the interest rates.
The interest rates are subject to uncertainty and can be described by a PCA-decomposition
into the ``pca_matrix`` :math:`A` and ``initial_interests`` :math:`\vec{b}`. For a sample
:math:`\vec{x}` of a random variable, the interest rates are modeled as:
.. math::
\vec{r} = A \vec{x} + \vec{b}.
The number of qubits used to represent each asset is specified by ``num_qubits`` and the
bounds of the random variable by ``bounds``.
The approximation of the objective function follows [1].
[1]: Woerner, S., & Egger, D. J. (2018).
Quantum Risk Analysis.
`arXiv:1806.06893 <http://arxiv.org/abs/1806.06893>`_
def __init__(
num_qubits: List[int],
pca_matrix: np.ndarray,
initial_interests: List[int],
cash_flow: List[float],
rescaling_factor: float,
bounds: List[Tuple[float, float]],
) -> None:
num_qubits: A list specifying the number of qubits used to discretize the assets.
pca_matrix: The PCA matrix for the changes in the interest rates, :math:`\delta_r`.
initial_interests: The initial interest rates / offsets for the interest rates.
cash_flow: The cash flow time series.
rescaling_factor: The scaling factor used in the Taylor approximation.
bounds: The list of the tuple of the bounds, (min, max), for return values the
assets can attain.
self._rescaling_factor = rescaling_factor
if not isinstance(pca_matrix, np.ndarray):
pca_matrix = np.asarray(pca_matrix)
# get number of time steps
time_steps = len(cash_flow)
# get the number of assets
dimensions = len(num_qubits)
# construct PCA-based cost function (1st order approximation):
# c_t / (1 + A_t x + b_t)^{t+1} ~ c_t / (1 + b_t)^{t+1} - (t+1) c_t A_t /
# (1 + b_t)^{t+2} x = h + np.dot(g, x)
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
h = 0
g = np.zeros(dimensions)
for t in range(time_steps):
h += cash_flow[t] / (1 + initial_interests[t]) ** (t + 1)
g += -(t + 1) * cash_flow[t] * pca_matrix[t, :] / (1 + initial_interests[t]) ** (t + 2)
# compute overall offset using lower bound for x (corresponding to x = min)
low = [bound[0] for bound in bounds]
offset = np.dot(low, g) + h
# compute overall slope
slopes = []
for k in range(dimensions):
n_k = num_qubits[k]
for i in range(n_k):
slope = 2**i / (2**n_k - 1) * (bounds[k][1] - bounds[k][0]) * g[k]
slopes += [slope]
# evaluate min and max values
# for scaling to [0, 1] is then given by (V - min) / (max - min)
min_value = offset + sum(slopes)
max_value = offset
# store image for post_processing
self._image = [min_value, max_value]
# reset offset / slope accordingly
offset -= min_value
offset /= max_value - min_value
slopes /= max_value - min_value
# apply approximation scaling
offset_angle = (offset - 1 / 2) * np.pi / 2 * rescaling_factor + np.pi / 4
slope_angles = slopes * np.pi / 2 * rescaling_factor # type: ignore
# apply approximate payoff function
inner = QuantumCircuit(sum(num_qubits) + 1, name="F")
inner.ry(2 * offset_angle, inner.num_qubits - 1)
for i, angle in enumerate(slope_angles):
inner.cry(2 * angle, i, inner.num_qubits - 1)
super().__init__(sum(num_qubits) + 1, name="F")
self.append(inner.to_gate(), inner.qubits)
[docs] def post_processing(self, scaled_value: float) -> float:
"""Map the scaled value back to the original domain.
scaled_value: The scaled value.
The scaled value mapped back to the original domain.
value = scaled_value - 1 / 2
value *= 2 / np.pi / self._rescaling_factor
value += 1 / 2
value *= self._image[1] - self._image[0]
value += self._image[0]
return value