
Module to study applications using cold atomic setups. Users of the qiskit_cold_atoms.applications module can create Fermionic time-evolution problems to simulate their dynamics on simulator backends or cold-atom based hardware that natively supports the Hamiltonian of the fermionic problem.

For lattice-based problems, users must create subclasses of the FermionicLattice class. An example of which is the one-dimensional FermiHubbard1D which describes a one-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard lattice with spin-up and spin-down particles.


Abstract base fermionic lattice.

FermiHubbard1D(num_sites, particles_up, ...)

Describes a one-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard model with open boundary conditions.

FermionicEvolutionProblem(system, ...)

Problem class corresponding to evaluating an observable of a fermionic system after a time evolution under a hamiltonian from an initial state in an occupation number representation.

TimeEvolutionSolver(backend[, map_type, ...])

Solver class that solves time evolution problem by either analog simulation on fermionic hardware or trotterized time evolution on qubit hardware.