Qiskit Cold Atom API Reference¶
Qiskit Cold Atom module (qiskit_cold_atom
The Qiskit Cold Atom module provides functionality to describe quantum systems of trapped cold atoms in a gate- and circuit-based framework.
Traditionally, each wire in a quantum circuit represents one qubit as the fundamental unit of information processing. Here, we extend this concept and allow wires to represent individual internal states of trapped cold atoms. This currently covers two settings, one for fermionic modes and one for spin modes.
In a fermionic setting, each wire of a quantum circuit represents an abstract fermionic mode in second
quantization which can either be occupied (1) or empty (0). Such systems are realized experimentally by
individual fermionic atoms trapped in arrays of optical tweezers. Circuit instructions and backends
to interact with and simulate such circuits are given by the qiskit_cold_atom.fermions
In a spin setting, each wire of a quantum circuit represents a quantum mechanical spin of a given length
The quantum circuits that these systems can implement thus utilize a fundamentally different form of
quantum information processing compared to qubits. Therefore, the typical qubit gates can not be applied
to these circuits. Instead, the fermions and spin modules define their own gate sets which are defined
by their second-quantized Hamiltonians that generate the unitary gate. Note that loading the
or qiskit_cold_atom.spins
module will decorate the
class in Qiskit by adding methods to call pre-defined fermionic and spin gates,
To enable the control of real quantum hardware, the qiskit_cold_atom.providers
module contains a provider which enables access to cold atomic device backends.
The top-level classes and submodules of qiskit_cold_atom are:
Class for errors returned by Qiskit's Cold Atom module. |
Module to study applications using cold atomic setups. |
Module to support fermionic circuits. |
Cold Atom Backend Provider |
Module to support spin circuits. |