Submitting circuits

Quantum circuits for cold atomic backends should be built from the library of gates included in the fermions and spin packages. These circuits can be sent to a backend. These gates are automatically added to Qiskit’s QuantumCircuit class when importing the cold atom provider. The code below shows an example of a simulation of a rotation of a system with a size 20 spin.

import numpy as np

from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.visualization import plot_histogram
from qiskit_cold_atom.providers import ColdAtomProvider

provider = ColdAtomProvider()
backend = provider.get_backend("collective_spin_simulator")

circuit = QuantumCircuit(1, 1)
circuit.lx(np.pi/2, 0)
circuit.measure(0, 0)

job_rabi =, shots=1024, spin=20, seed=5462)

Basis gates and transpilation

The cold atom backends supported in this package are typically not universal quantum computers but quantum simulators with gates that implement the hardware-native Hamiltonian. Therefor, the circuits to submit to the hardware must be built with the fermion and spin gates provided by the package.

from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit_cold_atom.spins.spins_gate_library import LXGate, LZGate, LZ2Gate

circ = QuantumCircuit(1, 1)
circ.lx(-np.pi/2, 0)
circ.lz2(0.3, 0)
circ.lz(-np.pi/2, 0)
circ.lx(-0.15, 0)
circ.measure(0, 0)

Additional details are in the tutorials.