Source code for qiskit_cold_atom.applications.fermi_hubbard

# This code is part of Qiskit.
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"""Module to build a Fermi-Hubbard problem."""

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import List

from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit_nature.operators.second_quantization import FermionicOp
from qiskit_cold_atom.fermions.fermion_circuit_solver import FermionicBasis
from qiskit_cold_atom.fermions.fermion_gate_library import FermiHubbard
from qiskit_cold_atom.exceptions import QiskitColdAtomError

[docs]class FermionicLattice(ABC): """Abstract base fermionic lattice.""" @property @abstractmethod def size(self) -> int: """The number of lattice sites of the system."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def to_fermionic_op(self) -> FermionicOp: """Creates the Hamiltonian of the lattice in second quantization. Returns: The Hamiltonian as a FermionicOp. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def to_circuit(self, time: float = 1.0) -> QuantumCircuit: """ Wrap the generator of the system in a QuantumCircuit. Args: time: Duration of the time evolution. Returns: A quantum circuit which corresponds to the time-evolved Hamiltonian. """
[docs]class FermiHubbard1D(FermionicLattice): """Describes a one-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard model with open boundary conditions.""" def __init__( self, num_sites: int, particles_up: int, particles_down: int, hop_strength: float, int_strength: float, potential: List[float], ): r""" Initialize a one-dimensional fermi-hubbard system. In second quantization this system is described by the Hamiltonian :math:`H = \sum_{i=1,\sigma}^{L-1} - J_i (f^\dagger_{i,\sigma} f_{i+1,\sigma} + f^\dagger_{i+1,\sigma} f_{i,\sigma}) + U \sum_{i=1}^{L} n_{i,\uparrow} n_{i,\downarrow} + \sum_{i=1,\sigma}^{L} \mu_i n_{i,\sigma}` Args: num_sites: number of lattice sites in the 1D chain. particles_up: total number of spin-up particles in the lattice particles_down: total number of spin-down particles in the lattice hop_strength: strength of hopping between sites int_strength: strength of the local interaction potential: list of local phases, must be on length num_wires Raises: QiskitColdAtomError: if the length of the potential does not match the system size. """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name self._size = num_sites self.particles_up = particles_up self.particles_down = particles_down self.J = hop_strength self.U = int_strength self.basis = FermionicBasis(self.size, n_particles=[self.particles_up, self.particles_down]) if not len(potential) == self.size: raise QiskitColdAtomError( f"The length of the potentials {len(potential)} must match system size {self.size}" ) = potential @property def size(self) -> int: """Return the number of sites of the problem.""" return self._size
[docs] def to_fermionic_op(self) -> FermionicOp: """Construct the hamiltonian of the lattice as a FermionicOp. Returns: A FermionicOp defining the systems Hamiltonian """ operator_labels = [] # add hopping terms for idx in range(self.size - 1): right_to_left_up = "I" * idx + "+-" + "I" * (self.size * 2 - idx - 2) operator_labels.append((right_to_left_up, -self.J)) left_to_right_up = "I" * idx + "-+" + "I" * (self.size * 2 - idx - 2) operator_labels.append((left_to_right_up, self.J)) right_to_left_down = "I" * (self.size + idx) + "+-" + "I" * (self.size - idx - 2) operator_labels.append((right_to_left_down, -self.J)) left_to_right_down = "I" * (self.size + idx) + "-+" + "I" * (self.size - idx - 2) operator_labels.append((left_to_right_down, self.J)) # add interaction terms for idx in range(self.size): opstring = "I" * idx + "N" + "I" * (self.size - 1) + "N" + "I" * (self.size - 1 - idx) operator_labels.append((opstring, self.U)) # add potential terms for idx in range(self.size): op_up = "I" * idx + "N" + "I" * (2 * self.size - idx - 1) operator_labels.append((op_up,[idx])) op_down = "I" * (self.size + idx) + "N" + "I" * (self.size - idx - 1) operator_labels.append((op_down,[idx])) return FermionicOp(operator_labels)
[docs] def to_circuit(self, time: float = 1.0) -> QuantumCircuit: """ Wrap the generator of the system in a QuantumCircuit. Args: time: Duration of the time evolution. Returns: A quantum circuit which corresponds to the time-evolved Hamiltonian. """ circ = QuantumCircuit(2 * self.size) circ.append( FermiHubbard( num_modes=2 * self.size, j=[self.J * time] * (self.size - 1), u=self.U * time, mu=[mu_i * time for mu_i in], ), qargs=range(2 * self.size), ) return circ