Source code for ffsim.variational.ucj_angles_spin_balanced

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"""Spin-balanced (local) UCJ ansatz parameterized by gate rotation angles."""

from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass

import numpy as np

from ffsim import gates, protocols
from ffsim.variational.givens import GivensAnsatzOp
from ffsim.variational.num_num import NumNumAnsatzOpSpinBalanced
from ffsim.variational.ucj_spin_balanced import UCJOpSpinBalanced

[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class UCJAnglesOpSpinBalanced: r"""A spin-balanced UCJ operator parameterized by gate rotation angles.""" norb: int num_num_ansatz_ops: list[NumNumAnsatzOpSpinBalanced] givens_ansatz_ops: list[GivensAnsatzOp] final_givens_ansatz_op: GivensAnsatzOp | None = None def __post_init__(self): if len(self.num_num_ansatz_ops) != len(self.givens_ansatz_ops): raise ValueError( "The number of number-number ansatz operations must equal the number " "of Givens ansatz operations. " f"Got {len(self.num_num_ansatz_ops)} and {len(self.givens_ansatz_ops)}." ) @property def n_reps(self): """The number of ansatz repetitions.""" return len(self.num_num_ansatz_ops)
[docs] @staticmethod def n_params( norb: int, n_reps: int, num_num_interaction_pairs: tuple[list[tuple[int, int]], list[tuple[int, int]]], givens_interaction_pairs: list[tuple[int, int]], with_final_givens_ansatz_op: bool = False, ) -> int: """Return the number of parameters of an ansatz with given settings.""" pairs_aa, pairs_ab = num_num_interaction_pairs n_params_num_num = len(pairs_aa) + len(pairs_ab) n_params_givens = 2 * len(givens_interaction_pairs) + norb return ( n_reps * (n_params_num_num + n_params_givens) + with_final_givens_ansatz_op * norb**2 )
[docs] @staticmethod def from_parameters( params: np.ndarray, *, norb: int, n_reps: int, num_num_interaction_pairs: tuple[list[tuple[int, int]], list[tuple[int, int]]], givens_interaction_pairs: list[tuple[int, int]], with_final_givens_ansatz_op: bool = False, ) -> UCJAnglesOpSpinBalanced: r"""Initialize the UCJ operator from a real-valued parameter vector.""" n_params = UCJAnglesOpSpinBalanced.n_params( norb, n_reps, num_num_interaction_pairs=num_num_interaction_pairs, givens_interaction_pairs=givens_interaction_pairs, with_final_givens_ansatz_op=with_final_givens_ansatz_op, ) if len(params) != n_params: raise ValueError( "The number of parameters passed did not match the number expected " "based on the function inputs. " f"Expected {n_params} but got {len(params)}." ) n_params_num_num = sum(len(pairs) for pairs in num_num_interaction_pairs) n_params_givens = 2 * len(givens_interaction_pairs) + norb num_num_ansatz_ops = [] givens_ansatz_ops = [] index = 0 for _ in range(n_reps): # Givens n_params = n_params_givens givens_ansatz_ops.append( GivensAnsatzOp.from_parameters( params[index : index + n_params], norb=norb, interaction_pairs=givens_interaction_pairs, ) ) index += n_params # Number-number n_params = n_params_num_num num_num_ansatz_ops.append( NumNumAnsatzOpSpinBalanced.from_parameters( params[index : index + n_params], norb=norb, interaction_pairs=num_num_interaction_pairs, ) ) index += n_params final_givens_ansatz_op = None if with_final_givens_ansatz_op: final_givens_ansatz_op = GivensAnsatzOp.from_parameters( params[index:], norb=norb, interaction_pairs=list(brickwork(norb, norb)), ) return UCJAnglesOpSpinBalanced( norb, num_num_ansatz_ops=num_num_ansatz_ops, givens_ansatz_ops=givens_ansatz_ops, final_givens_ansatz_op=final_givens_ansatz_op, )
[docs] def to_parameters(self) -> np.ndarray: r"""Convert the UCJ operator to a real-valued parameter vector.""" param_arrays = [] for givens_ansatz, num_num_ansatz in zip( self.givens_ansatz_ops, self.num_num_ansatz_ops ): param_arrays.append(givens_ansatz.to_parameters()) param_arrays.append(num_num_ansatz.to_parameters()) if self.final_givens_ansatz_op is not None: param_arrays.append(self.final_givens_ansatz_op.to_parameters()) return np.concatenate(param_arrays)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_t_amplitudes( t2: np.ndarray, *, t1: np.ndarray | None = None, n_reps: int | None = None, interaction_pairs: tuple[ list[tuple[int, int]] | None, list[tuple[int, int]] | None ] | None = None, tol: float = 1e-8, ) -> UCJAnglesOpSpinBalanced: """Initialize the UCJ operator from t2 (and optionally t1) amplitudes.""" ucj_op = UCJOpSpinBalanced.from_t_amplitudes( t2, t1=t1, n_reps=n_reps, interaction_pairs=interaction_pairs, tol=tol ) return UCJAnglesOpSpinBalanced.from_ucj_op(ucj_op)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_ucj_op(ucj_op: UCJOpSpinBalanced) -> UCJAnglesOpSpinBalanced: """Initialize the angles-based UCJ operator from a matrix-based UCJ operator.""" num_num_ansatz_ops = [ NumNumAnsatzOpSpinBalanced.from_diag_coulomb_mats(diag_coulomb_mats) for diag_coulomb_mats in ucj_op.diag_coulomb_mats ] givens_ansatz_ops = [ GivensAnsatzOp.from_orbital_rotation(orbital_rotation) for orbital_rotation in ucj_op.orbital_rotations ] final_givens_ansatz_op = None if ucj_op.final_orbital_rotation is not None: final_givens_ansatz_op = GivensAnsatzOp.from_orbital_rotation( ucj_op.final_orbital_rotation ) return UCJAnglesOpSpinBalanced( norb=ucj_op.norb, num_num_ansatz_ops=num_num_ansatz_ops, givens_ansatz_ops=givens_ansatz_ops, final_givens_ansatz_op=final_givens_ansatz_op, )
def _apply_unitary_( self, vec: np.ndarray, norb: int, nelec: int | tuple[int, int], copy: bool ) -> np.ndarray: if isinstance(nelec, int): return NotImplemented if copy: vec = vec.copy() current_basis = np.eye(norb) for num_num_ansatz_op, givens_ansatz_op in zip( self.num_num_ansatz_ops, self.givens_ansatz_ops ): orbital_rotation = givens_ansatz_op.to_orbital_rotation() vec = gates.apply_orbital_rotation( vec, orbital_rotation.T.conj() @ current_basis, norb=norb, nelec=nelec, copy=False, ) vec = protocols.apply_unitary( vec, num_num_ansatz_op, norb=norb, nelec=nelec, copy=False ) current_basis = orbital_rotation if self.final_givens_ansatz_op is None: vec = gates.apply_orbital_rotation( vec, current_basis, norb=norb, nelec=nelec, copy=False ) else: final_orbital_rotation = self.final_givens_ansatz_op.to_orbital_rotation() vec = gates.apply_orbital_rotation( vec, final_orbital_rotation @ current_basis, norb=norb, nelec=nelec, copy=False, ) return vec def _approx_eq_(self, other, rtol: float, atol: float) -> bool: if isinstance(other, UCJAnglesOpSpinBalanced): if self.norb != other.norb: return False if len(self.num_num_ansatz_ops) != len(other.num_num_ansatz_ops): return False if len(self.givens_ansatz_ops) != len(other.givens_ansatz_ops): return False if not protocols.approx_eq( self.final_givens_ansatz_op, other.final_givens_ansatz_op ): return False if not all( protocols.approx_eq(op1, op2, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) for op1, op2 in zip(self.num_num_ansatz_ops, other.num_num_ansatz_ops) ): return False if not all( protocols.approx_eq(op1, op2, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) for op1, op2 in zip(self.givens_ansatz_ops, other.givens_ansatz_ops) ): return False return True return NotImplemented
def brickwork(norb: int, n_layers: int): for i in range(n_layers): for j in range(i % 2, norb - 1, 2): yield (j, j + 1)