Double-factorized representation of the molecular Hamiltonian

This page discusses the double-factorized representation of the molecular Hamiltonian.

Double-factorized representation

The molecular Hamiltonian is commonly written in the form

\[H = \sum_{\sigma, pq} h_{pq} a^\dagger_{\sigma, p} a_{\sigma, q} + \frac12 \sum_{\sigma \tau, pqrs} h_{pqrs} a^\dagger_{\sigma, p} a^\dagger_{\tau, r} a_{\tau, s} a_{\sigma, q} + \text{constant}.\]

This representation of the Hamiltonian is daunting for quantum simulations because the number of terms in the two-body part scales as \(N^4\) where \(N\) is the number of spatial orbitals. An alternative representation can be obtained by performing a “double-factorization” of the two-body tensor \(h_{pqrs}\):

\[H = \sum_{\sigma, pq} h'_{pq} a^\dagger_{\sigma, p} a_{\sigma, q} + \sum_{k=1}^L \mathcal{U}_k \mathcal{J}_k \mathcal{U}_k^\dagger + \text{constant}'.\]

Here each \(\mathcal{U}_k\) is an orbital rotation and each \(\mathcal{J}_k\) is a so-called diagonal Coulomb operator of the form

\[\mathcal{J} = \frac12\sum_{\sigma \tau, ij} \mathbf{J}_{ij} n_{\sigma, i} n_{\tau, j},\]

where \(n_{\sigma, i} = a^\dagger_{\sigma, i} a_{\sigma, i}\) is the occupation number operator and \(\mathbf{J}_{ij}\) is a real symmetric matrix. The one-body tensor and the constant have been updated to accomodate extra terms that arise from reordering fermionic ladder operators.

For an exact factorization, \(L\) is proportional to \(N^2\). However, the two-body tensor often has low-rank structure, and the decomposition can be truncated while still maintaining an accurate representation. Thus, in practice, \(L\) often scales only linearly with \(N\), resulting in a much more compact representation that gives rise to more efficient schemes for simulating and measuring the Hamiltonian, which utilize efficient quantum circuits for orbital rotations and time evolution by a diagonal Coulomb operator.

Application to time evolution via Trotter-Suzuki formulas

In this section, we discuss how the double-factorized Hamiltonian can be simulated using Trotter-Suzuki formulas.

Brief background on Trotter-Suzuki formulas

Trotter-Suzuki formulas are used to approximate time evolution by a Hamiltonian \(H\) which is decomposed as a sum of terms:

\[H = \sum_k H_k.\]

Time evolution by time \(t\) is given by the unitary operator

\[e^{i H t}.\]

To approximate this operator, the total evolution time is first divided into a number of smaller time steps, called “Trotter steps”:

\[e^{i H t} = (e^{i H t / r})^r.\]

The time evolution for a single Trotter step is then approximated using a product formula, which approximates the exponential of a sum of terms by a product of exponentials of the individual terms. The formulas are approximate because the terms do not in general commute. A first-order asymmetric product formula has the form

\[e^{i H \tau} \approx \prod_k e^{i H_k \tau}.\]

Higher-order formulas can be derived which yield better approximations.

Application to the double-factorized Hamiltonian

Using the double-factorized representation, the Hamiltonian is decomposed into \(L+1\) terms (ignoring the constant term),

\[H = \sum_{k=0}^L H_k,\]


\[H_0 = \sum_{\sigma, pq} h'_{pq} a^\dagger_{\sigma, p} a_{\sigma, q}\]

and for \(k = 1, \ldots, L\),

\[H_k = \mathcal{U}_k \mathcal{J}_k \mathcal{U}_k^\dagger.\]

We have that

Given the ability to simulate each of the individual terms, we can implement Trotter-Suzuki formulas for time evolution by the entire Hamiltonian. This is implemented in ffsim by the function simulate_trotter_double_factorized, which implements higher-order Trotter-Suzuki formulas in addition to the first-order asymmetric formula mentioned previously. The first-order asymmetric formula corresponds to setting the argument order=0, which is the default. order=1 corresponds to the first-order symmetric (commonly known as the second-order) formula, order=2 corresponds to the second-order symmetric (fourth-order) formula, and so on.