# (C) Copyright IBM 2023.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
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"""Testing utilities."""
from __future__ import annotations
import itertools
from collections.abc import Iterable, Iterator
from typing import cast, overload
import numpy as np
from ffsim.linalg import match_global_phase
from ffsim.spin import Spin
def generate_norb_nelec_spin(
norb_range: Iterable[int],
) -> Iterator[tuple[int, tuple[int, int], Spin]]:
"""Generate (`norb`, `nelec`, `spin`) tuples for testing.
Given a range of choices for `norb`, generates all possible
(`norb`, `nelec`, `spin`) triplets.
for norb in norb_range:
for nelec in itertools.product(range(norb + 1), repeat=2):
for spin in Spin.__members__.values():
yield norb, cast(tuple[int, int], nelec), spin
def generate_norb_nelec(
norb_range: Iterable[int],
) -> Iterator[tuple[int, tuple[int, int]]]:
"""Generate (`norb`, `nelec`) tuples for testing.
Given a range of choices for `norb`, generates all possible (`norb`, `nelec`) pairs.
for norb in norb_range:
for nelec in itertools.product(range(norb + 1), repeat=2):
yield norb, cast(tuple[int, int], nelec)
def generate_norb_nocc(
norb_range: Iterable[int],
) -> Iterator[tuple[int, int]]:
"""Generate (`norb`, `nocc`) tuples for testing.
Given a range of choices for `norb`, generates all possible (`norb`, `nocc`) pairs.
`nocc` refers to the occupation of a single spin species, so it ranges from 0 to
for norb in norb_range:
for nocc in range(norb + 1):
yield norb, nocc
def generate_norb_spin(norb_range: Iterable[int]) -> Iterator[tuple[int, Spin]]:
"""Generate (`norb`, `spin`) tuples for testing.
Given a range of choices for `norb`, generates all possible (`norb`, `spin`) pairs.
for norb in norb_range:
for spin in Spin.__members__.values():
yield norb, spin
def random_nelec(norb: int, *, seed=None) -> tuple[int, int]:
"""Return a random pair of (n_alpha, n_beta) particle numbers.
norb: The number of spatial orbitals.
seed: A seed to initialize the pseudorandom number generator.
Should be a valid input to ``np.random.default_rng``.
The sampled pair of (n_alpha, n_beta) particle numbers.
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
n_alpha, n_beta = rng.integers(norb + 1, size=2)
return (n_alpha, n_beta)
def random_occupied_orbitals(norb: int, nelec: int, *, seed=None) -> list[int]: ...
def random_occupied_orbitals(
norb: int, nelec: tuple[int, int], *, seed=None
) -> tuple[list[int], list[int]]: ...
def random_occupied_orbitals(
norb: int, nelec: int | tuple[int, int], *, seed=None
) -> list[int] | tuple[list[int], list[int]]:
"""Return a random pair of occupied orbitals lists.
norb: The number of spatial orbitals.
nelec: Either a single integer representing the number of fermions for a
spinless system, or a pair of integers storing the numbers of spin alpha
and spin beta fermions.
seed: A seed to initialize the pseudorandom number generator.
Should be a valid input to ``np.random.default_rng``.
The sampled pair of (occ_a, occ_b) occupied orbitals lists.
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
if isinstance(nelec, int):
return [int(x) for x in rng.choice(norb, nelec, replace=False)]
n_alpha, n_beta = nelec
occ_a = [int(x) for x in rng.choice(norb, n_alpha, replace=False)]
occ_b = [int(x) for x in rng.choice(norb, n_beta, replace=False)]
return (occ_a, occ_b)
def assert_allclose_up_to_global_phase(
actual: np.ndarray,
desired: np.ndarray,
rtol: float = 1e-7,
atol: float = 0,
equal_nan: bool = True,
err_msg: str = "",
verbose: bool = True,
"""Check if a == b * exp(i phi) for some real number phi.
actual: A Numpy array.
desired: Another Numpy array.
rtol: Relative tolerance.
atol: Absolute tolerance.
equal_nan: If True, NaNs will compare equal.
err_msg: The error message to be printed in case of failure.
verbose: If True, the conflicting values are appended to the error message.
AssertionError: If a and b are not equal up to global phase, up to the
specified precision.
actual, desired = match_global_phase(actual, desired)