Source code for qiskit_nature.second_q.formats.qcschema.qc_topology
# This code is part of a Qiskit project.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2022, 2023.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
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# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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"""The QCSchema topology dataclass."""
from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Sequence, cast
import h5py
from .qc_base import _QCBase
from .qc_provenance import QCProvenance
class QCTopology(_QCBase):
"""A dataclass to store the topological information of the physical system.
For more information refer to
symbols: Sequence[str]
"""The list of atom symbols in this topology."""
geometry: Sequence[float]
"""The XYZ coordinates (in Bohr units) of the atoms. This is a flat list of three times the
length of the `symbols` list."""
schema_name: str
"""The name of this schema. This value is expected to be `qcschema_molecule`."""
schema_version: int
"""The version of this specific schema."""
molecular_charge: int | None = None
"""The overall charge of the molecule."""
molecular_multiplicity: int | None = None
"""The overall multiplicity of the molecule."""
fix_com: bool | None = None
"""Whether translation of the geometry is allowed (`False`) or not (`True`)."""
real: Sequence[bool] | None = None
"""A list indicating whether each atom is real (`True`) or a ghost (`False`). Its length must
match that of the `symbols` list."""
connectivity: Sequence[tuple[int, int, int]] | None = None
"""A list indicating the bonds between the atoms in the molecule. Each item of this list must be
a tuple of three integers, indicating the first atom index in the bond, the second atom index,
and finally the order of the bond."""
fix_orientation: bool | None = None
"""Whether rotation of the geometry is allowed (`False`) or not (`True`)."""
atom_labels: Sequence[str] | None = None
"""A list of user-provided information for each atom. Its length must match that of the
`symbols` list."""
fragment_multiplicities: Sequence[int] | None = None
"""The list of multiplicities associated with each fragment."""
fix_symmetry: str | None = None
"""The maximal point group symmetry at which the `geometry` should be treated."""
fragment_charges: Sequence[float] | None = None
"""The list of charges associated with each fragment."""
mass_numbers: Sequence[int] | None = None
"""The mass numbers of all atoms. If it is an unknown isotope, the value should be -1. Its
length must match that of the `symbols` list."""
name: str | None = None
"""The (user-given) name of the molecule."""
masses: Sequence[float] | None = None
"""The masses (in atomic units) of all atoms. Canonical weights are assumed if this is not given
comment: str | None = None
"""Any additional (user-provided) comment."""
provenance: QCProvenance | None = None
"""An instance of :class:`QCProvenance`."""
fragments: Sequence[tuple[int, ...]] | None = None
"""The list of fragments. Each item of this list must be a tuple of integers with variable
length (greater than 1). The first number indicates the fragment index, all following numbers
refer to the (0-indexed) atom indices that constitute this fragment."""
atomic_numbers: Sequence[int] | None = None
"""The atomic numbers of all atoms, indicating their nuclear charge. Its length must match that
of the `symbols` list."""
[docs] @classmethod
def from_dict(cls, data: dict[str, Any]) -> QCTopology:
provenance: QCProvenance | None = None
if "provenance" in data.keys():
provenance = cast(QCProvenance, QCProvenance.from_dict(data.pop("provenance")))
return cls(**data, provenance=provenance)
def _from_hdf5_group(cls, h5py_group: h5py.Group) -> QCTopology:
data = dict(h5py_group.attrs.items())
for key, value in h5py_group.items():
data[key] = value
if "provenance" in h5py_group.keys():
data["provenance"] = cast(
QCProvenance, QCProvenance.from_hdf5(h5py_group["provenance"])
return cls(**data)