# This code is part of a Qiskit project.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2022, 2023.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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"""The QCSchema properties dataclass."""
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import dataclass
from .qc_base import _QCBase
class QCProperties(_QCBase):
"""A dataclass to store the computed properties of the original calculation.
For more information refer to
calcinfo_nbasis: int | None = None
"""The number of basis functions in the computation."""
calcinfo_nmo: int | None = None
"""The number of molecular orbitals in the computation."""
calcinfo_nalpha: int | None = None
"""The number of alpha-spin electrons in the computation."""
calcinfo_nbeta: int | None = None
"""The number of beta-spin electrons in the computation."""
calcinfo_natom: int | None = None
"""The number of atoms in the computation."""
return_energy: float | None = None
"""The returned energy of the computation. When :attr:`QCSchemaInput.driver` is `energy`, this
value is identical to :attr:`QCSchema.return_result`."""
scf_one_electron_energy: float | None = None
"""The one-electron energy contribution to the total SCF energy."""
scf_two_electron_energy: float | None = None
"""The two-electron energy contribution to the total SCF energy."""
nuclear_repulsion_energy: float | None = None
"""The nuclear repulsion energy contribution to the total SCF energy."""
nuclear_dipole_moment: tuple[float, float, float] | None = None
"""The nuclear X, Y, and Z dipole components."""
scf_vv10_energy: float | None = None
"""The VV10 functional energy contribution to the total SCF energy."""
scf_xc_energy: float | None = None
"""The XC functional energy contribution to the total SCF energy."""
scf_dispersion_correction_energy: float | None = None
"""The dispersion correction appended to the underlying functional in a DFT-D method."""
scf_dipole_moment: tuple[float, float, float] | None = None
"""The total SCF X, Y, and Z dipole components."""
scf_total_energy: float | None = None
"""The total SCF energy."""
scf_iterations: int | None = None
"""The number of SCF iterations taken during the computation."""
mp2_same_spin_correlation_energy: float | None = None
"""The MP2 doubles correlation energy contribution from same-spin (e.g. triplet) correlations,
without any user scaling."""
mp2_opposite_spin_correlation_energy: float | None = None
"""The MP2 doubles correlation energy contribution from opposite-spin (e.g. singlet)
correlations, without any user scaling."""
mp2_singles_energy: float | None = None
"""The MP2 singles correlation energy. This value is `0.0` except in ROHF."""
mp2_doubles_energy: float | None = None
"""The total MP2 doubles correlation energy."""
mp2_correlation_energy: float | None = None
"""The total MP2 correlation energy."""
mp2_total_energy: float | None = None
"""The total MP2 energy (i.e. the sum of the SCF energy and MP2 correlation energy)."""
mp2_dipole_moment: tuple[float, float, float] | None = None
"""The total MP2 X, Y, and Z dipole components."""
ccsd_same_spin_correlation_energy: float | None = None
"""The CCSD doubles correlation energy contribution from same-spin (e.g. triplet) correlations,
without any user scaling."""
ccsd_opposite_spin_correlation_energy: float | None = None
"""The CCSD doubles correlation energy contribution from opposite-spin (e.g. singlet)
correlations, without any user scaling."""
ccsd_singles_energy: float | None = None
"""The CCSD singles correlation energy. This value is `0.0` except in ROHF."""
ccsd_doubles_energy: float | None = None
"""The total CCSD doubles correlation energy."""
ccsd_correlation_energy: float | None = None
"""The total CCSD correlation energy."""
ccsd_total_energy: float | None = None
"""The total CCSD energy (i.e. the sum of the SCF energy and CCSD correlation energy)."""
ccsd_prt_pr_correlation_energy: float | None = None
"""The total CCSD(T) correlation energy."""
ccsd_prt_pr_total_energy: float | None = None
"""The total CCSD(T) energy (i.e. the sum of the SCF energy and CCSD(T) correlation energy)."""
ccsdt_correlation_energy: float | None = None
"""The total CCSDT correlation energy."""
ccsdt_total_energy: float | None = None
"""The total CCSDT energy (i.e. the sum of the SCF energy and CCSDT correlation energy)."""
ccsdtq_correlation_energy: float | None = None
"""The total CCSDTQ correlation energy."""
ccsdtq_total_energy: float | None = None
"""The total CCSDTQ energy (i.e. the sum of the SCF energy and CCSDTQ correlation energy)."""
ccsd_dipole_moment: tuple[float, float, float] | None = None
"""The total CCSD X, Y, and Z dipole components."""
ccsd_prt_pr_dipole_moment: tuple[float, float, float] | None = None
"""The total CCSD(T) X, Y, and Z dipole components."""
ccsdt_dipole_moment: tuple[float, float, float] | None = None
"""The total CCSDT X, Y, and Z dipole components."""
ccsdtq_dipole_moment: tuple[float, float, float] | None = None
"""The total CCSDTQ X, Y, and Z dipole components."""
ccsd_iterations: int | None = None
"""The number of CCSD iterations taken during the computation."""
ccsdt_iterations: int | None = None
"""The number of CCSDT iterations taken during the computation."""
ccsdtq_iterations: int | None = None
"""The number of CCSDTQ iterations taken during the computation."""