# This code is part of a Qiskit project.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2020, 2024.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
# that they have been altered from the originals.
"""The calculation of excited states via the qEOM algorithm."""
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Callable, Sequence
from enum import Enum
import itertools
import logging
import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg
from qiskit_algorithms import EigensolverResult, MinimumEigensolver
from qiskit_algorithms.list_or_dict import ListOrDict as ListOrDictType
from qiskit_algorithms.observables_evaluator import estimate_observables
from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.quantum_info import SparsePauliOp
from qiskit.primitives import BaseEstimator
from qiskit_nature.second_q.algorithms.ground_state_solvers import GroundStateSolver
from qiskit_nature.second_q.algorithms.excited_states_solvers.excited_states_solver import (
from qiskit_nature.second_q.mappers import QubitMapper, TaperedQubitMapper
from qiskit_nature.second_q.operators import SparseLabelOp
from qiskit_nature.second_q.problems import (
from qiskit_nature.utils import _parallel_map
from .qeom_electronic_ops_builder import build_electronic_ops
from .qeom_vibrational_ops_builder import build_vibrational_ops
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class EvaluationRule(Enum):
"""An enumeration of the available evaluation rules for the excited states solvers.
This ``Enum`` simply names the available evaluation rules.
ALL = "all"
DIAG = "diag"
def _commutator(op_a: SparsePauliOp, op_b: SparsePauliOp) -> SparsePauliOp:
r"""Compute commutator of `op_a` and `op_b`.
.. math::
AB - BA.
op_a: Operator A.
op_b: Operator B.
The computed commutator.
return (op_a @ op_b - op_b @ op_a).simplify(atol=0)
def _double_commutator(
op_a: SparsePauliOp,
op_b: SparsePauliOp,
op_c: SparsePauliOp,
sign: bool = False,
) -> SparsePauliOp:
r"""Compute symmetric double commutator of `op_a`, `op_b` and `op_c`.
See also Equation (13.6.18) in [1].
If `sign` is `False`, it returns
.. math::
[[A, B], C]/2 + [A, [B, C]]/2
= (2ABC + 2CBA - BAC - CAB - ACB - BCA)/2.
If `sign` is `True`, it returns
.. math::
\lbrace[A, B], C\rbrace/2 + \lbrace A, [B, C]\rbrace/2
= (2ABC - 2CBA - BAC + CAB - ACB + BCA)/2.
op_a: Operator A.
op_b: Operator B.
op_c: Operator C.
sign: False anti-commutes, True commutes.
The computed double commutator.
[1]: R. McWeeny.
Methods of Molecular Quantum Mechanics.
2nd Edition, Academic Press, 1992.
ISBN 0-12-486552-6.
sign_num = 1 if sign else -1
op_ab = op_a @ op_b
op_ba = op_b @ op_a
op_ac = op_a @ op_c
op_ca = op_c @ op_a
op_abc = op_ab @ op_c
op_cba = op_c @ op_ba
op_bac = op_ba @ op_c
op_cab = op_c @ op_ab
op_acb = op_ac @ op_b
op_bca = op_b @ op_ca
res = (
- sign_num * op_cba
+ 0.5 * (-op_bac + sign_num * op_cab - op_acb + sign_num * op_bca)
return res.simplify(atol=0)
[docs]class QEOM(ExcitedStatesSolver):
"""The calculation of excited states via the qEOM algorithm.
This algorithm approximates the excited-state properties of a problem using additional measurements
on the ground state provided by a ``GroundStateSolver`` object.
The precision of the ``GroundStateSolver.solve`` method for the ground state approximate directly
affects the precision of the qEOM algorithm for the same problem.
The ``excitations`` are used to build a linear subspace in which an eigenvalue problem for the
projected Hamiltonian will be solved. This method typically works well for calculating the
lowest-lying excited states of a problem.
The excited-state energies are calculated by default in this algorithm for all excited states.
Auxiliary observables can be specified to the ``solve`` method along with auxiliary evaluation
rules of the ``QEOM`` object.
For more details, please refer to https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.12890.
The following attributes can be read and updated once the ``QEOM`` object has been
excitations: The excitations to be included in the eom pseudo-eigenvalue problem.
aux_eval_rules: The rules determining how observables should be evaluated on excited states.
tol: The tolerance threshold for the qEOM eigenvalues.
def __init__(
ground_state_solver: GroundStateSolver,
estimator: BaseEstimator,
excitations: str
| int
| list[int]
| Callable[
[int, tuple[int, int]],
list[tuple[tuple[int, ...], tuple[int, ...]]],
] = "sd",
aux_eval_rules: EvaluationRule | dict[str, list[tuple[int, int]]] | None = None,
tol: float = 1e-6,
) -> None:
ground_state_solver: A ``GroundStateSolver`` object. The qEOM algorithm
will use this ground state to compute the EOM matrix elements.
estimator: The ``BaseEstimator`` to use for the evaluation of
the qubit operators at the ground state ansatz. If the internal solver provided to
the ``GroundStateSolver`` also uses a ``BaseEstimator`` primitive, you can provide the
same estimator instance here.
excitations: The excitations to be included in the eom pseudo-eigenvalue problem.
:`str`: which contains the types of excitations. Allowed characters are
+ `s` for singles
+ `d` for doubles
+ `t` for triples
+ `q` for quadruples
:`int`: a single, positive integer which denotes the number of excitations
(1 == `s`, etc.)
:`list[int]`: a list of positive integers generalizing the above
:`Callable`: a function which is used to generate the excitations.
The callable must take the __keyword__ arguments `num_spin_orbitals` and
`num_particles` (with identical types to those explained above) and must return
a `list[tuple[tuple[int, ...], tuple[int, ...]]]`. For more information on how
to write such a callable refer to the default method
aux_eval_rules: The rules determining how observables should be evaluated on excited states.
By default, none of the auxiliary operators are evaluated on none of the excited states.
:`Enum`: specific predefined rules. Allowed rules are:
+ ALL to compute all expectation values and all transition amplitudes.
+ DIAG to only compute expectation values.
:`dict[str, list[tuple[int, int]]]`: Dictionary mapping valid auxiliary operator's name
to lists of tuple (i, j) specifying the indices of the excited states to be evaluated
tol: Tolerance threshold for the qEOM eigenvalues. This plays a role when one
excited state approaches the ground state, in which case it is best to avoid manipulating
very small absolute values.
self._gsc = ground_state_solver
self._estimator = estimator
self.excitations = excitations
self.aux_eval_rules = aux_eval_rules
self.tol = tol
self._problem_generated_aux_op_names: set[str] = set()
def qubit_mapper(self) -> QubitMapper:
"""Returns the qubit_mapper object defined in the ground state solver."""
return self._gsc.qubit_mapper
def solver(self) -> MinimumEigensolver:
"""Returns the solver object defined in the ground state solver."""
return self._gsc.solver
def _map_operators(
self, operators: SparseLabelOp | ListOrDictType[SparseLabelOp]
) -> SparsePauliOp | ListOrDictType[SparsePauliOp]:
if isinstance(self.qubit_mapper, TaperedQubitMapper):
mapped_ops = self.qubit_mapper.map_clifford(operators)
mapped_ops = self.qubit_mapper.map(operators)
return mapped_ops
def _taper_operators(
self, operators: SparsePauliOp | ListOrDictType[SparsePauliOp]
) -> SparsePauliOp | ListOrDictType[SparsePauliOp]:
if isinstance(self.qubit_mapper, TaperedQubitMapper):
tapered_ops = self.qubit_mapper.taper_clifford(operators, suppress_none=True)
tapered_ops = operators
return tapered_ops
[docs] def get_qubit_operators(
problem: BaseProblem,
aux_operators: dict[str, SparseLabelOp | SparsePauliOp] | None = None,
) -> tuple[SparsePauliOp, dict[str, SparsePauliOp] | None]:
Gets the operator and auxiliary operators, and transforms the provided auxiliary operators.
If the user-provided ``aux_operators`` contain a name which clashes with an internally
constructed auxiliary operator, then the corresponding internal operator will be overridden by
the user-provided operator.
Note that this methods performs a specific treatment of the symmetries required by the qEOM
problem: A class encoding a problem to be solved.
aux_operators: Additional auxiliary operators to evaluate.
Tuple of the form (Qubit operator, Auxiliary operators).
main_operator, aux_second_q_operators = problem.second_q_ops()
self._problem_generated_aux_op_names = set(aux_second_q_operators.keys())
# 1. Convert the main operator (hamiltonian) to a Qubit Operator and apply two qubit reduction
if isinstance(self.qubit_mapper, TaperedQubitMapper):
main_op = self.qubit_mapper.map_clifford(main_operator)
main_op = self.qubit_mapper.map(main_operator)
# 3. Convert the auxiliary operators.
# aux_ops set to None if the solver does not support auxiliary operators.
aux_ops = None
if self.solver.supports_aux_operators():
aux_ops = self._map_operators(aux_second_q_operators)
if aux_operators is not None:
for name, op in aux_operators.items():
if isinstance(op, (SparseLabelOp)):
converted_aux_op = self._map_operators(op)
converted_aux_op = op
if name in aux_ops.keys():
"The key '%s' was already taken by an internally constructed auxiliary"
"The internal operator was overridden by the one provided manually."
"If this was not the intended behavior, please consider renaming"
"this operator.",
# The custom op overrides the default op if the key is already taken.
aux_ops[name] = converted_aux_op
untap_main_op = main_op
untap_aux_ops = aux_ops
return untap_main_op, untap_aux_ops
[docs] def solve(
problem: BaseProblem,
aux_operators: dict[str, SparseLabelOp | SparsePauliOp] | None = None,
) -> EigenstateResult:
"""Run the excited-states calculation.
Construct and solve the EOM pseudo-eigenvalue problem to obtain the excitation energies
and the excitation operators expansion coefficients.
problem: A class encoding a problem to be solved.
aux_operators: Additional auxiliary operators to evaluate.
An interpreted :class:`~.EigenstateResult`. For more information see also
:meth:`~.BaseProblem.interpret`. The :class:`~.EigenstateResult` is constructed
from a :class:`~qiskit_nature.second_q.algorithms.excited_states_solvers.qeom.QEOMResult`
instance which holds additional information specific to the qEOM problem.
# 1. Prepare all operators and set the particle number in the qubit mapper
untap_main_op, # Hamiltonian
untap_aux_ops, # Auxiliary observables
) = self.get_qubit_operators(problem, aux_operators)
# before we taper our operators we filter the ones which come from the problem internally as
# to not trigger a bunch of warnings being raised about overwritten auxiliary operators
filtered_aux_ops = {
k: v
for k, v in untap_aux_ops.items()
if k not in self._problem_generated_aux_op_names and k not in aux_operators.keys()
# 2. Run ground state calculation with fully tapered custom auxiliary operators
# Note that the solve() method includes the `second_q' auxiliary operators
tap_aux_operators = self._taper_operators(filtered_aux_ops)
groundstate_result = self._gsc.solve(problem, tap_aux_operators)
ground_state = groundstate_result.eigenstates[0]
# 3. Prepare the expansion operators for the excited state calculation
expansion_basis_data = self._prepare_expansion_basis(problem)
# 4. Obtain the representation of the Hamiltonian in the linear subspace
h_mat, s_mat, h_mat_std, s_mat_std = self._build_qeom_pseudoeigenvalue_problem(
untap_main_op, expansion_basis_data, ground_state
# 5. Solve the pseudo-eigenvalue problem
energy_gaps, expansion_coefs, commutator_metric = self._compute_excitation_energies(
h_mat, s_mat
gammas_square: np.ndarray = np.abs(np.diagonal(commutator_metric))
logger.info("Gamma square = %s", gammas_square)
scaling_matrix: np.ndarray = np.diag(
np.divide(np.ones_like(gammas_square), np.sqrt(gammas_square))
expansion_coefs_rescaled: np.ndarray = expansion_coefs @ scaling_matrix
# 6. Evaluate auxiliary operators on the excited states
) = self._evaluate_observables_excited_states(
result = self._build_qeom_result(
return result
def _build_hopping_ops(
self, problem: BaseProblem
) -> tuple[
dict[str, SparsePauliOp],
dict[str, list[bool]],
dict[str, tuple[tuple[int, ...], tuple[int, ...]]],
"""Builds the product of raising and lowering operators for a given problem.
problem: The problem for which to build out the operators.
NotImplementedError: For an unsupported problem type.
Dict of hopping operators, dict of commutativity types and dict of excitation indices.
if isinstance(problem, ElectronicStructureProblem):
return build_electronic_ops(
(problem.num_alpha, problem.num_beta),
elif isinstance(problem, VibrationalStructureProblem):
return build_vibrational_ops(
raise NotImplementedError(
"The building of qEOM hopping operators is not yet implemented for a problem of "
f"type {type(problem)}"
def _build_all_eom_operators(
untap_operator: SparsePauliOp,
expansion_basis_data: tuple[dict[str, SparsePauliOp], dict[str, list[bool]], int],
) -> dict[str, SparsePauliOp]:
"""Building all commutators for Q, W, M, V matrices.
untap_operator: Not yet tapered Hamiltonian operator
expansion_basis_data: all hopping operators based on excitations_list,
key is the string of single/double excitation;
value is corresponding operator.
A dictionary that contains the operators for each matrix element.
untap_hopping_ops, type_of_commutativities, size = expansion_basis_data
to_be_computed_list = []
mus, nus = np.triu_indices(size)
def _build_one_sector(available_hopping_ops):
for idx, m_u in enumerate(mus):
n_u = nus[idx]
left_op_1 = available_hopping_ops.get(f"E_{m_u}")
right_op_1 = available_hopping_ops.get(f"E_{n_u}")
right_op_2 = available_hopping_ops.get(f"Edag_{n_u}")
to_be_computed_list.append((m_u, n_u, left_op_1, right_op_1, right_op_2))
if (
isinstance(self.qubit_mapper, TaperedQubitMapper)
and not self.qubit_mapper.z2symmetries.is_empty()
combinations = itertools.product(
[1, -1], repeat=len(self.qubit_mapper.z2symmetries.symmetries)
for targeted_tapering_values in combinations:
"In sector: (%s)",
",".join([str(x) for x in targeted_tapering_values]),
# remove the excited operators which are not suitable for the sector
available_hopping_ops = {}
targeted_sector = np.asarray(targeted_tapering_values) == 1
for key, value in type_of_commutativities.items():
if np.all(np.asarray(value) == targeted_sector):
available_hopping_ops[key] = untap_hopping_ops[key]
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):
logger.info("Building all commutators:")
results = _parallel_map(
all_matrix_operators = {}
for result in results:
m_u, n_u, eom_operators = result
for index_op, op in eom_operators.items():
if op is not None:
all_matrix_operators[f"{index_op}_{m_u}_{n_u}"] = op
return all_matrix_operators
def _build_commutator_routine(
params: list, operator: SparsePauliOp
) -> tuple[int, int, dict[str, SparsePauliOp]]:
"""Numerically computes the commutator / double commutator between operators.
params: list containing the indices of matrix element and the corresponding
excitation operators.
operator: The hamiltonian.
The indices of the matrix element and the corresponding qubit
operator for each of the EOM matrices.
m_u, n_u, left_op_1, right_op_1, right_op_2 = params
if left_op_1 is None or right_op_1 is None and right_op_2 is None:
q_mat_op = None
w_mat_op = None
m_mat_op = None
v_mat_op = None
if right_op_1 is not None:
# The sign which we use in the case of the double commutator is arbitrary. In
# theory, one would choose this according to the nature of the problem (i.e.
# whether it is fermionic or bosonic), but in practice, always choosing the
# anti-commutator has proven to be more robust.
q_mat_op = -_double_commutator(left_op_1, operator, right_op_1, sign=False)
# In the case of the single commutator, we are always interested in the energy
# difference of two states. Thus, regardless of the problem's nature, we will
# always use the commutator.
w_mat_op = -_commutator(left_op_1, right_op_1)
q_mat_op = None if len(q_mat_op) == 0 else q_mat_op
w_mat_op = None if len(w_mat_op) == 0 else w_mat_op
q_mat_op = None
w_mat_op = None
if right_op_2 is not None:
# For explanations on the choice of commutation relation, please refer to the
# comments above.
m_mat_op = _double_commutator(left_op_1, operator, right_op_2, sign=False)
v_mat_op = _commutator(left_op_1, right_op_2)
m_mat_op = None if len(m_mat_op) == 0 else m_mat_op
v_mat_op = None if len(v_mat_op) == 0 else v_mat_op
m_mat_op = None
v_mat_op = None
eom_operators = {"q": q_mat_op, "w": w_mat_op, "m": m_mat_op, "v": v_mat_op}
return m_u, n_u, eom_operators
def _build_eom_matrices(
self, gs_results: dict[str, tuple[complex, dict[str, Any]]], size: int
) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Constructs the H and S matrices from the results on the ground state.
gs_results: A ground state result object.
size: Size of eigenvalue problem.
H and S matrices and their standard deviation
mus, nus = np.triu_indices(size)
m_mat = np.zeros((size, size), dtype=complex)
v_mat = np.zeros((size, size), dtype=complex)
q_mat = np.zeros((size, size), dtype=complex)
w_mat = np.zeros((size, size), dtype=complex)
m_mat_std, v_mat_std, q_mat_std, w_mat_std = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
# evaluate results
for m_u, n_u in zip(mus, nus):
if gs_results.get(f"q_{m_u}_{n_u}") is not None:
q_mat[m_u][n_u] = gs_results[f"q_{m_u}_{n_u}"][0]
q_mat_std += gs_results[f"q_{m_u}_{n_u}"][1].get("variance", 0)
if gs_results.get(f"w_{m_u}_{n_u}") is not None:
w_mat[m_u][n_u] = gs_results[f"w_{m_u}_{n_u}"][0]
w_mat_std += gs_results[f"w_{m_u}_{n_u}"][1].get("variance", 0)
if gs_results.get(f"m_{m_u}_{n_u}") is not None:
m_mat[m_u][n_u] = gs_results[f"m_{m_u}_{n_u}"][0]
m_mat_std += gs_results[f"m_{m_u}_{n_u}"][1].get("variance", 0)
if gs_results.get(f"v_{m_u}_{n_u}") is not None:
v_mat[m_u][n_u] = gs_results[f"v_{m_u}_{n_u}"][0]
v_mat_std += gs_results[f"v_{m_u}_{n_u}"][1].get("variance", 0)
# these matrices are numpy arrays and therefore have the ``shape`` attribute
# Matrix building rules
# M.adjoint() = M, V.adjoint() = V
# Q.T = Q, W.T = -W
q_mat = q_mat + q_mat.T - np.identity(q_mat.shape[0]) * q_mat
w_mat = w_mat - w_mat.T - np.identity(w_mat.shape[0]) * w_mat
m_mat = m_mat + m_mat.T.conj() - np.identity(m_mat.shape[0]) * m_mat
v_mat = v_mat + v_mat.T.conj() - np.identity(v_mat.shape[0]) * v_mat
q_mat = np.real(q_mat)
w_mat = np.real(w_mat)
m_mat = np.real(m_mat)
v_mat = np.real(v_mat)
q_mat_std = q_mat_std / float(size**2)
w_mat_std = w_mat_std / float(size**2)
m_mat_std = m_mat_std / float(size**2)
v_mat_std = v_mat_std / float(size**2)
logger.debug("\nQ:=========================\n%s", q_mat)
logger.debug("\nW:=========================\n%s", w_mat)
logger.debug("\nM:=========================\n%s", m_mat)
logger.debug("\nV:=========================\n%s", v_mat)
# Matrix building rules
# h_mat = [[M, Q], [P, N]] and s_mat = [[V, W], [T, U]]
# N = M.conj() = M.T
# P = Q.adjoint() = Q.conj() because Q = Q.T
# U = -V.conj() = -V.T
# T = W.adjoint()
h_mat: np.ndarray = np.block([[m_mat, q_mat], [q_mat.T.conj(), m_mat.T]])
s_mat: np.ndarray = np.block([[v_mat, w_mat], [w_mat.T.conj(), -v_mat.T]])
h_mat_std: np.ndarray = np.array([[m_mat_std, q_mat_std], [q_mat_std, m_mat_std]])
s_mat_std: np.ndarray = np.array([[v_mat_std, w_mat_std], [w_mat_std, v_mat_std]])
return h_mat, s_mat, h_mat_std, s_mat_std
def _prepare_expansion_basis(
self, problem: BaseProblem
) -> tuple[dict[str, SparsePauliOp], dict[str, list[bool]], int]:
"""Prepares the basis expansion operators by calling the builder for second quantized operator
and applying transformations (Mapping, Reduction, First step of the tapering).
problem: the problem for which to build out the operators.
Dict of transformed hopping operators, dict of commutativity types, size of the qEOM problem
logger.debug("Building expansion basis data...")
data = self._build_hopping_ops(problem)
hopping_operators, type_of_commutativities, excitation_indices = data
size = int(len(list(excitation_indices.keys())) // 2)
return hopping_operators, type_of_commutativities, size
def _build_qeom_pseudoeigenvalue_problem(
untap_operator: SparsePauliOp,
expansion_basis_data: tuple[dict[str, SparsePauliOp], dict[str, list[bool]], int],
reference_state: tuple[QuantumCircuit, Sequence[float]],
) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Builds the matrices for the qEOM pseudo-eigenvalue problem
untap_operator: Not yet tapered hamiltonian
expansion_basis_data: Dict of transformed hopping operators, dict of commutativity types,
size of the qEOM problem
reference_state: Reference state (often the VQE ground state) to be used for the evaluation
of EOM operators.
Matrices of the Pseudo-eigenvalue problem H @ X = S @ X @ E with the associated standard
deviation errors.
logger.debug("Build qEOM pseudoeigenvalue problem...")
# 1. Build all EOM operators to evaluate on the ground state
untap_eom_matrix_ops = self._build_all_eom_operators(
tap_eom_matrix_ops = self._taper_operators(untap_eom_matrix_ops)
# 2. Evaluate all EOM operators on the ground state
measurement_results = estimate_observables(
# 4. Post-process the measurement results to construct eom matrices
_, _, size = expansion_basis_data
h_mat, s_mat, h_mat_std, s_mat_std = self._build_eom_matrices(measurement_results, size)
return h_mat, s_mat, h_mat_std, s_mat_std
def _compute_excitation_energies(
self, h_mat: np.ndarray, s_mat: np.ndarray
) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Diagonalizing H, S matrices for excitation energies.
h_mat : H matrix
s_mat : S matrix
1-D vector stores all energy gap to reference state.
2-D array storing the X and Y expansion coefficients.
logger.debug("Diagonalizing qeom matrices for excited states...")
res = linalg.eig(h_mat, s_mat)
# convert nan value into 0
res[0][np.where(np.isnan(res[0]))] = 0.0
# Only the positive eigenvalues are physical. We need to take care
# though of very small values
# should an excited state approach ground state. Here the small values
# may be both negative or
# positive. We should take just one of these pairs as zero.
# Since we may now have
# small values (positive or negative) take the absolute and then threshold zero.
logger.debug("... %s", res[0])
# We keep only the negative half of the eigenvalues in decreasing order. Negative eigenvalues
# correspond to the excitations whereas positive eigenvalues correspond to de-excitations
order = np.argsort(np.real(res[0]))[::-1][len(res[0]) // 2 : :]
w = np.real(res[0])[order]
logger.debug("Sorted real parts %s", w)
w = np.abs(w)
w[w < self.tol] = 0
excitation_energies_gap = w
expansion_coefs = res[1][:, order]
commutator_metric = expansion_coefs.T.conj() @ s_mat @ expansion_coefs
return excitation_energies_gap, expansion_coefs, commutator_metric
def _build_excitation_operators(
expansion_basis_data: tuple[
dict[str, SparsePauliOp],
dict[str, list[bool]],
reference_state: tuple[QuantumCircuit, Sequence[float]],
expansion_coefs_rescaled: np.ndarray,
) -> list[SparsePauliOp]:
"""Build the excitation operators O_k such that O_k applied on the reference ground state gives
the k-th excited state.
expansion_basis_data: Dict of transformed hopping operators, dict of commutativity types,
size of the qEOM problem.
reference_state : Reference ground state
expansion_coefs_rescaled: Expansion coefficient matrix X such that H @ X = S @ X @ E and
X^dag @ S @ X is the identity
list of excitation operators [Identity, O_1, O_2, ...]
untap_hopping_ops, _, size = expansion_basis_data
tap_hopping_ops = self._taper_operators(untap_hopping_ops)
additionnal_measurements = estimate_observables(
self._estimator, reference_state[0], tap_hopping_ops, reference_state[1]
num_qubits = list(untap_hopping_ops.values())[0].num_qubits
identity_op = SparsePauliOp(["I" * num_qubits], [1.0])
ordered_keys = [f"E_{k}" for k in range(size)] + [f"Edag_{k}" for k in range(size)]
ordered_signs = [1 for k in range(size)] + [-1 for k in range(size)]
translated_hopping_ops = {}
for key, sign in zip(ordered_keys, ordered_signs):
tap_hopping_ops_eval = (
if additionnal_measurements.get(key) is not None
else 0.0
translated_hopping_ops[key] = sign * (
untap_hopping_ops[key] - identity_op * tap_hopping_ops_eval
# From the matrix of coefficients and the vector of basis operators, we create the vector of
# excitation operators.
hopping_ops_vector = list(translated_hopping_ops.values())
excitations_ops = [
expansion_coefs_rescaled[k, i] * hopping_ops_vector[k]
for k in range(expansion_coefs_rescaled.shape[0])
for i in range(expansion_coefs_rescaled.shape[1])
excitations_ops_reduced = [identity_op] + excitations_ops
return excitations_ops_reduced
def _prepare_excited_states_observables(
untap_aux_ops: dict[str, SparsePauliOp],
operators_reduced: list[SparsePauliOp],
size: int,
) -> dict[tuple[str, int, int], SparsePauliOp]:
"""Prepare the operators O_k^dag @ Aux @ O_l associated to properties of the excited states k,l
defined in the aux_eval_rules. By default, the expectation value of all observables on all
excited states are evaluated while no transition amplitudes are computed.
untap_aux_ops: Dict of auxiliary operators for which properties will be computed.
expansion_basis_data: Dict of transformed hopping operators, dict of commutativity types,
size of the qEOM problem.
operators_reduced: list of excitation operators [Identity, O_1, O_2, ...]
size: size of the qEOM problem.
ValueError: For when the aux_eval_rules do not correspond to any previously defined
observable and excited state.
Dict of operators of the form O_k^dag @ Aux @ O_l as specified in the constraints.
indices = np.diag_indices(size + 1)
eval_rules: dict[str, list[tuple[Any, Any]]]
if self.aux_eval_rules is None:
eval_rules = {}
elif isinstance(self.aux_eval_rules, dict):
eval_rules = self.aux_eval_rules
elif self.aux_eval_rules == EvaluationRule.ALL:
indices = np.triu_indices(size + 1)
aux_names = untap_aux_ops.keys()
indices_list = list(zip(indices[0], indices[1]))
eval_rules = {aux_name: indices_list for aux_name in aux_names}
elif self.aux_eval_rules == EvaluationRule.DIAG:
indices = np.diag_indices(size + 1)
aux_names = untap_aux_ops.keys()
indices_list = list(zip(indices[0], indices[1]))
eval_rules = {aux_name: indices_list for aux_name in aux_names}
raise ValueError("Aux evaluation rules are ill-defined")
op_aux_op_dict: dict[tuple[str, int, int], SparsePauliOp] = {}
for op_name, indices_constraint in eval_rules.items():
if op_name not in untap_aux_ops.keys():
raise ValueError("Evaluation constrains cannot be satisfied")
aux_op = untap_aux_ops[op_name]
for i, j in indices_constraint:
if i >= len(operators_reduced) or j >= len(operators_reduced):
raise ValueError("Evaluation constrains cannot be satisfied")
opi, opj = operators_reduced[i], operators_reduced[j]
op_aux_op_dict[(op_name, i, j)] = (opi.adjoint() @ aux_op @ opj).simplify()
return op_aux_op_dict
def _evaluate_observables_excited_states(
untap_aux_ops: dict[str, SparsePauliOp],
expansion_basis_data: tuple[dict[str, SparsePauliOp], dict[str, list[bool]], int],
reference_state: tuple[QuantumCircuit, Sequence[float]],
expansion_coefs_rescaled: np.ndarray,
) -> tuple[dict[tuple[int, int], dict[str, Any]], dict[tuple[int, int], dict[str, Any]]]:
"""Evaluate the expectation values and transition amplitudes of the auxiliary operators on the
excited states. Custom rules can be used to define which expectation values and transition
amplitudes to compute. A typical rule is specified in the form of a dictionary
untap_aux_ops: Dict of auxiliary operators for which properties will be computed.
expansion_basis_data: Dict of transformed hopping operators, dict of commutativity types,
size of the qEOM problem.
reference_state: Reference ground state.
expansion_coefs_rescaled: Expansion coefficient matrix X such that H @ X = S @ X @ E and
X^dag @ S @ X is the identity.
Auxiliary operators eigenvalues and transition amplitudes, following the evaluation rules
defined as attributes of the qEOM class.
aux_operators_eigenvalues: dict[tuple[int, int], dict[str, Any]] = {}
transition_amplitudes: dict[tuple[int, int], dict[str, Any]] = {}
_, _, size = expansion_basis_data
if untap_aux_ops is not None:
# 1. Build excitation operators O_l such that O_l |0> = |l>
excitations_ops_reduced = self._build_excitation_operators(
expansion_basis_data, reference_state, expansion_coefs_rescaled
# 2. Prepare observables O_k^\dag @ Aux @ O_l
op_aux_op_dict = self._prepare_excited_states_observables(
untap_aux_ops, excitations_ops_reduced, size
# 3. Measure observables
tap_op_aux_op_dict = self._taper_operators(op_aux_op_dict)
aux_measurements = estimate_observables(
self._estimator, reference_state[0], tap_op_aux_op_dict, reference_state[1]
# 4. Format aux_operators_eigenvalues
indices_diag = np.diag_indices(size + 1)
indices_diag_as_list = list(zip(indices_diag[0], indices_diag[1]))
for indice in indices_diag_as_list:
aux_operators_eigenvalues[indice] = {}
for aux_name in untap_aux_ops.keys():
aux_operators_eigenvalues[indice][aux_name] = aux_measurements.get(
(aux_name, indice[0], indice[1]), (0.0, {})
# 5. Format transition_amplitudes
indices_offdiag = np.triu_indices(size + 1, k=1)
indices_offdiag_as_list = list(zip(indices_offdiag[0], indices_offdiag[1]))
for indice in indices_offdiag_as_list:
transition_amplitudes[indice] = {}
for aux_name in untap_aux_ops.keys():
transition_amplitudes[indice][aux_name] = aux_measurements.get(
(aux_name, indice[0], indice[1]), (0.0, {})
return aux_operators_eigenvalues, transition_amplitudes
def _build_qeom_result(
) -> ElectronicStructureResult:
qeom_result = QEOMResult()
qeom_result.ground_state_raw_result = groundstate_result.raw_result
qeom_result.expansion_coefficients = expansion_coefs
qeom_result.excitation_energies = energy_gaps
qeom_result.h_matrix = h_mat
qeom_result.s_matrix = s_mat
qeom_result.h_matrix_std = h_mat_std
qeom_result.s_matrix_std = s_mat_std
qeom_result.gamma_square = gammas_square
qeom_result.aux_operators_evaluated = list(aux_operators_eigenvalues.values())
qeom_result.transition_amplitudes = transition_amplitudes
groundstate_energy_reference = groundstate_result.eigenvalues[0]
excited_eigenenergies = energy_gaps + groundstate_energy_reference
qeom_result.eigenvalues = np.append(
groundstate_result.eigenvalues[0], excited_eigenenergies
eigenstate_result = EigenstateResult.from_result(qeom_result)
result = problem.interpret(eigenstate_result)
return result
[docs]class QEOMResult(EigensolverResult):
"""The results class for the qEOM algorithm.
For more details about the definitions, please refer to https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.12890.
ground_state_raw_result (EigenstateResult): The raw results of the ground state eigensolver.
excitation_energies (np.ndarray): The excitation energies approximated by the qEOM algorithm.
expansion_coefficients (np.ndarray): The expansion coefficients matrix of the excitation
operators onto the set of basis operators spanning the linear qEOM subspace.
h_matrix (np.ndarray): Matrix representing the Hamiltonian in the qEOM subspace. Because of our
choice for the expansion basis, the two square sub-matrices on the diagonal are related by
a transposition and the two submatrices on the anti diagonal are hermitian conjugates.
s_matrix (np.ndarray): Matrix representing the geometry of the qEOM subspace. Because of our
choice for the expansion basis, the two square submatrices on the diagonal are related by
a transposition (with a sign) and the two submatrices on the anti diagonal are hermitian
h_matrix_std (np.ndarray): 2 by 2 matrix representing the sums of standard deviations in the four
square submatrices of H.
s_matrix_std (np.ndarray): 2 by 2 matrix representing the sums of standard deviations in the four
square submatrices of S.
transition_amplitudes (list[ListOrDictType[tuple[complex, dict[str, Any]]]): Transition
amplitudes of the auxiliary operators computed following the evaluation rules specified when
the qEOM class was created.
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.ground_state_raw_result = None
self.excitation_energies: np.ndarray | None = None
self.expansion_coefficients: np.ndarray | None = None
self.eigenvalues: np.ndarray | None = None
self.h_matrix: np.ndarray | None = None
self.s_matrix: np.ndarray | None = None
self.h_matrix_std: np.ndarray = np.zeros((2, 2))
self.s_matrix_std: np.ndarray = np.zeros((2, 2))
self.transition_amplitudes: list[
ListOrDictType[tuple[complex, dict[str, Any]]]
] | None = None
self.gamma_square: np.ndarray = None
def m_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray | None:
"""returns the M matrix"""
if self.h_matrix is None:
return None
return self.h_matrix[: len(self.h_matrix) // 2, : len(self.h_matrix) // 2]
def v_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray | None:
"""returns the V matrix"""
if self.s_matrix is None:
return None
return self.s_matrix[: len(self.s_matrix) // 2, : len(self.s_matrix) // 2]
def q_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray | None:
"""returns the Q matrix"""
if self.h_matrix is None:
return None
return self.h_matrix[len(self.h_matrix) // 2 :, : len(self.h_matrix) // 2]
def w_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray | None:
"""returns the W matrix"""
if self.s_matrix is None:
return None
return self.s_matrix[len(self.s_matrix) // 2 :, : len(self.s_matrix) // 2]
def m_matrix_std(self) -> float:
"""returns the M matrix standard deviation"""
if np.isclose(self.h_matrix_std[0, 0], 0.0):
return 0.0
return self.h_matrix_std[0, 0]
def v_matrix_std(self) -> float:
"""returns the V matrix standard deviation"""
if np.isclose(self.s_matrix_std[0, 0], 0.0):
return 0.0
return self.s_matrix_std[0, 0]
def q_matrix_std(self) -> float:
"""returns the Q matrix standard deviation"""
if np.isclose(self.h_matrix_std[0, 1], 0.0):
return 0.0
return self.h_matrix_std[0, 0]
def w_matrix_std(self) -> float:
"""returns the W matrix standard deviation"""
if np.isclose(self.s_matrix_std[0, 1], 0.0):
return 0.0
return self.s_matrix_std[0, 0]