Pulse (qiskit_dynamics.pulse)#

This module contains tools to interface qiskit.pulse with Qiskit Dynamics. Qiskit Dynamics simulates time evolution using the Signal class, however qiskit.pulse specifies pulse instructions using a Schedule or ScheduleBlock. This module contains the required converters to convert from a qiskit.pulse control specification into Signal instances for simulation.


The conversion from a Schedule to a list of Signal instances is done with the InstructionToSignals converter. The following codeblock shows a simple example instantiation, and how to use it to convert a Schedule to a list of Signal instances.

converter = InstructionToSignals(dt=1, carriers=None)
signals = converter.get_signals(sched)

An example schedule, and the corresponding converted signals, is shown below.


Converter class#

InstructionToSignals(dt[, carriers, channels])

Converts pulse instructions to signals to be used in models.