
FermionSimulator.measure_observable_expectation(circuits, observable, shots, seed=None, num_species=1, get_variance=False)

Measure the expectation value of an observable in a state prepared by a given quantum circuit that uses fermionic gates. Measurements are added to the entire register if they are not yet applied in the circuit.

  • circuits (Union[QuantumCircuit, List[QuantumCircuit]]) – QuantumCircuit applying gates with fermionic generators

  • observable (FermionicOp) – A FermionicOp describing an observable of which the expectation value is sampled

  • shots (int) – Number of measurement shots taken in case the circuit has measure instructions

  • seed (Optional[int]) – seed for the random number generator of the measurement simulation

  • num_species (int) – number of different fermionic species described by the circuits

  • get_variance (bool) – If True, also returns an estimate of the variance of the observable


QiskitColdAtomError – if the observable is non-diagonal


List of the measured expectation values of the observables in given circuits variance: List of the estimated variances of of the observables (if get_variance is True)

Return type:
