Source code for qiskit_cold_atom.spins.spins_gate_library

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"""Gates for spin backends."""

from typing import Union, Optional, List
from fractions import Fraction
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import expm

from qiskit.circuit.gate import Instruction, Gate
from qiskit_nature.operators.second_quantization import SpinOp
from qiskit_cold_atom import QiskitColdAtomError, add_gate

[docs]class SpinGate(Gate): """Unitary gates for spin circuits.""" def __init__( self, name: str, num_modes: int, params: Optional[List] = None, label: Optional[str] = None, generator: Optional[SpinOp] = None, ) -> None: """Create a new spin gate. Args: name: The Qobj name of the gate. num_modes: The number of fermionic modes the gate acts on. params: A list of parameters. label: An optional label for the gate. generator: The generating Hamiltonian of the gate unitary given as a SpinOp """ self._generator = generator self.num_modes = num_modes if params is None: params = [] super().__init__(name=name, num_qubits=num_modes, params=params, label=label)
[docs] def power(self, exponent: float): """Creates a spin gate as `gate^exponent`. Args: exponent (float): The exponent with which the gate is exponentiated Returns: SpinGate: To which `.generator` is self.generator*exponent. Raises: QiskitColdAtomError: Ff the gate generator is not defined. """ if self.generator is None: raise QiskitColdAtomError( "Gate can not be exponentiated if the gate generator is not defined." ) # the generator of the exponentiated gate is the old generator times the exponent exp_generator = exponent * self.generator exp_params = None if not self.params else [exponent * param for param in self.params] exp_label = None if not self.label else self.label + f"^{exponent}" return SpinGate( + f"^{exponent}", num_modes=self.num_modes, params=exp_params, label=exp_label, generator=exp_generator, )
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def to_matrix(self, spin: Union[float, Fraction] = Fraction(1, 2)) -> np.ndarray: """Return a Numpy.array for the gate unitary matrix. Args: spin: The spin value of each wire that the gate acts on Returns: A dense np.array of the unitary of the gate """ spin_op = SpinOp(self.generator.to_list(), spin=spin, register_length=self.num_qubits) return expm(-1j * spin_op.to_matrix())
[docs] def control( self, num_ctrl_qubits: Optional[int] = 1, label: Optional[str] = None, ctrl_state: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, ): """Overwrite control method which is supposed to return a controlled version of the gate. This is not applicable in the spin setting.""" raise QiskitColdAtomError("Spin gates have no controlled version")
@property def generator(self) -> SpinOp: """The Hamiltonian that generates the unitary of the gate, given as a SpinOp.""" return self._generator
[docs]class RLXGate(SpinGate): r"""Rotation of the collective spin of a cold atomic Bose-Einstein condensate around the x-axis. The generating Hamiltonian of the LX gate is :math:`H = \omega L_x` where :math:`\omega` is the free gate parameter. **Circuit symbol:** .. parsed-literal:: ┌────────────┐ q_0: ┤ RLX(omega) ├ └────────────┘ """ def __init__(self, omega, label=None): """Create new RLX gate.""" super().__init__("rlx", 1, [omega], label=label) @property def generator(self) -> SpinOp: r"""The generating Hamiltonian of the LX gate.""" return float(self.params[0]) * SpinOp("X")
@add_gate def rlx(self, omega, wire): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """add the RLX gate to a QuantumCircuit""" return self.append(RLXGate(omega), [wire], [])
[docs]class RLYGate(SpinGate): r"""Rotation of the collective spin of a cold atomic Bose-Einstein condensate around the y-axis. The generating Hamiltonian of the LY gate is :math:`H = \omega L_y` where :math:`\omega` is the free gate parameter **Circuit symbol:** .. parsed-literal:: ┌────────────┐ q_0: ┤ RLY(omega) ├ └────────────┘ """ def __init__(self, omega, label=None): """Create new RLY gate.""" super().__init__("rly", 1, [omega], label=label) @property def generator(self) -> SpinOp: r"""The generating Hamiltonian of the LY gate.""" return float(self.params[0]) * SpinOp("Y")
@add_gate def rly(self, omega, wire): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """add the RLY gate to a QuantumCircuit""" return self.append(RLYGate(omega), [wire], [])
[docs]class RLZGate(SpinGate): r"""Rotation of the collective spin of a cold atomic Bose-Einstein condensate around the z-axis. The generating Hamiltonian of the LZ gate is :math:`H = \delta L_z` where :math:`\delta` is the free gate parameter **Circuit symbol:** .. parsed-literal:: ┌────────────┐ q_0: ┤ RLZ(delta) ├ └────────────┘ """ def __init__(self, delta, label=None): """Create new RLZ gate.""" super().__init__("rlz", 1, [delta], label=label) @property def generator(self) -> SpinOp: r"""The generating Hamiltonian of the LZ gate.""" return float(self.params[0]) * SpinOp("Z")
@add_gate def rlz(self, delta, wire): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """add the RLZ gate to a QuantumCircuit""" return self.append(RLZGate(delta), [wire], [])
[docs]class RLZ2Gate(SpinGate): r"""Evolution of a coherent spin under the twisting dynamic generated by Lz^2'. The generating Hamiltonian of the LZ2 gate is :math:`H = \chi L_z^2` where :math:`\chi` is the free gate parameter. **Circuit symbol:** .. parsed-literal:: ┌───────────┐ q_0: ┤ RLZ2(chi) ├ └───────────┘ """ def __init__(self, chi, label=None): """Create new rz2 gate.""" super().__init__("rlz2", 1, [chi], label=label) @property def generator(self) -> SpinOp: r"""The generating Hamiltonian of the LZ gate.""" return float(self.params[0]) * SpinOp("Z_0^2", register_length=1)
@add_gate def rlz2(self, chi, wire): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Add the RLZ2 gate to a QuantumCircuit.""" return self.append(RLZ2Gate(chi), [wire], [])
[docs]class OATGate(SpinGate): r"""Evolution of a coherent spin under the one-axis-twisting Hamiltonian. The generating Hamiltonian of the OATgate is :math:`H = \chi L_z^2 + \Delta L_z + \Omega L_x` where :math:`\chi`, :math:`\Delta` and :math:`\Omega` are the free gate parameters. """ def __init__(self, chi: float, delta: float, omega: float, label=None): """Create new one-axis-twisting rotation gate.""" super().__init__("OAT", 1, [chi, delta, omega], label=label) @property def generator(self) -> SpinOp: r"""The generating Hamiltonian of the OAT gate.""" return ( float(self.params[0]) * SpinOp("Z_0^2", register_length=1) + float(self.params[1]) * SpinOp("Z") + float(self.params[2]) * SpinOp("X") )
@add_gate def oat(self, chi: float, delta: float, omega: float, wire: int, label=None): """Add the RLZ2 gate to a QuantumCircuit.""" return self.append(OATGate(chi=chi, delta=delta, omega=omega, label=label), [wire], [])
[docs]class RLZLZGate(SpinGate): r"""Coupled ZZ-rotation of two collective spins. The generating Hamiltonian of the RLZLZGate is :math:`H = \gamma L_{z, i} + L_{z, j}` where :math:`\gamma` is the free gate parameter and :math:`i` and :math:`j` index the wires the gate acts on. """ def __init__(self, gamma: float, label=None): """Create new RLZLZ gate.""" super().__init__("rlzlz", 2, [gamma], label=label) @property def generator(self) -> SpinOp: r"""The generating Hamiltonian of the LZZ gate.""" return self.params[0] * SpinOp("Z_0 Z_1", register_length=2)
@add_gate def rlzlz(self, gamma: float, wires: List[int], label=None): """Add the RLZLZ gate to a QuantumCircuit.""" return self.append(RLZLZGate(gamma=gamma, label=label), qargs=wires)
[docs]class RLXLYGate(SpinGate): r"""The spin exchange gate of two collective spins. The generating Hamiltonian of the LxLyGate is :math:`H = \gamma (L_{x, i}L_{x,j} + L_{y, i} L_{y,j})` where :math:`\gamma` is the free gate parameter and :math:`i` and :math:`j` index the wires the gate acts on. This gate is equivalently expressed through raising and lowering operators as: :math:`H = 2\gamma (L_{+, i}L_{-,j} + L_{-, i} L_{+,j})` """ def __init__(self, gamma: float, label=None): """Create new RLXLY gate.""" super().__init__("rlxly", 2, [gamma], label=label) @property def generator(self) -> SpinOp: r"""The generating Hamiltonian of the LxLy gate.""" return self.params[0] * ( SpinOp("X_0 X_1", register_length=2) + SpinOp("Y_0 Y_1", register_length=2) )
@add_gate def rlxly(self, gamma: float, wires: List[int], label=None): """Add the RLXLY gate to a QuantumCircuit.""" return self.append(RLXLYGate(gamma=gamma, label=label), qargs=wires) class LoadSpins(Instruction): r"""An instruction to define the spin length of each qudit mode. This gate loads `num_atoms` onto the wire of index `wire`. This results in a local spin length of :math:`\ell = N/2`. **Circuit symbol:** .. parsed-literal:: ┌──────┐ q_0: ┤ Load ├ └──────┘ """ def __init__(self, num_atoms: int): """Initialise new load instruction. Args: num_atoms: The integer number of atoms loaded into this wire. n Qobj name of the gate. """ super().__init__(name="load", num_qubits=1, num_clbits=0, params=[num_atoms], label=None) @add_gate def load_spins(self, num_atoms: int, wire: int): """Add the load spin gate to a QuantumCircuit.""" return self.append(LoadSpins(num_atoms), [wire], []) class RydbergFull(SpinGate): r""" Global 1D-Rydberg dynamic consisting of the detuning, Rabi coupling and Rydberg blockade. The generating Hamiltonian of the Rydberg dynamcis is :math:` \hat{H}_{ryd} = \Omega \sum_i \sigma_{x,i} + \Delta \sum_i \sigma_{z,i} + \phi \sum_{i\neq j} \frac{\hat{n}_i \hat{n}_j}{|i-j|^6}` where :math:`i` indexes the mode, :math:`\sigma` indexes the spin, :math:`\Omega` are the Rabi couplings, :math:`\phi` is the interaction strength and :math:`\Delta` are the detunings. The form of the third part of the Hamiltonian implies that the atoms are arranged in a regularly spaced 1D chain. **Circuit symbol:** .. parsed-literal:: ┌────────────────┐ q_0: ┤ RydbergFull ├ └────────────────┘ """ def __init__(self, num_modes: int, omega: float, delta: float, phi: float, label=None): """Initialize a global Rydberg gate Args: num_modes: number of tweezers on which the operator acts, must be entire quantum register omega: global strength of the Rabi coupling on each site. delta: global detuning phi: global interaction strength label: optional """ params = [omega, delta, phi] super().__init__( name="rydberg_full", num_modes=num_modes, params=params, label=label, ) def inverse(self): """Get the inverse gate by reversing the sign of all gate parameters""" omega_val, delta_val, phi_val = self.params[0], self.params[1], self.params[2] return RydbergFull( num_modes=self.num_modes, omega=-omega_val, delta=-delta_val, phi=-phi_val ) @property def generator(self) -> SpinOp: """The generating Hamiltonian of the Rydberg Hamiltonian.""" params = [float(param) for param in self.params] omega, delta, phi = params[0], params[1], params[2] generators = [] # add generators of Rabi coupling if omega != 0.0: for i in range(self.num_modes): generators.append((f"X_{i}", omega)) # add generators of detuning if delta != 0.0: for i in range(self.num_modes): generators.append((f"Z_{i}", delta)) # add generators of interaction term if phi != 0.0: for i in range(self.num_modes): for j in range(i + 1, self.num_modes): coeff = phi / np.abs(i - j) ** 6 generators.append((f"Z_{i} Z_{j}", coeff)) generators.append((f"Z_{i}", -coeff / 2)) generators.append((f"Z_{j}", -coeff / 2)) if not generators: return SpinOp("I_0", register_length=self.num_modes) else: return sum( coeff * SpinOp(label, register_length=self.num_modes) for label, coeff in generators ) # pylint: disable=invalid-name @add_gate def rydberg_full(self, omega: float, delta: float, phi: float, modes: List[int], label=None): """Add the combined Rydberg Gate gate to a QuantumCircuit.""" return self.append( RydbergFull(num_modes=len(modes), omega=omega, delta=delta, phi=phi, label=label), qargs=modes, ) class RydbergBlockade(SpinGate): r""" Global 1D-Rydberg blockade. The generating Hamiltonian of the Rydberg blockade is :math:`\hat{H}_{block} = \sum_{i\neq j} \frac{\hat{n}_i \hat{n}_j}{|i-j|^6}` where :math:`i` indexes the mode, :math:`\sigma` indexes the spin. The form of the Hamiltonian implies that the atoms are arranged in a regularly spaced 1D chain. **Circuit symbol:** .. parsed-literal:: ┌────────────────────┐ q_0: ┤ RydbergBlockade ├ └────────────────────┘ """ def __init__(self, num_modes: int, phi: float, label=None): """Initialize a global Rydberg gate Args: num_modes: number of tweezers on which the operator acts, must be entire quantum register phi: global interaction strength label: optional """ super().__init__( name="rydberg_blockade", num_modes=num_modes, params=[phi], label=label, ) def inverse(self): """Get the inverse gate by reversing the sign of all gate parameters""" return RydbergBlockade(num_modes=self.num_modes, phi=-self.params[0]) @property def generator(self) -> SpinOp: """The generating Hamiltonian of the Rydberg Blockade Hamiltonian.""" phi = float(self.params[0]) generators = [] # add generators of interaction term if phi != 0.0: for i in range(self.num_modes): for j in range(i + 1, self.num_modes): coeff = phi / np.abs(i - j) ** 6 generators.append((f"Z_{i} Z_{j}", coeff)) generators.append((f"Z_{i}", -coeff / 2)) generators.append((f"Z_{j}", -coeff / 2)) if not generators: return SpinOp("I_0", register_length=self.num_modes) else: return sum( coeff * SpinOp(label, register_length=self.num_modes) for label, coeff in generators ) # pylint: disable=invalid-name @add_gate def rydberg_block(self, phi: float, modes: List[int], label=None): """Add the Rydberg Blockade gate to a QuantumCircuit.""" return self.append(RydbergBlockade(num_modes=len(modes), phi=phi, label=label), qargs=modes)