# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2021.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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"""Gates for fermionic backends."""
from typing import List, Optional, Union
from copy import deepcopy
from scipy.sparse.linalg import expm
from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix
import numpy as np
from qiskit.circuit import Instruction, Gate
from qiskit_nature.operators.second_quantization import FermionicOp
from qiskit_cold_atom.exceptions import QiskitColdAtomError
from qiskit_cold_atom import add_gate
from qiskit_cold_atom.fermions.fermionic_basis import FermionicBasis
[docs]class FermionicGate(Gate):
"""Unitary gates for fermionic circuits."""
def __init__(
name: str,
num_modes: int,
params: Optional[List] = None,
label: Optional[str] = None,
generator: Optional[FermionicOp] = None,
) -> None:
"""Create a new fermionic gate.
name: The Qobj name of the gate.
num_modes: The number of fermionic modes the gate acts on.
params: A list of parameters.
label: An optional label for the gate.
generator: The generating Hamiltonian of the gate unitary given as a FermionicOp
self._generator = generator
if params is None:
params = []
self.num_modes = num_modes
super().__init__(name=name, num_qubits=num_modes, params=params, label=label)
[docs] def power(self, exponent: float):
"""Creates a fermionic gate as `gate^exponent`
exponent (float): The exponent with which the gate is exponentiated
FermionicGate: To which `.generator` is self.generator*exponent.
QiskitColdAtomError: If the gate has no defined generator.
if self.generator is None:
raise QiskitColdAtomError(
"Gate can not be exponentiated if the gate generator is not defined."
# the generator of the exponentiated gate is the old generator times the exponent
exp_generator = exponent * self.generator.simplify()
exp_params = None if not self.params else [exponent * param for param in self.params]
exp_label = None if not self.label else self.label + f"^{exponent}"
return FermionicGate(
name=self.name + f"^{exponent}",
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def to_matrix(self, num_species: int = 1, basis: Optional[FermionicBasis] = None) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return a Numpy.array for the gate unitary matrix. This function will compute :math:`exp(-i H)`
where :math:`H` is the generator of the gate.
num_species: Number of fermion species which defaults to 1.
basis: The basis in which to return the matrix. If None is given then the matrix will
be returned in the full basis.
QiskitColdAtomError: If the generator of the gate is not hermitian.
np.array: The array of the gate unitary over the full fock basis, with states ordered like
00...0, 00...1, ..., 11...0, 11...1
# This can be simplified when the FermionicOp gets a .to_matrix() method in a future release of
# qiskit-nature
if self.generator is None:
raise QiskitColdAtomError(
"Matrix of gate can not be computed if the gate generator is not defined."
generator_mat = self.operator_to_mat(self.generator, num_species, basis)
if (generator_mat.H - generator_mat).count_nonzero() != 0:
raise QiskitColdAtomError("generator of unitary gate is not hermitian!")
unitary_mat = expm(-1j * generator_mat)
return unitary_mat.toarray()
[docs] @staticmethod
def operator_to_mat(
generator: FermionicOp, num_species: int, basis: Optional[FermionicBasis] = None
) -> csc_matrix:
"""Compute the matrix representation of the fermion operator.
generator: fermion operator of which to compute the matrix representation.
num_species: Number of fermion species which defaults to 1.
basis: The basis in which to return the matrix. If None is given then the matrix will
be returned in the full basis.
scipy.sparse matrix of the Hamiltonian.
QiskitColdAtomError: If the type of the generator is not a FermionicOp.
QiskitColdAtomError: If the fermion operator does not match the expected shape.
if not isinstance(generator, FermionicOp):
raise QiskitColdAtomError(
f"Expected FermionicOp; got {type(generator).__name__} instead."
if basis is None:
basis = FermionicBasis.from_fermionic_op(generator)
csc_data, csc_col, csc_row = [], [], []
basis_occupations = basis.get_occupations()
# loop over all individual terms in the generators
for term in generator.to_list(display_format="dense"):
opstring = term[0]
prefactor = term[1]
if len(opstring) != num_species * basis.sites:
raise QiskitColdAtomError(
f"Length of operator {opstring} must match the number of "
f"modes in the basis {num_species*basis.sites}"
# loop over all basis states
for i_basis, occupations in enumerate(basis_occupations):
new_occupations = deepcopy(occupations)
mapped_to_zero = (
False # boolean flag to check whether the basis state is mapped to zero
sign = 1
# in reverse, loop over all individual fermionic creators/annihilators in the opstring:
for k, symbol in reversed(list(enumerate(opstring))):
if symbol == "I":
if symbol == "-":
# If this mode is not occupied, the action of '-' on this state is zero
if occupations[k] == 0:
mapped_to_zero = True
sign *= (-1) ** sum(occupations[:k])
new_occupations[k] = 0
elif symbol == "+":
# If this mode is already occupied, the action of '+' on this state is zero
if occupations[k] == 1:
mapped_to_zero = True
sign *= (-1) ** sum(occupations[:k])
new_occupations[k] = 1
elif symbol == "N":
# If this mode is not occupied, the action of 'N' on this state is zero
if occupations[k] == 0:
mapped_to_zero = True
elif symbol == "E":
# If this mode is occupied, the action of 'E' on this state is zero
if occupations[k] == 1:
mapped_to_zero = True
if not mapped_to_zero:
# find the index of the new basis state that the operator strings maps to
j_basis = basis_occupations.index(new_occupations)
csc_data.append(sign * prefactor)
return csc_matrix(
(csc_data, (csc_row, csc_col)),
shape=(basis.dimension, basis.dimension),
[docs] def control(
num_ctrl_qubits: Optional[int] = 1,
label: Optional[str] = None,
ctrl_state: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
"""Overwrite control method which is supposed to return a controlled version of the gate.
This is not applicable in the fermionic setting."""
raise QiskitColdAtomError("Fermionic gates have no controlled version")
def generator(self) -> FermionicOp:
"""The Hamiltonian that generates the unitary of the gate, given as a FermionicOp"""
return self._generator
[docs]class FermiHubbard(FermionicGate):
Global 1D-Fermi-Hubbard dynamic consisting of the hopping, interaction and local phase gates.
The generating Hamiltonian of the Fermi-Hubbard gate is
:math:`H = \sum_{i=1,\sigma}^{L-1} - J_i (f^\dagger_{i,\sigma} f_{i+1,\sigma}
+ f^\dagger_{i+1,\sigma} f_{i,\sigma})
+ U \sum_{i=1}^{L} n_{i,\uparrow} n_{i,\downarrow}
+ \sum_{i=1,\sigma}^{L} \mu_i n_{i,\sigma}`
where :math:`i` indexes the mode, :math:`\sigma` indexes the spin, :math:`L` gives the total number
of sites, :math:`J_i` are the hopping strengths, :math:`U` is the interaction strength and
:math:`\mu_i` are the local potentials that lead to local phases.
**Circuit symbol:**
.. parsed-literal::
q_0: ┤ FHubbard ├
def __init__(self, num_modes: int, j: List[float], u: float, mu: List[float], label=None):
"""Initialize a global Fermi-Hubbard gate
num_modes: number of tweezers on which the hopping acts, must be entire quantum register
j: list of hopping strengths between the tweezer. j[0] gives the strength of hopping
between wires 0 and 1, j[1] gives the strength of hopping between wires 1 and 2, etc.,
so len(j) has to be of length num_wires-1
label: optional
u: global interaction strength parameter
mu: list of parameters that tune the local phases, must be on length num_wires
label: optional
- If the given num_modes is not an even integer.
- If length of j not num_modes/2 - 1.
if not (isinstance(num_modes, int) and num_modes % 2 == 0):
raise QiskitColdAtomError("num_modes has to be even integer")
if not len(j) == (num_modes / 2 - 1):
raise QiskitColdAtomError("j has to be a list of length num_modes/2 -1")
param_list = [j, [u], mu]
params = [item for sublist in param_list for item in sublist]
[docs] def inverse(self):
"""Get the inverse gate by reversing the sign of all gate parameters"""
j_val, u_val, mu_vals = self.params[0], self.params[1], self.params[2]
return FermiHubbard(num_modes=self.num_modes, j=-j_val, u=-u_val, mu=-mu_vals)
def generator(self) -> FermionicOp:
"""The generating Hamiltonian of the FH Gate."""
params = [float(param) for param in self.params]
generators = []
sites = self.num_modes // 2
# add generators of hopping term
if not all(j == 0.0 for j in params[: sites - 1]):
for i in range(sites - 1):
generators.append((f"+_{i} -_{i+1}", -1 * params[i]))
generators.append((f"-_{i} +_{i+1}", params[i]))
generators.append((f"+_{i+sites} -_{i+sites+1}", -1 * params[i]))
generators.append((f"-_{i+sites} +_{i+sites+1}", params[i]))
# add generators of interaction term
if params[sites - 1] != 0.0:
for i in range(sites):
generators.append((f"N_{i} N_{i + sites}", params[sites - 1]))
# add generators of local phase term
if not all(muval == 0.0 for muval in params[sites:]):
for i in range(sites):
generators.append((f"N_{i}", float(self.params[i + sites])))
generators.append((f"N_{i+sites}", float(self.params[i + sites])))
if not generators:
return FermionicOp("I_0", register_length=self.num_modes)
return sum(
coeff * FermionicOp(label, register_length=self.num_modes)
for label, coeff in generators
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
def fhubbard(self, j: List[float], u: float, mu: List[float], modes: List[int], label=None):
"""Add the FermiHubbard gate to a QuantumCircuit."""
return self.append(
FermiHubbard(num_modes=len(modes), j=j, u=u, mu=mu, label=label), qargs=modes
[docs]class Hop(FermionicGate):
Hopping of particles to neighbouring wells due to tunneling.
The generating Hamiltonian of the hopping gate is
:math:`H = \sum_{i=1,\sigma}^{L-1} - J_i (f^\dagger_{i,\sigma} f_{i+1,\sigma}
+ f^\dagger_{i+1,\sigma} f_{i,\sigma})`
where :math:`i` indexes the mode, :math:`\sigma`
indexes the spin, :math:`L` gives the total number of sites and :math:`J_i` are the hopping strengths
def __init__(self, num_modes, j: List[float], label=None):
Initialize hopping gate
num_modes: number of fermionic modes that are connected by the hopping
(= 2* number of tweezers)
j: list of hopping strengths between the tweezer. j[0] gives the strength of hopping
between wires 0 and 1,
j[1] gives the strength of hopping between wires 1 and 2, etc., so len(j) has to be
of length num_wires-1
label: optional
QiskitColdAtomError: given num_modes not even integer
QiskitColdAtomError: length of j not num_modes/2 - 1
if not (isinstance(num_modes, int) and num_modes % 2 == 0):
raise QiskitColdAtomError("num_modes has to be even integer")
if not len(j) == (num_modes / 2 - 1):
raise QiskitColdAtomError("j has to be a list of length num_modes/2 -1")
super().__init__(name="fhop", num_modes=num_modes, params=j, label=label)
[docs] def inverse(self):
"""Get inverse gate by reversing the sign of all hopping strengths"""
return Hop(num_modes=self.num_modes, j=self.params)
def generator(self) -> FermionicOp:
"""The generating Hamiltonian of the hopping gate."""
generator = FermiHubbard(
num_modes=self.num_modes, j=self.params, u=0.0, mu=[0.0]
if generator == 0:
return FermionicOp("I_0", register_length=self.num_modes)
return generator
def fhop(self, j: List[float], modes: List[int], label=None):
"""Add the hopping gate to a QuantumCircuit."""
return self.append(Hop(num_modes=len(modes), j=j, label=label), qargs=modes)
[docs]class Interaction(FermionicGate):
r"""On-site interaction of particles of opposite spin species on the same site.
The generating Hamiltonian of the interaction gate is
:math:`H = U \sum_{i=1}^{L} n_{i,\uparrow} n_{i,\downarrow}`
where :math:`i` indexes the mode,
:math:`L` gives the total number of sites and :math:`U` is the interaction strength
def __init__(self, num_modes: int, u: float, label=None):
"""Initialize interaction gate.
num_modes: number of modes on which the gate acts
u: global interaction strength parameter
label: optional
QiskitColdAtomError: If the number of wires the gate acts on is uneven
if not num_modes % 2 == 0:
raise QiskitColdAtomError(f"number of modes must be even, {num_modes} given.")
[docs] def inverse(self):
"""Get inverse gate by reversing the sign of the interaction parameter"""
return Interaction(num_modes=self.num_modes, u=-self.params[0])
def generator(self) -> FermionicOp:
"""The generating Hamiltonian of the interaction gate."""
generator = FermiHubbard(
j=[0.0] * (int(self.num_modes / 2) - 1),
if generator == 0:
return FermionicOp("I_0", register_length=self.num_modes)
return generator
def fint(self, u: float, modes: List[int], label=None):
"""Add the interaction gate to a QuantumCircuit."""
return self.append(Interaction(num_modes=len(modes), u=u, label=label), qargs=modes)
[docs]class Phase(FermionicGate):
Applying a local phase to individual tweezers through an external potential
The generating Hamiltonian of the local phase gate is
:math:`H = \sum_{i=1,\sigma}^{L} \mu_i n_{i,\sigma}`
where :math:`i` indexes the mode,
:math:`\sigma` indexes the spin, :math:`L` gives the total number of sites and
:math:`\mu_i` are the local potentials that lead to local phases
def __init__(self, num_modes: int, mu: List[float], label=None):
Initialize a LocalPhase gate
num_modes: number of modes on which the local potential acts
mu: list of parameters that tune the local phases, must be of length num_modes/2
label: optional
QiskitColdAtomError: If the length of mu does not match the given wire count num_modes
if not num_modes % 2 == 0:
raise QiskitColdAtomError(f"number of modes must be even, {num_modes} given.")
if not len(mu) == num_modes / 2:
raise QiskitColdAtomError(
f"list of pre-factors {mu} has to be same dimension as the wire count "
f"of the gate {num_modes}"
[docs] def inverse(self):
"""Get inverse gate by reversing the sign of all potentials"""
return Phase(num_modes=self.num_modes, mu=[-1 * param for param in self.params])
def generator(self) -> FermionicOp:
"""The generating Hamiltonian of the local phase gate."""
generator = FermiHubbard(
j=[0.0] * (int(self.num_modes / 2) - 1),
if generator == 0:
return FermionicOp("I_0", register_length=self.num_modes)
return generator
def fphase(self, mu: List[float], modes: List[int], label=None):
"""Add the local phase gate to a QuantumCircuit."""
return self.append(Phase(num_modes=len(modes), mu=mu, label=label), qargs=modes)
[docs]class FRXGate(FermionicGate):
r"""X-rotation between the spin-up and spin-down state at one tweezer site.
The generating Hamiltonian of the FermionRx gate is
:math:`H = \phi (f^\dagger_{x,\uparrow} f_{x,\downarrow} + f^\dagger_{x,\downarrow} f_{x,\uparrow})`
where :math:`x` is the index of the mode and :math:`\phi` is the free gate parameter
def __init__(self, phi: float, label=None):
"""Initialize a FermionRX gate
phi: angle of the rotation
label: optional
super().__init__(name="frx", num_modes=2, params=[phi], label=label)
[docs] def inverse(self):
"""Get inverse gate by inverting the sign of the rotation angle"""
return FRXGate(-self.params[0])
def generator(self) -> FermionicOp:
"""The generating Hamiltonian of the FermionRX gate."""
op = float(self.params[0]) * FermionicOp("+_0 -_1", register_length=2) - float(
) * FermionicOp("-_0 +_1", register_length=2)
return op
def frx(self, phi: float, wires: List[int]):
"""Add the FermionRX gate to a QuantumCircuit."""
return self.append(FRXGate(phi=phi), qargs=wires)
[docs]class FRYGate(FermionicGate):
r"""Y-rotation between the spin-up and spin-down state at one tweezer site.
The generating Hamiltonian of the FermionRy gate is
:math:`H = \phi (f^\dagger_{x,\uparrow} f_{x,\uparrow} - f^\dagger_{x,\downarrow} f_{x,\downarrow})`
where :math:`x` is the index of the mode and :math:`\phi` is the free gate parameter
def __init__(self, phi, label=None):
Initialize a FermionRY gate
phi: angle of the rotation
label: optional
super().__init__(name="fry", num_modes=2, params=[phi], label=label)
[docs] def inverse(self):
"""Get inverse gate by inverting the sign of the rotation angle"""
return FRYGate(-self.params[0])
def generator(self) -> FermionicOp:
"""The generating Hamiltonian of the FermionRY gate."""
op = -1j * float(self.params[0]) * FermionicOp("+_0 -_1", register_length=2) - 1j * float(
) * FermionicOp("-_0 +_1", register_length=2)
return op
def fry(self, phi: float, wires: List[int]):
"""Add the FermionRY gate to a QuantumCircuit."""
return self.append(FRYGate(phi=phi), qargs=wires)
[docs]class FRZGate(FermionicGate):
r"""Z-rotation between the spin-up and spin-down state at one tweezer site.
The generating Hamiltonian of the FermionRz gate is
:math:`H = i \phi (f^\dagger_{x,\downarrow} f_{x,\uparrow}-f^\dagger_{x,\uparrow} f_{x,\downarrow})`
where :math:`x` is the index of the mode and :math:`\phi` is the free gate parameter.
def __init__(self, phi, label=None):
Initialize a FermionRZ gate
phi: angle of the rotation
label: optional
super().__init__(name="frz", num_modes=2, params=[phi], label=label)
[docs] def inverse(self):
"""Get inverse gate by inverting the sign of the rotation angle"""
return FRZGate(-self.params[0])
def generator(self) -> FermionicOp:
"""The generating Hamiltonian of the FermionRZ gate."""
op = float(self.params[0]) * FermionicOp("N_0", register_length=2) - float(
) * FermionicOp("N_1", register_length=2)
return op
def frz(self, phi: float, wires: List[int]):
"""Add the FermionRZ gate to a QuantumCircuit."""
return self.append(FRZGate(phi=phi), qargs=wires)
[docs]class LoadFermions(Instruction):
LoadFermions places a particle in an empty fermionic mode.
**Circuit symbol:**
.. parsed-literal::
q_0: ┤ Load ├
def __init__(self):
"""Initialise new load instruction."""
super().__init__(name="load", num_qubits=1, num_clbits=0, params=[])
def fload(self, wire):
"""Add the load fermion gate to a QuantumCircuit."""
return self.append(LoadFermions(), [wire], [])