Source code for qiskit_braket_provider.providers.braket_backend

"""Amazon Braket backends."""

import datetime
import enum
import logging
import warnings
from abc import ABC
from import Iterable
from typing import Optional, Union

from import AwsDevice, AwsQuantumTask, AwsQuantumTaskBatch
from import QueueDepthInfo
from braket.circuits import Circuit
from braket.device_schema import DeviceActionType
from braket.devices import Device, LocalSimulator
from braket.tasks.local_quantum_task import LocalQuantumTask
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.providers import BackendV2, Options, Provider, QubitProperties

from .. import version
from ..exception import QiskitBraketException
from .adapter import (
from .braket_task import BraketTask

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


class BraketBackend(BackendV2, ABC):

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"BraketBackend[{}]"

    def _device(self) -> Device:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _validate_meas_level(self, meas_level: Union[enum.Enum, int]):
        if isinstance(meas_level, enum.Enum):
            meas_level = meas_level.value
        if meas_level != 2:
            raise QiskitBraketException(
                f"Device {} only supports classified measurement "
                f"results, received meas_level={meas_level}."

    def _get_gateset(self) -> Optional[set[str]]:
        action =
        return gateset_from_properties(action) if action else None

[docs] class BraketLocalBackend(BraketBackend): """BraketLocalBackend."""
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str = "default", **fields): """BraketLocalBackend for local execution of circuits. Example: >>> device = LocalSimulator() #Local State Vector Simulator >>> device = LocalSimulator("default") #Local State Vector Simulator >>> device = LocalSimulator(name="default") #Local State Vector Simulator >>> device = LocalSimulator(name="braket_sv") #Local State Vector Simulator >>> device = LocalSimulator(name="braket_dm") #Local Density Matrix Simulator Args: name: name of backend **fields: extra fields """ super().__init__(name=name, **fields) self.backend_name = name self._local_device = LocalSimulator(backend=self.backend_name) self._target = local_simulator_to_target(self._local_device) self.status = self._local_device.status
@property def target(self): return self._target @property def max_circuits(self): return None @classmethod def _default_options(cls): return Options() @property def dtm(self) -> float: raise NotImplementedError( f"System time resolution of output signals is not supported by {}." ) @property def meas_map(self) -> list[list[int]]: raise NotImplementedError(f"Measurement map is not supported by {}.") @property def _device(self) -> Device: return self._local_device def qubit_properties( self, qubit: Union[int, list[int]] ) -> Union[QubitProperties, list[QubitProperties]]: raise NotImplementedError def drive_channel(self, qubit: int): raise NotImplementedError(f"Drive channel is not supported by {}.") def measure_channel(self, qubit: int): raise NotImplementedError(f"Measure channel is not supported by {}.") def acquire_channel(self, qubit: int): raise NotImplementedError(f"Acquire channel is not supported by {}.") def control_channel(self, qubits: Iterable[int]): raise NotImplementedError(f"Control channel is not supported by {}.") def run( self, run_input: Union[QuantumCircuit, list[QuantumCircuit]], **options ) -> BraketTask: convert_input = ( [run_input] if isinstance(run_input, QuantumCircuit) else list(run_input) ) verbatim = options.pop("verbatim", False) gateset = self._get_gateset() if not verbatim else None circuits: list[Circuit] = [ to_braket(circ, gateset, verbatim) for circ in convert_input ] shots = options["shots"] if "shots" in options else 1024 if shots == 0: circuits = list(map(lambda x: x.state_vector(), circuits)) if "meas_level" in options: self._validate_meas_level(options["meas_level"]) del options["meas_level"] tasks = [] try: for circuit in circuits: task: LocalQuantumTask = task_specification=circuit, shots=shots ) tasks.append(task) except Exception as ex: logger.error("During creation of tasks an error occurred: %s", ex) logger.error("Cancelling all tasks %d!", len(tasks)) for task in tasks: logger.error("Attempt to cancel %s...", task.cancel() logger.error("State of %s: %s.",, task.state()) raise ex task_id = _TASK_ID_DIVIDER.join( for task in tasks) return BraketTask( task_id=task_id, tasks=tasks, backend=self, shots=shots, )
class BraketAwsBackend(BraketBackend): """BraketAwsBackend.""" def __init__( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments self, arn: Optional[str] = None, provider: Provider = None, name: str = None, description: str = None, online_date: datetime.datetime = None, backend_version: str = None, *, device: Optional[AwsDevice] = None, **fields, ): """BraketAwsBackend for execution circuits against AWS Braket devices. Example: >>> provider = BraketProvider() >>> backend = provider.get_backend("SV1") >>> transpiled_circuit = transpile(circuit, backend=backend) >>>, shots=10).result().get_counts() {"100": 10, "001": 10} Args: arn: ARN of the Braket device provider: Qiskit provider for this backend name: name of backend description: description of backend online_date: online date backend_version: backend version device: Braket device instance **fields: other arguments """ if not (arn or device): raise ValueError("Must specify either arn or device") if arn and device: raise ValueError("Can only specify one of arn and device") super().__init__( provider=provider, name=name, description=description, online_date=online_date, backend_version=backend_version, **fields, ) self._aws_device = AwsDevice(arn) if arn else device self._aws_device.aws_session.add_braket_user_agent( f"QiskitBraketProvider/{version.__version__}" ) self._target = aws_device_to_target(device=device) def retrieve_job(self, task_id: str) -> BraketTask: """Return a single job submitted to AWS backend. Args: task_id: ID of the task to retrieve. Returns: The job with the given ID. """ task_ids = task_id.split(_TASK_ID_DIVIDER) return BraketTask( task_id=task_id, backend=self, tasks=[AwsQuantumTask(arn=task_id) for task_id in task_ids], ) @property def target(self): return self._target @property def max_circuits(self): return None @property def _device(self) -> Device: return self._aws_device @classmethod def _default_options(cls): return Options() def qubit_properties( self, qubit: Union[int, list[int]] ) -> Union[QubitProperties, list[QubitProperties]]: # TODO: fetch information from # pylint: disable=fixme raise NotImplementedError def queue_depth(self) -> QueueDepthInfo: """ Task queue depth refers to the total number of quantum tasks currently waiting to run on a particular device. Returns: QueueDepthInfo: Instance of the QueueDepth class representing queue depth information for quantum jobs and hybrid jobs. Queue depth refers to the number of quantum jobs and hybrid jobs queued on a particular device. The normal tasks refers to the quantum jobs not submitted via Hybrid Jobs. Whereas, the priority tasks refers to the total number of quantum jobs waiting to run submitted through Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs. These tasks run before the normal tasks. If the queue depth for normal or priority quantum tasks is greater than 4000, we display their respective queue depth as '>4000'. Similarly, for hybrid jobs if there are more than 1000 jobs queued on a device, display the hybrid jobs queue depth as '>1000'. Additionally, for QPUs if hybrid jobs queue depth is 0, we display information about priority and count of the running hybrid job. Example: Queue depth information for a running hybrid job. >>> device = BraketProvider().get_backend("SV1") >>> print(device.queue_depth()) QueueDepthInfo(quantum_tasks={<QueueType.NORMAL: 'Normal'>: '0', <QueueType.PRIORITY: 'Priority'>: '1'}, jobs='0 (1 prioritized job(s) running)') If more than 4000 quantum jobs queued on a device. >>> device = BraketProvider().get_backend("SV1") >>> print(device.queue_depth()) QueueDepthInfo(quantum_tasks={<QueueType.NORMAL: 'Normal'>: '>4000', <QueueType.PRIORITY: 'Priority'>: '2000'}, jobs='100') """ return self._device.queue_depth() @property def dtm(self) -> float: raise NotImplementedError( f"System time resolution of output signals is not supported by {}." ) @property def meas_map(self) -> list[list[int]]: raise NotImplementedError(f"Measurement map is not supported by {}.") def drive_channel(self, qubit: int): raise NotImplementedError(f"Drive channel is not supported by {}.") def measure_channel(self, qubit: int): raise NotImplementedError(f"Measure channel is not supported by {}.") def acquire_channel(self, qubit: int): raise NotImplementedError(f"Acquire channel is not supported by {}.") def control_channel(self, qubits: Iterable[int]): raise NotImplementedError(f"Control channel is not supported by {}.") def run(self, run_input, **options): if isinstance(run_input, QuantumCircuit): circuits = [run_input] elif isinstance(run_input, list): circuits = run_input else: raise QiskitBraketException(f"Unsupported input type: {type(run_input)}") if "meas_level" in options: self._validate_meas_level(options["meas_level"]) del options["meas_level"] verbatim = options.pop("verbatim", False) gateset = self._get_gateset() if not verbatim else None braket_circuits = [to_braket(circ, gateset, verbatim) for circ in circuits] batch_task: AwsQuantumTaskBatch = self._device.run_batch( braket_circuits, **options ) tasks: list[AwsQuantumTask] = batch_task.tasks task_id = _TASK_ID_DIVIDER.join( for task in tasks) return BraketTask( task_id=task_id, tasks=tasks, backend=self, shots=options.get("shots") )
[docs] class AWSBraketBackend(BraketAwsBackend): """AWSBraketBackend.""" def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): """This throws a deprecation warning on subclassing.""" warnings.warn( f"{cls.__name__} is deprecated.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2 ) super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs)
[docs] def __init__( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments self, device: AwsDevice, provider: Provider = None, name: str = None, description: str = None, online_date: datetime.datetime = None, backend_version: str = None, **fields, ): """This throws a deprecation warning on initialization.""" warnings.warn( f"{self.__class__.__name__} is deprecated. Use BraketAwsBackend instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) super().__init__( device=device, provider=provider, name=name, description=description, online_date=online_date, backend_version=backend_version, **fields, )