Transpiler plugin

class qiskit_aqt_provider.transpiler_plugin.AQTTranslationPlugin[source]

Bases: PassManagerStagePlugin

Translation stage plugin for the qiskit.transpiler.

If the transpilation target is not UnboundParametersTarget, register a WrapRxxAngles pass after the preset pass irrespective of the optimization level.

class qiskit_aqt_provider.transpiler_plugin.AQTSchedulingPlugin[source]

Bases: PassManagerStagePlugin

Scheduling stage plugin for the qiskit.transpiler.

If the transpilation target is not UnboundParametersTarget, register a RewriteRxAsR pass irrespective of the optimization level.

class qiskit_aqt_provider.transpiler_plugin.RewriteRxAsR[source]

Bases: TransformationPass

Rewrite Rx(θ) as R(θ, φ) with θ ∈ [0, π] and φ ∈ [0, 2π].

class qiskit_aqt_provider.transpiler_plugin.WrapRxxAngles[source]

Bases: TransformationPass

Wrap Rxx angles to [0, π/2].

class qiskit_aqt_provider.transpiler_plugin.UnboundParametersTarget[source]

Bases: Target

Marker class for transpilation targets to disable passes that require bound parameters.