
class qiskit_aqt_provider.aqt_provider.AQTProvider[source]

Bases: object

Provider for backends from Alpine Quantum Technologies (AQT).

__init__(access_token: str | None = None, *, load_dotenv: bool = True, dotenv_path: str | Path | None = None) None[source]

Initialize the AQT provider.

The access token for the AQT cloud can be provided either through the access_token argument or the AQT_TOKEN environment variable.


If no token is set (neither through the access_token argument nor through the AQT_TOKEN environment variable), the provider is initialized with access to the offline simulators only and NoTokenWarning is emitted.

The AQT cloud portal URL can be configured using the AQT_PORTAL_URL environment variable.

If load_dotenv is true, environment variables are loaded from a file, by default any .env file in the working directory or above it in the directory tree. The dotenv_path argument allows to pass a specific file to load environment variables from.

  • access_token – AQT cloud access token.

  • load_dotenv – whether to load environment variables from a .env file.

  • dotenv_path – path to the environment file. This implies load_dotenv.

backends(name: str | Pattern[str] | None = None, *, backend_type: Literal['device', 'simulator', 'offline_simulator'] | None = None, workspace: str | Pattern[str] | None = None) BackendsTable[source]

Search for cloud backends matching given criteria.

With no arguments, return all backends accessible with the configured access token.

Filters can be either strings or regular expression patterns. Strings filter by exact match.

  • name – filter for the backend name.

  • backend_type – if given, restrict the search to the given backend type.

  • workspace – filter for the workspace ID.


Collection of backends accessible with the given access token that match the given criteria.

get_backend(name: str | Pattern[str] | None = None, *, backend_type: Literal['device', 'simulator', 'offline_simulator'] | None = None, workspace: str | Pattern[str] | None = None) AQTResource[source]

Return a handle for a cloud quantum computing resource matching the specified filtering.

  • name – filter for the backend name.

  • backend_type – if given, restrict the search to the given backend type.

  • workspace – if given, restrict to matching workspace IDs.


backend matching the filtering.

Return type:



QiskitBackendNotFoundError – if no backend could be found or more than one backend matches the filtering criteria.

get_direct_access_backend(base_url: str, /) AQTDirectAccessResource[source]

Return a handle for a direct-access quantum computing resource.


base_url – URL of the direct-access interface.

class qiskit_aqt_provider.aqt_provider.BackendsTable[source]

Bases: Sequence[AQTResource]

Pretty-printable collection of AQT cloud backends.

The __str__() method returns a plain text table representation of the available backends. The _repr_html_() method returns an HTML representation that is automatically used in IPython/Jupyter notebooks.

__str__() str[source]

Plain-text table representation.

_repr_html_() str[source]

HTML table representation (for IPython/Jupyter).

by_workspace() dict[str, list[AQTResource]][source]

Backends grouped by workspace ID.

class qiskit_aqt_provider.aqt_provider.NoTokenWarning[source]

Bases: UserWarning

Warning emitted when a provider is initialized with no access token.