Source code for ffsim.protocols.apply_unitary_protocol

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"""Apply unitary protocol."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, Protocol

import numpy as np

[docs] class SupportsApplyUnitary(Protocol): """An object that can apply a unitary transformation to a vector.""" def _apply_unitary_( self, vec: np.ndarray, norb: int, nelec: int | tuple[int, int], copy: bool ) -> np.ndarray: """Apply a unitary transformation to a vector. Args: vec: The vector to apply the unitary transformation to. norb: The number of spatial orbitals. nelec: Either a single integer representing the number of fermions for a spinless system, or a pair of integers storing the numbers of spin alpha and spin beta fermions. copy: Whether to copy the vector before operating on it. - If `copy=True` then this function always returns a newly allocated vector and the original vector is left untouched. - If `copy=False` then this function may still return a newly allocated vector, but the original vector may have its data overwritten. It is also possible that the original vector is returned, modified in-place. Returns: The transformed vector. """
[docs] def apply_unitary( vec: np.ndarray, obj: Any, norb: int, nelec: int | tuple[int, int], copy: bool = True, ) -> np.ndarray: """Apply a unitary transformation to a vector. Args: vec: The vector to apply the unitary transformation to. obj: The object with a unitary effect. norb: The number of spatial orbitals. nelec: Either a single integer representing the number of fermions for a spinless system, or a pair of integers storing the numbers of spin alpha and spin beta fermions. copy: Whether to copy the vector before operating on it. - If `copy=True` then this function always returns a newly allocated vector and the original vector is left untouched. - If `copy=False` then this function may still return a newly allocated vector, but the original vector may have its data overwritten. It is also possible that the original vector is returned, modified in-place. Returns: The transformed vector. """ method = getattr(obj, "_apply_unitary_", None) if method is not None: result = method(vec, norb=norb, nelec=nelec, copy=copy) if result is not NotImplemented: return result raise TypeError( "ffsim.apply_unitary failed. " "Object doesn't have a unitary effect.\n" f"type: {type(obj)}\n" f"object: {obj!r}\n" "The object did not have an _apply_unitary_ method that returned " "a value besides NotImplemented." )