Source code for ffsim.molecular_data

# (C) Copyright IBM 2023.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
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# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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"""The MolecularData class."""

from __future__ import annotations

import bz2
import dataclasses
import gzip
import lzma
import os
import tempfile
from import Iterable
from typing import Callable

import numpy as np
import orjson
import pyscf
import pyscf.fci
import pyscf.mcscf
import pyscf.symm
from typing_extensions import deprecated

from ffsim.hamiltonians import MolecularHamiltonian

[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass class MolecularData: """Class for storing molecular data. Attributes: core_energy (float): The core energy. one_body_integrals (np.ndarray): The one-body integrals. two_body_integrals (np.ndarray): The two-body integrals in compressed format. norb (int): The number of spatial orbitals. nelec (tuple[int, int]): The number of alpha and beta electrons. atom (list[tuple[str, tuple[float, float, float]]] | None): The coordinates of the atoms in the molecule. basis (str | None): The basis set, e.g. "sto-6g". spin (int | None): The spin of the molecule. symmetry (str | None): The symmetry of the molecule. mo_coeff (np.ndarray | None): Molecular orbital coefficients in the AO basis. mo_occ (np.ndarray | None): Molecular orbital occupancies. active_space (list[int] | None): The molecular orbitals included in the active space. hf_energy (float | None): The Hartree-Fock energy. hf_mo_coeff (np.ndarray | None): Hartree-Fock canonical orbital coefficients in the AO basis. hf_mo_occ (np.ndarray | None): Hartree-Fock canonical orbital occupancies. mp2_energy (float | None): The MP2 energy. mp2_t2 (np.ndarray | tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray] | None): The MP2 t2 amplitudes. ccsd_energy (float | None): The CCSD energy. ccsd_t1 (np.ndarray | tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] | None): The CCSD t1 amplitudes. ccsd_t2 (np.ndarray | tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray] | None): The CCSD t2 amplitudes. cisd_energy (float | None): The CISD energy. cisd_vec (np.ndarray | None): The CISD state vector. sci_energy (float | None): The SCI energy. sci_vec (tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray] | None): The SCI state vector coefficients, spin alpha strings, and spin beta strings. fci_energy (float | None): The FCI energy. fci_vec (np.ndarray | None): The FCI state vector. dipole_integrals (np.ndarray | None): The dipole integrals. orbital_symmetries (list[str] | None): The orbital symmetries. """ # Molecular integrals core_energy: float one_body_integrals: np.ndarray two_body_integrals: np.ndarray # Number of orbitals and numbers of alpha and beta electrons norb: int nelec: tuple[int, int] # Molecule information corresponding to attributes of pyscf.gto.Mole atom: list[tuple[str, tuple[float, float, float]]] | None = None basis: str | None = None spin: int | None = None symmetry: str | None = None # active space information mo_coeff: np.ndarray | None = None mo_occ: np.ndarray | None = None active_space: list[int] | None = None # Hartree-Fock data hf_energy: float | None = None hf_mo_coeff: np.ndarray | None = None hf_mo_occ: np.ndarray | None = None # MP2 data mp2_energy: float | None = None mp2_t2: np.ndarray | tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray] | None = None # CCSD data ccsd_energy: float | None = None ccsd_t1: np.ndarray | tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] | None = None ccsd_t2: np.ndarray | tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray] | None = None # CISD data cisd_energy: float | None = None cisd_vec: np.ndarray | None = None # SCI data sci_energy: float | None = None sci_vec: tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray] | None = None # FCI data fci_energy: float | None = None fci_vec: np.ndarray | None = None # other information dipole_integrals: np.ndarray | None = None orbital_symmetries: list[str] | None = None @property def hamiltonian(self) -> MolecularHamiltonian: """The Hamiltonian defined by the molecular data.""" return MolecularHamiltonian( one_body_tensor=self.one_body_integrals, two_body_tensor=pyscf.ao2mo.restore(1, self.two_body_integrals, self.norb), constant=self.core_energy, ) @property def mole(self) -> pyscf.gto.Mole: """The PySCF Mole class for this molecular data.""" mol = pyscf.gto.Mole() return atom=self.atom, basis=self.basis, spin=self.spin, symmetry=self.symmetry, ) @property def scf(self) -> pyscf.scf.hf.SCF: """A PySCF SCF class for this molecular data.""" # HACK Not sure if there's a better way to do this... fp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() self.to_fcidump( # HACK without the following line, PySCF computations fail with a KeyError _remove_sym_from_fcidump( return
[docs] @staticmethod def from_scf( hartree_fock: pyscf.scf.hf.SCF, active_space: Iterable[int] | None = None ) -> "MolecularData": """Initialize a MolecularData object from a Hartree-Fock calculation. Args: hartree_fock: The Hartree-Fock object. active_space: An optional list of orbitals to use for the active space. """ if not hartree_fock.e_tot: hartree_fock = hf_energy = hartree_fock.e_tot mol: pyscf.gto.Mole = hartree_fock.mol # Get core energy and one- and two-body integrals. if active_space is None: norb = mol.nao active_space = range(norb) active_space = list(active_space) norb = len(active_space) n_electrons = int(sum(hartree_fock.mo_occ[active_space])) n_alpha = (n_electrons + mol.spin) // 2 n_beta = (n_electrons - mol.spin) // 2 cas = pyscf.mcscf.CASCI(hartree_fock, norb, (n_alpha, n_beta)) mo = cas.sort_mo(active_space, base=0) one_body_tensor, core_energy = cas.get_h1cas(mo) two_body_integrals = cas.get_h2cas(mo) return MolecularData( core_energy=core_energy, one_body_integrals=one_body_tensor, two_body_integrals=two_body_integrals, norb=norb, nelec=(n_alpha, n_beta), atom=mol.atom, basis=mol.basis, spin=mol.spin, symmetry=mol.symmetry or None, mo_coeff=hartree_fock.mo_coeff, mo_occ=hartree_fock.mo_occ, active_space=active_space, hf_energy=hf_energy, )
[docs] @staticmethod @deprecated( "The from_mole method is deprecated. Instead, pass an SCF object directly to " "from_scf." ) def from_mole( molecule: pyscf.gto.Mole, active_space: Iterable[int] | None = None, scf_func=pyscf.scf.RHF, ) -> "MolecularData": """Initialize a MolecularData object from a PySCF molecule. .. warning:: This method is deprecated. Instead, pass an SCF object directly to :func:`from_scf`. Args: molecule: The molecule. active_space: An optional list of orbitals to use for the active space. scf_func: The PySCF SCF function to use for the Hartree-Fock calculation. """ hartree_fock = scf_func(molecule) return MolecularData.from_scf(hartree_fock, active_space=active_space)
[docs] def run_cisd(self, *, store_cisd_vec: bool = False) -> None: """Run CISD and store results.""" cisd = _, cisd_vec = cisd.kernel() self.cisd_energy = cisd.e_tot if store_cisd_vec: self.cisd_vec = cisd_vec
[docs] def run_sci(self, *, store_sci_vec: bool = False) -> None: """Run SCI and store results.""" sci = pyscf.fci.SCI( sci_energy, sci_vec = sci.kernel( self.one_body_integrals, self.two_body_integrals, norb=self.norb, nelec=self.nelec, ) self.sci_energy = sci_energy + self.core_energy if store_sci_vec: self.sci_vec = (sci_vec, *sci_vec._strs)
[docs] def run_fci(self, *, store_fci_vec: bool = False) -> None: """Run FCI and store results.""" cas = pyscf.mcscf.CASCI(, ncas=self.norb, nelecas=self.nelec) _, _, fci_vec, _, _ = cas.kernel() self.fci_energy = cas.e_tot if store_fci_vec: self.fci_vec = fci_vec
[docs] def run_mp2(self, *, store_t2: bool = False): """Run MP2 and store results.""" mp2 = _, mp2_t2 = mp2.kernel() self.mp2_energy = mp2.e_tot if store_t2: self.mp2_t2 = mp2_t2
[docs] def run_ccsd( self, t1: np.ndarray | None = None, t2: np.ndarray | None = None, *, store_t1: bool = False, store_t2: bool = False, ) -> None: """Run CCSD and store results.""" ccsd = _, ccsd_t1, ccsd_t2 = ccsd.kernel(t1=t1, t2=t2) self.ccsd_energy = ccsd.e_tot if store_t1: self.ccsd_t1 = ccsd_t1 if store_t2: self.ccsd_t2 = ccsd_t2
[docs] def to_json( self, file: str | bytes | os.PathLike, compression: str | None = None ) -> None: """Serialize to JSON format, optionally compressed, and save to disk. Args: file: The file path to save to. compression: The optional compression algorithm to use. Options: ``"gzip"``, ``"bz2"``, ``"lzma"``. """ def default(obj): if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): return np.ascontiguousarray(obj) raise TypeError open_func: dict[str | None, Callable] = { None: open, "gzip":, "bz2":, "lzma":, } with open_func[compression](file, "wb") as f: f.write( orjson.dumps(self, option=orjson.OPT_SERIALIZE_NUMPY, default=default) )
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json( file: str | bytes | os.PathLike, compression: str | None = None ) -> MolecularData: """Load a MolecularData from a (possibly compressed) JSON file. Args: file: The file path to read from. compression: The compression algorithm, if any, which was used to compress the file. Options: ``"gzip"``, ``"bz2"``, ``"lzma"``. Returns: The MolecularData object. """ open_func: dict[str | None, Callable] = { None: open, "gzip":, "bz2":, "lzma":, } with open_func[compression](file, "rb") as f: data = orjson.loads( def as_array_or_none(val): if val is None: return None return np.asarray(val) def as_array_tuple_or_none(val): if val is None: return None return tuple(np.asarray(arr) for arr in val) nelec = tuple(data["nelec"]) n_alpha, n_beta = nelec arrays_func = as_array_or_none if n_alpha == n_beta else as_array_tuple_or_none atom = data.get("atom") if atom is not None: atom = [(element, tuple(coordinates)) for element, coordinates in atom] return MolecularData( core_energy=data["core_energy"], one_body_integrals=np.asarray(data["one_body_integrals"]), two_body_integrals=np.asarray(data["two_body_integrals"]), norb=data["norb"], nelec=nelec, atom=atom, basis=data.get("basis"), spin=data.get("spin"), symmetry=data.get("symmetry"), mo_coeff=as_array_or_none(data.get("mo_coeff")), mo_occ=as_array_or_none(data.get("mo_occ")), active_space=data.get("active_space"), hf_energy=data.get("hf_energy"), hf_mo_coeff=as_array_or_none(data.get("hf_mo_coeff")), hf_mo_occ=as_array_or_none(data.get("hf_mo_occ")), mp2_energy=data.get("mp2_energy"), mp2_t2=arrays_func(data.get("mp2_t2")), ccsd_energy=data.get("ccsd_energy"), ccsd_t1=arrays_func(data.get("ccsd_t1")), ccsd_t2=arrays_func(data.get("ccsd_t2")), cisd_energy=data.get("cisd_energy"), cisd_vec=as_array_or_none(data.get("cisd_vec")), sci_energy=data.get("sci_energy"), sci_vec=as_array_tuple_or_none(data.get("sci_vec")), fci_energy=data.get("fci_energy"), fci_vec=as_array_or_none(data.get("fci_vec")), dipole_integrals=as_array_or_none(data.get("dipole_integrals")), orbital_symmetries=data.get("orbital_symmetries"), )
[docs] def to_fcidump(self, file: str | bytes | os.PathLike) -> None: """Save data to disk in FCIDUMP format. .. note:: The FCIDUMP format does not retain all information stored in the MolecularData object. To serialize a MolecularData object losslessly, use the :func:`to_json` method to save to JSON format. Args: file: The file path to save to. """ file, h1e=self.one_body_integrals, h2e=self.two_body_integrals, nuc=self.core_energy, nmo=self.norb, nelec=self.nelec, )
[docs] @staticmethod def from_fcidump(file: str | bytes | os.PathLike) -> MolecularData: """Initialize a MolecularData from an FCIDUMP file. Args: file: The FCIDUMP file path. """ data =, verbose=False) n_electrons = data["NELEC"] spin = data["MS2"] n_alpha = (n_electrons + spin) // 2 n_beta = (n_electrons - spin) // 2 return MolecularData( core_energy=data["ECORE"], one_body_integrals=data["H1"], two_body_integrals=data["H2"], norb=data["NORB"], nelec=(n_alpha, n_beta), spin=spin, )
def _remove_sym_from_fcidump(filepath): """Remove ORBSYM and ISYM information from an FCIDUMP file.""" with open(filepath, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() lines = [line for line in lines if not line.strip().startswith(("ORBSYM", "ISYM"))] with open(filepath, "w") as f: f.writelines(lines)