Utilities for running research experiments with Qiskit

class BindParameters(param_bind)[source]

Bind Parameters to circuit.


Run a pass on the DAGCircuit. This is implemented by the pass developer.


dag (DAGCircuit) – the dag on which the pass is run.


NotImplementedError – when this is left unimplemented for a pass.

Return type:


class CombineRuns(gate_names)[source]

Combine consecutive gates of same type.

This works with Parameters whereas other transpiling passes do not.


gate_names (List[str]) – list of strings corresponding to the types of singe-parameter gates to combine.


Run a pass on the DAGCircuit. This is implemented by the pass developer.


dag (DAGCircuit) – the dag on which the pass is run.


NotImplementedError – when this is left unimplemented for a pass.

Return type:


class PauliTwirl(gates_to_twirl=None, seed=None)[source]

Add Pauli twirls.

  • gates_to_twirl (Optional[Iterable[str]]) – Names of gates to twirl. The default behavior is to twirl all supported gates.

  • seed (Optional[Any]) – Seed for the pseudorandom number generator.


Run a pass on the DAGCircuit. This is implemented by the pass developer.


dag (DAGCircuit) – the dag on which the pass is run.


NotImplementedError – when this is left unimplemented for a pass.

Return type:


class PeriodicDynamicalDecoupling(durations, base_dd_sequence, qubits=None, base_spacing=None, avg_min_delay=None, max_repeats=1, skip_reset_qubits=True, pulse_alignment=1, extra_slack_distribution='middle')[source]

Dynamical decoupling insertion pass.

This pass works on a scheduled, physical circuit. It scans the circuit for idle periods of time (i.e. those containing delay instructions) and inserts a DD sequence of gates in those spots. These gates amount to the identity, so do not alter the logical action of the circuit, but have the effect of mitigating decoherence in those idle periods.

This pass will attempt to repeat the DD sequence as many times as possible up until max_repeats repetitions has been met, subject to the constraint that the average delay between each gate in a DD sequence is greater than avg_min_delay. The average delay is calculated by dividing the delay time by the total number of gates in a sequence.

As a special case, the pass allows a length-1 sequence (e.g. [XGate()]). In this case the DD insertion happens only when the gate inverse can be absorbed into a neighboring gate in the circuit (so we would still be replacing Delay with something that is equivalent to the identity). This can be used, for instance, as a Hahn echo.

This pass ensures that the inserted sequence preserves the circuit exactly (including global phase).

import numpy as np
from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.circuit.library import XGate
from qiskit.transpiler import PassManager, InstructionDurations
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import ALAPScheduleAnalysis, PadDynamicalDecoupling
from qiskit.visualization import timeline_drawer
circ = QuantumCircuit(4)
circ.cx(0, 1)
circ.cx(1, 2)
circ.cx(2, 3)
durations = InstructionDurations(
    [("h", 0, 50), ("cx", [0, 1], 700), ("reset", None, 10),
     ("cx", [1, 2], 200), ("cx", [2, 3], 300),
     ("x", None, 50), ("measure", None, 1000)]
# balanced X-X sequence on all qubits
dd_sequence = [XGate(), XGate()]
pm = PassManager([ALAPScheduleAnalysis(durations),
                  PadDynamicalDecoupling(durations, dd_sequence)])
circ_dd = pm.run(circ)
# Uhrig sequence on qubit 0
n = 8
dd_sequence = [XGate()] * n
def uhrig_pulse_location(k):
    return np.sin(np.pi * (k + 1) / (2 * n + 2)) ** 2
spacing = []
for k in range(n):
    spacing.append(uhrig_pulse_location(k) - sum(spacing))
spacing.append(1 - sum(spacing))
pm = PassManager(
        PadDynamicalDecoupling(durations, dd_sequence, qubits=[0], spacing=spacing),
circ_dd = pm.run(circ)


You may need to call alignment pass before running dynamical decoupling to guarantee your circuit satisfies acquisition alignment constraints.

Dynamical decoupling initializer.

  • durations (InstructionDurations) – Durations of instructions to be used in scheduling.

  • base_dd_sequence (List[Gate]) – Base sequence of gates to apply repeatedly in idle spots.

  • qubits (Optional[List[int]]) – Physical qubits on which to apply DD. If None, all qubits will undergo DD (when possible).

  • base_spacing (Optional[List[float]]) – A list of spacings between the DD gates. The available slack will be divided according to this. The list length must be one more than the length of base_dd_sequence, and the elements must sum to 1. If None, a balanced spacing will be used [d/2, d, d, …, d, d, d/2].

  • avg_min_delay (Optional[int]) – A duration such that delay time between gates will not be lower than this. If None, then this is set equal to pulse_alignment

  • max_repeats (int) – Will attempt to repeat the DD sequence this number of times, provided that the avg_min_delay condition is met

  • skip_reset_qubits (bool) – If True, does not insert DD on idle periods that immediately follow initialized/reset qubits (as qubits in the ground state are less susceptile to decoherence).

  • pulse_alignment (int) – The hardware constraints for gate timing allocation. This is usually provided from backend.configuration().timing_constraints. If provided, the delay length, i.e. spacing, is implicitly adjusted to satisfy this constraint.

  • extra_slack_distribution (str) –

    The option to control the behavior of DD sequence generation. The duration of the DD sequence should be identical to an idle time in the scheduled quantum circuit, however, the delay in between gates comprising the sequence should be integer number in units of dt, and it might be further truncated when pulse_alignment is specified. This sometimes results in the duration of the created sequence being shorter than the idle time that you want to fill with the sequence, i.e. extra slack. This option takes following values.

    • ”middle”: Put the extra slack to the interval at the middle of the sequence.

    • ”edges”: Divide the extra slack as evenly as possible into intervals at beginning and end of the sequence.

  • TranspilerError – When invalid DD sequence is specified.

  • TranspilerError – When pulse gate with the duration which is non-multiple of the alignment constraint value is found.

class RZXWeylDecomposition(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Decompose XX, YY, ZZ rotation gates using the Weyl Chamber decomposition, this version accepts Parameter values.

See https://arxiv.org/abs/2105.01063


Run a pass on the DAGCircuit. This is implemented by the pass developer.


dag (DAGCircuit) – the dag on which the pass is run.


NotImplementedError – when this is left unimplemented for a pass.

Return type:


class RZXtoEchoedCR(backend)[source]

Class for the RZXGate to echoed cross resonance gate pass. The RZXGate is equivalent to the SECR gate plus a second XGate on the control qubit to return it to the initial state.

See: https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.04821


Run a pass on the DAGCircuit. This is implemented by the pass developer.


dag (DAGCircuit) – the dag on which the pass is run.


NotImplementedError – when this is left unimplemented for a pass.

Return type:


class SECRCalibrationBuilder(instruction_schedule_map=None, verbose=True, target=None)[source]

Creates calibrations for SECRGate(theta) by stretching and compressing Gaussian square pulses in the CX gate. This is subclassed from RZXCalibrationBuilderNoEcho, and builds the schedule from the scaled single (non-echoed) CR pulses.

Initializes a RZXGate calibration builder.

  • instruction_schedule_map (Optional[InstructionScheduleMap]) – The InstructionScheduleMap object representing the default pulse calibrations for the target backend

  • verbose (bool) – Set True to raise a user warning when RZX schedule cannot be built.

  • target (Optional[Target]) – The Target representing the target backend, if both instruction_schedule_map and this are specified then this argument will take precedence and instruction_schedule_map will be ignored.


QiskitError – Instruction schedule map is not provided.

get_calibration(node_op, qubits)[source]

Builds scaled echoed cross resonance (SECR) by doing echoing two single (unechoed) CR pulses of opposite amplitude.

Return type:

Union[Schedule, ScheduleBlock]

supported(node_op, qubits)[source]

Determine if a given node supports the calibration.

  • node_op (Instruction) – Target instruction object.

  • qubits (List) – Integer qubit indices to check.

Return type:



Return True is calibration can be provided.

class XXMinusYYtoRZX(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Transformation pass to decompose XXMinusYYGate to RZXGate.


Run a pass on the DAGCircuit. This is implemented by the pass developer.


dag (DAGCircuit) – the dag on which the pass is run.


NotImplementedError – when this is left unimplemented for a pass.

Return type:


class XXPlusYYtoRZX(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Transformation pass to decompose XXPlusYYGate to RZXGate.


Run a pass on the DAGCircuit. This is implemented by the pass developer.


dag (DAGCircuit) – the dag on which the pass is run.


NotImplementedError – when this is left unimplemented for a pass.

Return type:


add_pulse_calibrations(circuits, backend, pulse_method=PulseMethod.PHASESHIFT)[source]

Add pulse calibrations for custom gates to circuits in-place.

  • circuits (Union[QuantumCircuit, List[QuantumCircuit]]) – Circuits which need pulse schedules attached to the non-basis gates.

  • backend (Backend) – Backend from which pulse information is obtained.

  • pulse_method (PulseMethod, optional) – Exact method of implemeting pulse schedules given by PulseMethod enumeration. These should all be equivalent but in practice they may differ. Defaults to PulseMethod.PHASESHIFT.


ValueError – Not a defined method for implementing pulse schedules for URDD gates.

Return type:


cr_scaling_passes(backend, templates, unroll_rzx_to_ecr=True, force_zz_matches=True, param_bind=None)[source]

Yields transpilation passes for CR pulse scaling.

Return type:


dynamical_decoupling_passes(backend, dd_str, scheduler=<class 'qiskit.transpiler.passes.scheduling.scheduling.alap.ALAPScheduleAnalysis'>, urdd_pulse_num=4)[source]

Yield transpilation passes for dynamical decoupling.

  • backend (Backend) – Backend to run on; gate timing is required for this method.

  • dd_str (str) – String describing DD sequence to use.

  • scheduler (BaseScheduler, optional) – Scheduler, defaults to ALAPScheduleAnalysis.

  • urdd_pulse_num (int, optional) – URDD pulse number must be even and at least 4. Defaults to 4.


Iterator[Iterable[BasePass]] – Transpiler passes used for adding DD sequences.

Return type:


get_backend(name, provider, seed_simulator=None)[source]

Retrieve a backend.

Return type:



Yield simple transpilation steps after addition of Pauli gates.

Return type:


pulse_attaching_passes(backend, param_bind)[source]

Yields transpilation passes for attaching pulse schedules.

Return type:
