Source code for qiskit_research.utils.pauli_twirling

# (C) Copyright IBM 2022.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
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# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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"""Pauli twirling."""

from typing import Any, Iterable, Optional
import itertools
import cmath

import numpy as np
from qiskit.circuit import QuantumRegister, QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.circuit.library import (
from qiskit.dagcircuit import DAGCircuit
from qiskit.transpiler.basepasses import BasePass, TransformationPass
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import (
from qiskit.quantum_info import Pauli, Operator, pauli_basis
from qiskit_research.utils.pulse_scaling import BASIS_GATES

# Single qubit Pauli gates
I = IGate()
X = XGate()
Y = YGate()
Z = ZGate()

# 2Q entangling gates
CX = CXGate()  # cnot; controlled-X
CY = CYGate()  # controlled-Y
CZ = CZGate()  # controlled-Z
CH = CHGate()  # controlled-Hadamard
CS = CSGate()  # controlled-S
DCX = DCXGate()  # double cnot
CSX = CSXGate()  # controlled sqrt X
CSdg = CSdgGate()  # controlled S^dagger
ECR = ECRGate()  # echoed cross-resonance
Swap = SwapGate()  # swap
iSwap = iSwapGate()  # imaginary swap

# this list consists of the 2-qubit rotation gates
    "rxx": Pauli("XX"),
    "ryy": Pauli("YY"),
    "rzx": Pauli("XZ"),
    "rzz": Pauli("ZZ"),
    "secr": Pauli("XZ"),

def match_global_phase(a, b):
    """Phase the given arrays so that their phases match at one entry.

        a: A Numpy array.
        b: Another Numpy array.

        A pair of arrays (a', b') that are equal if and only if a == b * exp(i phi)
        for some real number phi.
    if a.shape != b.shape:
        return a, b
    # use the largest entry of one of the matrices to maximize precision
    index = max(np.ndindex(*a.shape), key=lambda i: abs(b[i]))
    phase_a = cmath.phase(a[index])
    phase_b = cmath.phase(b[index])
    return a * cmath.rect(1, -phase_a), b * cmath.rect(1, -phase_b)

def allclose_up_to_global_phase(a, b, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, equal_nan=False):
    """Check if two operators are close up to a global phase."""
    # Phase both operators to match their phases
    phased_op1, phased_op2 = match_global_phase(a, b)
    return np.allclose(phased_op1, phased_op2, rtol, atol, equal_nan)

def create_pauli_twirling_sets(two_qubit_gate):
    """Generate the Pauli twirling sets for a given 2Q gate.

    Sets are ordered such that gate[0] and gate[1] are pre-rotations
    applied to control and target, respectively. gate[2] and gate[3]
    are post-rotations for control and target, respectively.

        two_qubit_gate (Gate): Input two-qubit gate

        tuple: Tuple of all twirling gate sets

    target_unitary = np.array(two_qubit_gate)
    twirling_sets = []

    # Generate combinations of 4 gates from the operator list
    for gates in itertools.product(itertools.product([I, X, Y, Z], repeat=2), repeat=2):
        qc = _build_twirl_circuit(gates, two_qubit_gate)
        qc_array = Operator.from_circuit(qc).to_matrix()
        if allclose_up_to_global_phase(qc_array, target_unitary):

    return tuple(twirling_sets)

def _build_twirl_circuit(gates, two_qubit_gate):
    """Build the twirled quantum circuit with specified gates."""
    qc = QuantumCircuit(2)

    qc.append(gates[0][0], [0])
    qc.append(gates[0][1], [1])
    qc.append(two_qubit_gate, [0, 1])
    qc.append(gates[1][0], [0])
    qc.append(gates[1][1], [1])

    return qc

# this dictionary stores the twirl sets for each supported gate
# each key is the name of a supported gate
# each value is a tuple that represents the twirl set for the gate
# the twirl set is a list of (before, after) pairs describing twirl gates
# "before" and "after" are tuples of single-qubit gates to be applied
# before and after the gate to be twirled
    "cx": create_pauli_twirling_sets(CX),
    "cy": create_pauli_twirling_sets(CY),
    "cz": create_pauli_twirling_sets(CZ),
    "ch": create_pauli_twirling_sets(CH),
    "cs": create_pauli_twirling_sets(CS),
    "dcx": create_pauli_twirling_sets(DCX),
    "csx": create_pauli_twirling_sets(CSX),
    "csdg": create_pauli_twirling_sets(CSdg),
    "ecr": create_pauli_twirling_sets(ECR),
    "swap": create_pauli_twirling_sets(Swap),
    "iswap": create_pauli_twirling_sets(iSwap),

def parse_random_seed(seed: Any) -> np.random.Generator:
    """Parse a random number generator seed and return a Generator."""
    if isinstance(seed, np.random.Generator):
        return seed
    return np.random.default_rng(seed)

[docs] class PauliTwirl(TransformationPass): """Add Pauli twirls.""" def __init__( self, gates_to_twirl: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, seed: Any = None, ): """ Args: gates_to_twirl: Names of gates to twirl. The default behavior is to twirl all supported gates. seed: Seed for the pseudorandom number generator. """ if gates_to_twirl is None: gates_to_twirl = TWIRL_GATES.keys() | TWO_QUBIT_PAULI_GENERATORS.keys() self.gates_to_twirl = gates_to_twirl self.rng = parse_random_seed(seed) super().__init__()
[docs] def run( self, dag: DAGCircuit, ) -> DAGCircuit: for run in dag.collect_runs(list(self.gates_to_twirl)): for node in run: if in TWO_QUBIT_PAULI_GENERATORS: mini_dag = DAGCircuit() q0, q1 = node.qargs mini_dag.add_qubits([q0, q1]) theta = node.op.params[0] this_pauli = Pauli( self.rng.choice(pauli_basis(2).to_labels()) ).to_instruction() if TWO_QUBIT_PAULI_GENERATORS[].anticommutes( this_pauli ): theta *= -1 new_op = node.op.copy() new_op.params[0] = theta mini_dag.apply_operation_back(this_pauli, [q0, q1]) mini_dag.apply_operation_back(new_op, [q0, q1]) if == "secr": mini_dag.apply_operation_back(X, [q0]) mini_dag.apply_operation_back(this_pauli, [q0, q1]) if == "secr": mini_dag.apply_operation_back(X, [q0]) dag.substitute_node_with_dag(node, mini_dag, wires=[q0, q1]) elif in TWIRL_GATES: twirl_gates = TWIRL_GATES[] (before0, before1), (after0, after1) = twirl_gates[ self.rng.integers(len(twirl_gates)) ] mini_dag = DAGCircuit() register = QuantumRegister(2) mini_dag.add_qreg(register) mini_dag.apply_operation_back(before0, [register[0]]) mini_dag.apply_operation_back(before1, [register[1]]) mini_dag.apply_operation_back(node.op, [register[0], register[1]]) mini_dag.apply_operation_back(after0, [register[0]]) mini_dag.apply_operation_back(after1, [register[1]]) dag.substitute_node_with_dag(node, mini_dag) else: raise TypeError(f"Unknown how to twirl Instruction {node.op}.") return dag
[docs] def pauli_transpilation_passes() -> Iterable[BasePass]: "Yield simple transpilation steps after addition of Pauli gates." yield Optimize1qGatesDecomposition(BASIS_GATES) yield CXCancellation()