Source code for qiskit_ionq.ionq_result

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IonQ result implementation that extends to allow for retrieval of probabilities.

from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError
from qiskit.result import Result
from qiskit.result.counts import Counts
from . import exceptions

[docs] class IonQResult(Result): """ An IonQ-specific result object. The primary reason this class extends the base Qiskit result object is to provide an API for retrieving result probabilities directly. """
[docs] def get_probabilities(self, experiment=None): """ Get probabilities for the experiment. If ``experiment`` is None, ``self.results`` will be used in its place. Args: experiment (Union[int, QuantumCircuit, Schedule, dict], optional): If provided, this argument is used to get an experiment using Result's ``_get_experiment`` method. Raises: IonQJobError: A given experiment in our results had no probabilities. Returns: Union[Counts, list(Counts)]: Single count if the result list was size one, else the entire list. """ if experiment is None: exp_keys = range(len(self.results)) else: exp_keys = [experiment] dict_list = [] for key in exp_keys: exp = self._get_experiment(key) try: header = exp.header.to_dict() except (AttributeError, QiskitError): # header is not available header = None if "probabilities" in counts_header = {} if header: counts_header = { k: v for k, v in header.items() if k in {"time_taken", "creg_sizes", "memory_slots"} } dict_list.append( Counts(["probabilities"], **counts_header) ) else: raise exceptions.IonQJobError( f'No probabilities for experiment "{repr(key)}"' ) # Return first item of dict_list if size is 1 if len(dict_list) == 1: return dict_list[0] return dict_list